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... short for Koen Breugelmans. 

Tcl/Tk makes my life easier on a daily basis. 
During the day, I mostly use it at my job for all things system & network administration, and automation. 
After work it helps me to write simple programs for my own projects, and to make music!



An largely incomplete list of projects I did with Tcl/Tk. Documentation and source-code will be available when I get my http://kbr.patat.org/%|%website%|% online again (estimated by the end of 2014). 

   * ctrl7030, a controller for the http://www.dxing.info/equipment/aor_ar7030.dx%|%AOR 7030%|% shortwave receiver
   * lisatools, Tcl/Tk tools to interface with http://www.linuxsampler.org/%|%LinuxSampler%|%
   * Pomme, a time-tracker for daily and nightly use
   * Tonata, a simple graphical http://www.musicpd.org/%|%MPD%|% client in Tk
   * vPSPinguin, an interactive http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stone_carving%|%stone carving%|% installation together with Wim Tilkin. Submitted as an entry to the 2008 http://www.canvas.be/programmas/de-canvascollectie/%|%Canvas Collectie%|%, art contest of the belgian national television. 
   * http://www.blender.org/%|%Blender%|%, http://www.gimp.org/%|%GIMP%|%, http://www.povray.org/%|%Povray%|% Tcl integration and automation
   * ...

Some topics that interest me: 

   * [MIDI], [Snack], http://tkeca.sourceforge.net/%|%Tkeca%|% by Luis Pablo Gasparotto, a Tcl/Tk frontend for Kai Vehmanen's http://www.eca.cx/ecasound/%|%ecasound%|%. A handy multitrack audio recorder & processor.
   * [AOLserver], [OpenACS], [PostgreSQL], [ACID], [SQLite]
   * [Debian], [Etlinux], [Puppy Linux]
   * [socket], [Tnm/Scotty/TkInEd]
   * [Wub], [TclHttpd]
   * [Forth], [Icon Programming Language%|%Icon], [Awk], [C], [R], [m4], [Postscript]   * [Image Magick], [Gimp] & [Gimp Client], [Tcl3D], [OpenGL], [Crystal Space]
   * [Whim]
   * [Coccinella]
   * [Tclkit]
   * [VFS]
   * [Fossil]
   * [Swig]
   * [OpenOCD]
   * [Fosdem 2006], [11th European Tcl/Tk Users Meeting 2013], [12th European Tcl/Tk Users Meeting 2014]

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