'''Gerhard Reithofer 2010-05-24''' - Years ago I've seen an implementation of dials on a SGI workstation, which was very easy to use, because it is not necessary to target as exact as for hand based dials. Also simple linear mouse movements can be used instead of circular ones.<
> Shift- or Ctrl-key to control the dial sensitivity of the mouse movement.<
> !!!!!! [Another (rotated) dials widget] !!!!!! ---- ====== # # rdial.tcl # # Contents: a "rotated" dial widget or thumbnail "roller" dial # Date: Son May 23, 2010 # # Abstract # A mouse dragable "dial" widget from the side view - visible # is the knurled area - Shift & Ctrl changes the sensitivity # # Copyright (c) Gerhard Reithofer, Tech-EDV 2010-05 # # The author hereby grant permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, # and license this software and its documentation for any purpose, # provided that existing copyright notices are retained in all copies # and that this notice is included verbatim in any distributions. No # written agreement, license, or royalty fee is required for any of the # authorized uses. Modifications to this software may be copyrighted by # their authors and need not follow the licensing terms described here, # provided that the new terms are clearly indicated on the first page of # each file where they apply. # # IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR DISTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY # FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES # ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, ITS DOCUMENTATION, OR ANY # DERIVATIVES THEREOF, EVEN IF THE AUTHOR HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # THE AUTHOR AND DISTRIBUTORS SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIM ANY WARRANTIES, # INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND # NON-INFRINGEMENT. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, # AND THE AUTHOR AND DISTRIBUTORS HAVE NO OBLIGATION TO PROVIDE # MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, UPDATES, ENHANCEMENTS, OR MODIFICATIONS. # # Syntax: # rdial::create w ?-width wid? ?-height hgt? ?-value floatval? # ?-bg|-background bcol? ?-fg|-foreground fcol? ?-step step? # ?-callback script? ?-scale "degrees"|"radians"|factor? # ?-slow sfact? ?-fast ffact? ?-orient horizontal|vertical? # # History: # 20100526: -scale option added # package provide rdials 0.2 package require Tk 8.5 namespace eval rdial { variable d2r variable canv variable sfact variable ssize variable ovalue variable sector 88 variable callback # a few constants to reduce expr set d2r [expr {atan(1.0)/45.0}] set ssize [expr {sin($sector*$d2r)}] # widget default values array set def { background "#dfdfdf" foreground "black" callback "" orient horizontal width 80 height 8 step 10 value 0.0 slow 0.1 fast 10 scale 1.0 } proc err_out {err {msg ""}} { if {$msg eq ""} { set msg "must be -bg, -background, -fg, -foreground, -value, -width,\ -height, -callback, -scale, -slow, -fast -orient or -step" } error "$err: $msg" } # configure method - writeonly proc configure {w nopt val args} { variable d2r variable opt variable canv variable ssize variable sfact if {[llength $args]%2} { err_out "invalid syntax" \ "must be \"configure opt arg ?opt arg? ...\"" } set args [linsert $args 0 $nopt $val] foreach {o arg} $args { if {[string index $o 0] ne "-"} { err_out "invalid option \"$nopt\"" } switch -- $o { "-bg" {set o "-background"} "-fg" {set o "-foreground"} "-scale" { switch -glob -- $arg { "d*" {set arg 1.0} "r*" {set arg $d2r} } # numeric check set arg [expr {$arg*1.0}] } "-value" { set arg [expr {$arg/$opt(scale,$w)}] } } set okey [string range $o 1 end] if {[info exists opt($okey,$w)]<0} { err_out "unknown option \"$o\"" } # canvas resize isn't part of draw method if {$o eq "-width" || $o eq "-height"} { $canv($w) configure $o $arg } set opt($okey,$w) $arg # sfact depends on width if {$o eq "-width"} { set sfact($w) [expr {$ssize*2/$opt(width,$w)}] } } draw $w $opt(value,$w) } # cget method proc cget {w nopt} { variable opt switch -- $nopt { "-bg" {set nopt "-background"} "-fg" {set nopt "-foreground"} } set okey [string range $nopt 1 end] if {[info exists opt($okey,$w)]<0 && [string index $nopt 0] ne "-"} { err_out "unknown option \"$nopt\"" } if {$nopt eq "-value"} { return [expr {$opt($okey,$w)*$opt(scale,$w)}] } else { return $opt($okey,$w) } } # draw the thumb wheel view proc draw {w val} { variable opt variable d2r variable canv variable ssize variable sfact variable sector # every value is maped to the visible sector set mod [expr {$val-$sector*int($val/$sector)}] set stp $opt(step,$w) set wid $opt(width,$w) set hgt $opt(height,$w) set dfg $opt(foreground,$w) set dbg $opt(background,$w) $canv($w) delete all if {$opt(orient,$w) eq "horizontal"} { $canv($w) create rectangle 0 0 $wid $hgt -fill $dbg # from normalized value to left end for {set ri $mod} {$ri>=-$sector} {set ri [expr {$ri-$stp}]} { set offs [expr {($ssize+sin($ri*$d2r))/$sfact($w)}] $canv($w) create line $offs 0 $offs $hgt -fill $dfg } # from normalized value to right end for {set ri [expr {$mod+$stp}]} {$ri<=$sector} {set ri [expr {$ri+$stp}]} { set offs [expr {($ssize+sin($ri*$d2r))/$sfact($w)}] $canv($w) create line $offs 0 $offs $hgt -fill $dfg } } else { $canv($w) create rectangle 0 0 $hgt $wid -fill $dbg # from normalized value to upper end for {set ri $mod} {$ri>=-$sector} {set ri [expr {$ri-$stp}]} { set offs [expr {($ssize+sin($ri*$d2r))/$sfact($w)}] $canv($w) create line 0 $offs $hgt $offs -fill $dfg } # from normalized value to lower end for {set ri [expr {$mod+$stp}]} {$ri<=$sector} {set ri [expr {$ri+$stp}]} { set offs [expr {($ssize+sin($ri*$d2r))/$sfact($w)}] $canv($w) create line 0 $offs $hgt $offs -fill $dfg } } # let's return the widget/canvas set opt(value,$w) $val } proc drag {w coord {mode 0}} { variable opt variable ovalue # calculate new value if {$opt(orient,$w) eq "horizontal"} { set diff [expr {$coord-$ovalue($w)}] } else { set diff [expr {$ovalue($w)-$coord}] } if {$mode<0} { set diff [expr {$diff*$opt(slow,$w)}] } elseif {$mode>0} { set diff [expr {$diff*$opt(fast,$w)}] } else { set diff [expr {$diff}] } set opt(value,$w) [expr {$opt(value,$w)+$diff}] # call callback if defined... if {$opt(callback,$w) ne ""} { {*}$opt(callback,$w) [expr {$opt(value,$w)*$opt(scale,$w)}] } # draw knob with new angle draw $w $opt(value,$w) # store "old" value for diff set ovalue($w) $coord } proc create {w args} { variable def variable d2r variable opt variable canv variable ssize variable sfact variable sector set opt_list [array names def] # set default values foreach {d} $opt_list { set opt($d,$w) $def($d) } # handle command paramters foreach {tmp arg} $args { set o [string range $tmp 1 end] switch -- $o { "bg" {set o background} "fg" {set o foreground} "scale" { switch -glob -- $arg { "d*" {set arg 1.0} "r*" {set arg $d2r} } # numeric check set arg [expr {$arg*1.0}] } } if {[lsearch $opt_list $o]<0 || [string index $tmp 0] ne "-"} { err_out "bad option \"$o\"" } set opt($o,$w) $arg } # width specific scale constant set sfact($w) [expr {$ssize*2/$opt(width,$w)}] # just for laziness ;) set nsc [namespace current] set wid $opt(width,$w) set hgt $opt(height,$w) set bgc $opt(background,$w) # create canvas and bindings if {$opt(orient,$w) eq "horizontal"} { set canv($w) [canvas $w -width $wid -height $hgt] # standard bindings bind $canv($w) [list set ${nsc}::ovalue(%W) %x] bind $canv($w) [list ${nsc}::drag %W %x] bind $canv($w) [list ${nsc}::drag %W %x] # fine movement bind $canv($w) [list set ${nsc}::ovalue(%W) %x] bind $canv($w) [list ${nsc}::drag %W %x -1] bind $canv($w) [list ${nsc}::drag %W %x -1] # course movement bind $canv($w) [list set ${nsc}::ovalue(%W) %x] bind $canv($w) [list ${nsc}::drag %W %x 1] bind $canv($w) [list ${nsc}::drag %W %x 1] } else { set canv($w) [canvas $w -width $hgt -height $wid] # standard bindings bind $canv($w) [list set ${nsc}::ovalue(%W) %y] bind $canv($w) [list ${nsc}::drag %W %y] bind $canv($w) [list ${nsc}::drag %W %y] # fine movement bind $canv($w) [list set ${nsc}::ovalue(%W) %y] bind $canv($w) [list ${nsc}::drag %W %y -1] bind $canv($w) [list ${nsc}::drag %W %y -1] # course movement bind $canv($w) [list set ${nsc}::ovalue(%W) %y] bind $canv($w) [list ${nsc}::drag %W %y 1] bind $canv($w) [list ${nsc}::drag %W %y 1] } # draw insides draw $w $opt(value,$w) return $w } } #-------- test & demo ... disable it for package autoloading -> {0} if {1} { if {[info script] eq $argv0} { array set disp_value {rs -30.0 rh 120.0 rv 10.0} proc rndcol {} { set col "#" for {set i 0} {$i<3} {incr i} { append col [format "%02x" [expr {int(rand()*230)+10}]] } return $col } proc set_rand_col {} { rdial::configure .rs -fg [rndcol] -bg [rndcol] } proc show_value {which v} { set val [rdial::cget .$which -value] set ::disp_value($which) [format "%.1f" $val] switch -- $which { "rh" { if {abs($val)<30} return rdial::configure .rs -width [expr {abs($val)}] } "rv" { if {abs($val)<5} return rdial::configure .rs -height [expr {abs($val)}] } "rs" { if {!(int($val)%10)} set_rand_col } } } label .lb -text "Use mouse button with Shift &\nControl for dragging the dials" label .lv -textvariable disp_value(rv) rdial::create .rv -callback {show_value rv} -value $disp_value(rv)\ -width 200 -step 5 -bg blue -fg white label .lh -textvariable disp_value(rh) rdial::create .rh -callback {show_value rh} -value $disp_value(rh)\ -width $disp_value(rh) -height 20 -fg blue -bg yellow -orient vertical label .ls -textvariable disp_value(rs) rdial::create .rs -callback {show_value rs} -value $disp_value(rs)\ -width $disp_value(rh) -height $disp_value(rv) pack {*}[winfo children .] wm minsize . 220 300 } } ====== ---- '''[arjen] - 2010-05-26 03:56:17''' This is rather cute! I like it - I do not have an immediate use for it, but it certainly deserves attention. ---- '''Gerhard Reithofer 2010-05-24''' - added "-scale" option for better adjusting ranges or inverting direction.<
> BTW: it maybe a good replacement for "sliders" (scale widget) in some cases. <> Example | GUI | Widget