Version 11 of An SSH virtual filesystem

Updated 2005-11-13 18:39:20 by jcw

SEH -- 12/22/04:

 # fishvfs.tcl --
 # A "FIles transferred over SHell" virtual filesystem
 # This is not an official "FISH" protocol client as described at:
 # but it utilizes the same concept of turning any computer that offers
 # access via ssh, rsh or similar shell into a file server.
 # This code requires that the template vfs ( procedures
 # have already been sourced into tclsh.
 # Usage: Mount ?-volume? \
 #      <remote directory> \            # an existing directory on the remote filesystem
 #      ?-transport <protocol>? \       # can be ssh, rsh or plink
 #      ?-user <username>? \            # remote computer login name
 #      ?-password <password>? \        # remote computer login password
 #      ?-host <remote hostname>? \     # remote computer domain name
 #      ?-port <port number>? \         # override default port
 #      <virtual mount dir or URL>
 # examples:
 # Mount / -transport ssh -user root -host /mnt/vfs/tcl
 # Mount -volume /home/foo rsh://foo@localcomp
 # Mount -volume / -password foopass plink://[email protected]:2323/remotemount
 # The vfs can be mounted as a local directory, or as a URL in conjunction with 
 # the "-volume" option.
 # The URL can be of the form:
 # transport://[user[:password]@]host[:port][/filename]
 # Option switches can be used in conjunction with a URL to specify connection 
 # information; the option switch values will override the URL values.
 # After a channel opened for writing is closed, if a file named ~/.fish_close
 # exists on the remote computer it will be executed as a shell script in the 
 # background (with the name of the file written as a command line argument), 
 # allowing post-write processing.  For example, .fish_close could be a script
 # that commits changes to a CVS repository.
 # client configuration:
 # The shell client must be in the PATH and configured for non-interactive
 # (no password prompt) use.
 # The value of the -transport option is assumed to be the name of a handler 
 # procedure which is called to handle the specifics of the particular client.
 # Handlers for the supported transports (ssh, rsh, plink) already exist.
 # New clients can be added simply by providing a suitable handler procedure.
 # server configuration:
 # The remote computer is assumed to have a bourne-type shell and the standard 
 # GNU fileutils, but otherwise no configuration is needed. 

 package require vfs 1
 namespace eval ::vfs::template::fish {}

 proc ::vfs::template::fish::Mount {args} {
        eval [info body ::vfs::template::Mount]

 namespace eval ::vfs::template::fish {

 proc MountProcedure {args} {
        foreach templateProc "Mount Unmount CloseTrace handler Access CreateDirectory DeleteFile FileAttributes FileAttributesSet MatchInDirectory Open RemoveDirectory Stat Utime" {
                set infoArgs [info args ::vfs::template::$templateProc]
                set infoBody [info body ::vfs::template::$templateProc]
                proc $templateProc $infoArgs $infoBody
        if {[lindex $args 0] == "-volume"} {
                set args [lrange $args 1 end]
                set to [lindex $args end]
        } else {
                set to [file normalize [lindex $args end]]
        set path [lindex $args 0]
        if [info exists ::vfs::_unmountCmd($to)] {::vfs::unmount $to}
        array unset ::vfs::_unmountCmd $to

        array set params [FileTransport $to]
        if {[llength $args] > 2} {
                set args [lrange $args 1 end-1]
                set argsIndex [llength $args]
                for {set i 0} {$i < $argsIndex} {incr i} {
                        set arg [lindex $args $i]
                        if {[string index $arg 0] == "-"} {
                                set arg [string range $arg 1 end]
                                set params($arg) [lindex $args [incr i]]
        set [namespace current]::transport($to) [array get params]

        file mkdir $path
        lappend pathto $path
        lappend pathto $to
        return $pathto

 proc UnmountProcedure {path to} {
        unset [namespace current]::transport($to)
        array unset ::vfs::_unmountCmd $to

 proc Close {channelID path root relative actualpath mode} {
 # Do not close the channel in the close callback!
 # It will crash Tcl!  Honest!
 # The core will close the channel after you've taken what info you need from it.

        if [string equal $mode "r"] {return}

        # Ha ha ha! Try and stop me!
        close $channelID

 proc close {channelID} {
        upvar 1 root root
        upvar 1 path path
        upvar 1 relative relative
        set fileName [file join $path $relative]

        fconfigure $channelID -translation binary
        seek $channelID 0 end
        set channelSize [tell $channelID]

        set command "cat>'$fileName'\;cat>/dev/null"
        FileCommand $root $command stdin $channelID

        set command "ls -l '$fileName' | ( read a b c d x e\; echo \$x )"
        set fileSize [FileCommand $root $command]
        if {$channelSize != $fileSize} {error "couldn't save \"$fileName\": Input/output error" "Input/output error" {POSIX EIO {Input/output error}}}
        set command "nohup ~/.fish_close '$fileName' &"
        catch {FileCommand $root $command}

 proc file {args} {
        switch -- [lindex $args 0] {
                join -
                normalize -
                split -
                volume {
                        return [eval ::file $args]

        upvar 1 to fileTo
        upvar 1 root fileRoot
        if [info exists fileTo] {set root $fileTo}
        if [info exists fileRoot] {set root $fileRoot}

        set fileName [lindex $args 1]
        set tail [::file tail $fileName]
        if [string equal $tail {}] {set tail $fileName}

        switch -- [lindex $args 0] {
                atime {
                        set atime [lindex $args 2]
                        set command "find '$fileName' -maxdepth 1 -name '$tail' -printf %A@\\\\n"
                        if ![string equal $atime {}] {
                                set atime [clock format $atime -format %Y%m%d%H%M.%S]
                                set command "touch -a -c -t $atime '$fileName'"
                attributes {
                        set attribute [lindex $args 2]
                        set value [lindex $args 3]
                        if {([string equal $attribute {}]) || ([string equal $value {}])} {
                                set command "find $fileName -maxdepth 1 -name '$tail' -printf '%u %g %m\\n'"
                        } elseif ![string first $attribute "-group"] {
                                set command "chgrp $value $fileName"
                        } elseif ![string first $attribute "-owner"] {
                                set command "chown $value $fileName"
                        } elseif ![string first $attribute "-permissions"] {
                                set command "chmod $value $fileName"
                delete {
                        set command "rm -f '$fileName'"
                        if [string equal $fileName "-force"] {
                                set dirName [lindex $args 2]
                                set command "rm -rf '$dirName'"
                executable -
                exists -
                readable -
                writable {
                        set type [string map {executable x exists e readable r writable w} [lindex $args 0]]
                        set command "if \[ -$type '$fileName' \]\; then echo 1\; else echo 0\; fi"
                mkdir {
                        set  command "mkdir -p '$fileName'"
                mtime {
                        set mtime [lindex $args 2]
                        set command "find '$fileName' -maxdepth 1 -name '$tail' -printf %T@\\\\n"
                        if ![string equal $mtime {}] {
                                set mtime [clock format $mtime -format %Y%m%d%H%M.%S]
                                set command "touch -c -m -t $mtime '$fileName'"
                stat {
                        set arrayName [lindex $args 2]
                        set command "find '$fileName' -maxdepth 1 -name '$tail' -printf '%A@ %C@ %G %i %m %T@ %n %s %U\\n' \; if \[ -d '$fileName' \]\; then echo 1\; else echo 0\; fi"

                        if [info exists ::vfs::template::fish::stat($fileName)] {
                                set returnValue $::vfs::template::fish::stat($fileName)
                                unset ::vfs::template::fish::stat($fileName)
        if ![info exists returnValue] {set returnValue [FileCommand $root $command]}
        set returnValue [string trim $returnValue]
        switch -- [lindex $args 0] {
                atime -
                mtime {
                        if [string equal [lindex $args 2] {}] {
                                return $returnValue
                attributes {
                        if [string equal $attribute {}] {
                                return "-group [lindex $returnValue 1] -owner [lindex $returnValue 0] -permissions [lindex $returnValue 2]"
                        if [string equal $value {}] {
                                if ![string first $attribute "-group"] {
                                        return [lindex $returnValue 1]
                                } elseif ![string first $attribute "-owner"] {
                                        return [lindex $returnValue 0]
                                } elseif ![string first $attribute "-permissions"] {
                                        return [lindex $returnValue 2]
                executable -
                exists -
                readable -
                writable {
                        return $returnValue
                stat {
                        eval upvar 1 $arrayName\(mtime) mtime $arrayName\(gid) gid $arrayName\(nlink) nlink $arrayName\(atime) atime $arrayName\(mode) mode $arrayName\(type) type $arrayName\(ctime) ctime $arrayName\(uid) uid $arrayName\(ino) ino $arrayName\(size) size $arrayName\(dev) dev
                        set atime [lindex $returnValue 0]
                        set ctime [lindex $returnValue 1]
                        set gid [lindex $returnValue 2]
                        set ino [lindex $returnValue 3]
                        set mode [lindex $returnValue 4]
                        set mtime [lindex $returnValue 5]
                        set nlink [lindex $returnValue 6]
                        set size [lindex $returnValue 7]
                        set uid [lindex $returnValue 8]
                        set dir [lindex $returnValue 9]
                        if $dir {set type directory} else {set type file}
                        set dev 0

 proc glob {args} {
        upvar 1 path path
        upvar 1 root root
        upvar 1 relative relative

        set pattern [lindex $args end]
        set args [string map {-nocomplain {}} $args]
        array set argsArray [lrange $args 0 end-1]
        set hidden 0
        if {[lindex $argsArray(-types) end] == "hidden"} {
                set hidden 1
                set argsArray(-types) [lrange $argsArray(-types) 0 end-1]
        if $hidden {eval return \$[namespace current]::hidden(\$argsArray(-directory))}
        array unset [namespace current]::hidden $argsArray(-directory)

        set command "find '$argsArray(-directory)' -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d -printf '%A@ %C@ %G %i %m %T@ %n %s %U \{%f\}\\n' \; echo / \; find '$argsArray(-directory)' -maxdepth 1 -type f -printf '%A@ %C@ %G %i %m %T@ %n %s %U \{%f\}\\n'"

        set returnValue [FileCommand $root $command]
        set returnValue [split $returnValue /]

        set dirs [lindex $returnValue 0]
        set dirs [string trim $dirs]
        set dirs [split $dirs \n]
        foreach dir $dirs {
                set dir [linsert $dir end-1 1]
                lappend newDirs $dir
        set dirs $newDirs
        unset newDirs

        set files [lindex $returnValue 1]
        set files [string trim $files]
        set files [split $files \n]
        foreach file $files {
                set file [linsert $file end-1 0]
                lappend newFiles $file
        set files $newFiles
        unset newFiles

        set dir [lsearch $argsArray(-types) "d"]
        set file [lsearch $argsArray(-types) "f"]
        incr dir ; incr file

        if $dir {set values $dirs}
        if $file {set values $files}
        if {$dir && $file} {set values [concat $dirs $files]}

        foreach fileName $values {
                set stat [lrange $fileName 0 end-1]
                set fileName [lindex $fileName end]
                set ::vfs::template::fish::stat([file join $path $relative $fileName]) $stat
                if [string equal $fileName ".fish_close"] {continue}
                if ![string match $pattern $fileName] {continue}
                if {[string index $fileName 0] == "."} {lappend ::vfs::template::fish::hidden($argsArray(-directory)) [file join $path $relative $fileName] ; continue}
                lappend fileNames [file join $path $relative $fileName]

        return $fileNames

 proc open {fileName mode} {
        upvar 1 root root
        set command "ls -l '$fileName' | ( read a b c d x e\; echo \$x )"
        if {([catch {set fileSize [FileCommand $root $command]}]) && ($mode == "r")} {error "couldn't open \"$fileName\": no such file or directory" "no such file or directory" {POSIX ENOENT {no such file or directory}}}

        set channelID [::vfs::memchan]

        set command "touch -a '$fileName'"
        FileCommand $root $command
        if [string equal $mode w] {return $channelID}

        fconfigure $channelID -translation binary
        set command "cat '$fileName'"
        FileCommand $root $command stdout $channelID
        seek $channelID 0 end
        set channelSize [tell $channelID]
        if {[info exists $fileSize] && ($channelSize != $fileSize)} {error "Input/output error" "Input/output error" {POSIX EIO {Input/output error}}}
        return $channelID

 proc FileCommand {root command args} {
        array set params $::vfs::template::fish::transport($root)
        array set params $args
        set params(command) $command
        if ![info exists params(transport)] {set params(transport) local}
        set commandLine [eval ::vfs::template::fish::transport::\$params(transport) [array get params]]

        if [string equal $commandLine {}] {return}

        if [info exists params(stdin)] {
                set execID [eval ::open \"|$commandLine\" w]
                fconfigure $execID -translation binary
                seek $params(stdin) 0
                puts -nonewline $execID [read $params(stdin)]
                ::close $execID

        if [info exists params(stdout)] {
                set execID [eval ::open \"|$commandLine\" r]
                fconfigure $execID -translation binary
                seek $params(stdout) 0
                puts -nonewline $params(stdout) [read $execID]
                ::close $execID
        eval exec $commandLine

 proc FileTransport {filename} {
        if {[string first : $filename] < 0} {return [list transport {} user {} password {} host {} port {} filename [file normalize $filename]]}
        if {[string first [string range $filename 0 [string first : $filename]] [file volume]] > -1} {return [list transport {} user {} password {} host {} port {} filename [file normalize $filename]]}

        set filename $filename/f
        set transport {} ; set user {} ; set password {} ; set host {} ; set port {}
        set transport {} ; set user {} ; set password {} ; set host {} ; set port {}
        regexp {(^[^:]+)://} $filename trash transport
        regsub {(^[^:]+://)} $filename "" userpasshost
        set userpass [lindex [split $userpasshost @] 0]
        set user $userpass
        regexp {(^[^:]+):(.+)$} $userpass trash user password

        if {[string first @ $userpasshost] == -1} {set user {} ; set password {}}

        regsub {([^/]+)(:[^/]+)(@[^/]+)} $filename \\1\\3 filename

        if [regexp {(^[^:]+)://([^/:]+)(:[^/:]*)*(.+$)} $filename trash transport host port filename] {
                regexp {([0-9]+)} $port trash port
                if {[string first [lindex [file split $filename] 1] [file volume]] > -1} {set filename [string range $filename 1 end]}
        } else {
                set host [lindex [split $filename /] 0]
                set filename [string range $filename [string length $host] end]
                set port [lindex [split $host :] 1]
                set host [lindex [split $host :] 0]
        regexp {^.+@(.+)} $host trash host
        set filename [string range $filename 0 end-2]
        return [list transport $transport user $user password $password host $host port $port filename $filename ]

 # end namespace eval ::vfs::template::fish

 namespace eval ::vfs::template::fish::transport {

 proc local {command args} {
        return $command

 proc plink {args} {
        array set params $args
        set port {}
        if ![string equal $params(port) {}] {set port "-P $params(port)"}
        return "plink -ssh $port -l $params(user) -batch -pw $params(password) $params(host) \$command"

 proc rsh {args} {
        array set params $args
        set user {}
        if ![string equal $params(user) {}] {set user "-l $params(user)"}

        return "rsh $user $params(host) \"$params(command)\""

 proc ssh {args} {
        array set params $args
        set port {}
        if ![string equal $params(port) {}] {set port "-p $params(port)"}
        set user {}
        if ![string equal $params(user) {}] {set user "-l $params(user)"}

        return "ssh $port $user $params(host) \"$params(command)\""

 # end namespace eval ::vfs::template::fish::transport

LV Any thought of submitting this to the tclvfs project?

SEH -- I don't know what the submission process is, but I would be happy to see it included if the tclvfs maintainers are interested.

LV I suspect that if you visit the web site for the package, you should find something like a web forum, mailing list, or feature request space for submitting suggestions like this.

12nov05 jcw - There's not really a mechanism in place to submit/accept VFS drivers in the TclVFS project. Would it be an idea to add VFS drivers to tcllib, instead of creating a new area? The question is really: is it ok to add packages to Tcllib which depend on TclVFS? (given that TcVFS, or some rewrite of it, is likely to become more central in Tcl anyway)

Category VFS Category Package