Version 4 of BOOK Programming Linux Games

Updated 2001-10-09 23:05:37

Name: Programming Linux Games

Authors: Loki Software, Inc.

        [John R. Hall]

Publisher: No Starch Press Publication Date: 2001


    *Programming Linux Games* is a new book which features Tcl.
    A just-released excerpt shows how to build a simple scripting
    engine and design a game script.

They do however also say this in 'conclusions': "In hindsight, Tcl was not an especially good choice for the scripting engine. It works in this case, but it's not a very good solution for number crunching or managing large amounts of data. If I were to rewrite Chapter 6, I would probably choose a Lisp variant such as Scheme."

Which is possibly kind of strange: if I were to bring non-coders into a project I don't think I'd stick a Lisp interpreter in front of them. --setok