Graph editors

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'''Graph Editors''' provide an interactive interface for creating and editing [graph%|%graphs].

** Disambiguation **

   [Graphics with Tcl]:   A guide graphics tools and resources.

   [category plotting]:   A category for visual plots and graphs 

** Description **

Over the years, quite a few graph editors seem to have been written in Tcl/Tk.
The [canvas] probably has something to do with this.

** Editors **


   [bwise]:   Compose programs by creating data pipelins from linked blocks.

   [Graph editor], by [Mark Eichin]:   A small script implementing a basic graph editor]

   [Graphlet]:   A toolkit for the implementation of graph editors, and includes drawing algorithms for graphs

   [GraphViz]:   New Release 2.38 (13 April 2014) - [HJG] 2015-06: Link [] not dead, just slow. No news since 2014-04.

   [|%IGD (Interactive Graph Drawing)]:   A graphical application and library of Tcl/Tk functions for displaying, manipulating, scaling and printing undirected graphs.
   [uDraw(Graph)]:   Create your flow charts, diagrams, hierarchies or structure visualizations using automatic layout.

** Lost Software  **

   [GmlProject]:   [HJG] 2014-04 - Moved, website in french only

   [|%Editeur de graphes], by [David Cobac]:   There's [|%this tantalizing URL], but nothing else 

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