LogParser goes COM

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[JM] 7/4/2009, Using the [LogParser]'s scriptable COM with Tcl:<<br>>

'''LogParser Valid Inputs:''' text-based data such as log files, XML files and CSV files, as well as key data sources on the Windows operating system such as the Event Log, the Registry, the file system, and Active Directory
&|Input|any LogParser Valid Inputs|&&|Output|CSVany filLogParser Valid Outputs|&
&|Mode|Batch Mode|&

 package require tcom
 console show

 set oLogQuery [::tcom::ref createobject "MSUtil.LogQuery"]

 set oEVTInputFormat [::tcom::ref createobject "MSUtil.LogQuery.EventLogInputFormat"]
 $oEVTInputFormat direction "BW"

 set oCSVOutputFormat [::tcom::ref createobject "MSUtil.LogQuery.CSVOutputFormat"]
 $oCSVOutputFormat tabs true

 set strQuery "SELECT TimeGenerated, EventID INTO C:\\output.csv FROM System"
 append strQuery " WHERE SourceName = 'Application Popup'"

 $oLogQuery ExecuteBatch $strQuery $oEVTInputFormat $oCSVOutputFormat

after running this example, the following file will be created:<<br>>c:\output.csv<<br>>

&|Input|any LogParser Valid Inputs|&
&|Output|Tcl script itself|&
&|Mode|Interactive Mode|&

Interactive Mode - Example 1:<<br>>
This example displays the 10 largest files on the C: drive:

 package require tcom
 console show

 set lgp [tcom::ref createobject MSUtil.LogQuery]
 set evt [tcom::ref createobject MSUtil.LogQuery.FileSystemInputFormat]

 set recordSet [$lgp Execute \
              "SELECT TOP 10 Path, Name, Size FROM C:\\*.* ORDER BY Size DESC"\

 while { ![$recordSet atEnd] } {
      set record  [$recordSet getRecord]
      puts "[$record getValue 0],[$record getValue 1],[$record getValue 2]"
      $recordSet moveNext 

 $recordSet close


Interactive Mode - Example 2:<<br>>
filename of this script: TSV_parsing.tcl (so it serves as data to parse also)<<br>> 
There should be a <TAB> between each pair of the 5 lines of data shown below.

 if 0 {
 5        90
 25        30
 45        50
 65        55
 85        25

 lappend auto_path .

 package require tcom
 console show

 set lgp [tcom::ref createobject MSUtil.LogQuery]

 set iTSVInputFormat [tcom::ref createobject MSUtil.LogQuery.TSVInputFormat]
 $iTSVInputFormat headerRow OFF
 $iTSVInputFormat nSkipLines 1
 $iTSVInputFormat fixedSep ON
 $iTSVInputFormat dtLines 5

 set recordSet [$lgp Execute \
 "SELECT Field1 AS x,
 Field2 AS y FROM TSV_parsing.tcl

 puts "Field names:"
 for {set i 0} {$i < [$recordSet getColumnCount]} {incr i} {
   puts "$i: [$recordSet getColumnName $i]"
 puts "==========="
 while { ![$recordSet atEnd] } {
    set record  [$recordSet getRecord]
    #puts "[$record getValue customer]"
    set MaxColIx [expr [$recordSet getColumnCount] - 1]
    for {set i 0} {$i < [$recordSet getColumnCount]} {incr i} {
      if {$i < $MaxColIx} {
        puts -nonewline "[$record getValue [$recordSet getColumnName $i]],"
      } else {
        puts "[$record getValue [$recordSet getColumnName $i]]"      
    $recordSet moveNext

 $recordSet close

[male] - 2010-02-23 - an example accessing the Windows event log [LogParser accessing the Windows event log]
'''[Jorge] - 2014-04-24 22:32:50'''

See Also:


%| [Category Parsing] | [Category File] |%