Empty Lines

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Created by [CecilWesterhof].

I use tcl mostly for command-line tools. Often I want to output several empty lines. For this I created the following proc:

proc emptyLines {{lines 3}} {
    if {![string is integer -strict ${lines}]} {
        error "lines should be an integer (${lines})"
    if {${lines} < 0} {
        error "lines cannot be negative (${lines})"
    puts -nonewline [string repeat \n ${lines}]


As always: comments, tips and questions are appreciated.

[PYK] 2018-06-07:   All the error handling in this routine could be considered
bad style, as it is unnecessary.  `[string repeat]` already behaves reasonably
if `$count` is a negative number.  Also, this routine could have been placed
somewhere on an existing page.  It isn't significant enough to justify a new
page.  Furthermore, it's not there isn't anything substantive enough about this
example to warrant being placed anywhere on the wiki at all.  Examples already
exist to cover what is illustrated here.
