%|Key|Notes|% &|What|CRIMP / C Raster Image Manipulation Package / C Raster IMage Processor |& &|Where|http://chiselapp.com/user/andreas_kupries/repository/crimp/home ([Fossil]-based Source Repository)|& &|Authors|[Andreas Kupries], [Andy Goth], [Kevin Kenny], S. M. Saurabh|& &|Mailing List|http://groups.google.com/group/tcl-crimp-dev|& &|Documentation|[http://chiselapp.com/user/andreas_kupries/repository/crimp/doc/trunk/embedded/www/toc.html%|%@Chiselapp]|& &|Status| Release 0.1, continued work|& &||Derived from [Critcl image processing]|& %|Releases|Notes|% &|0.1|[http://chiselapp.com/user/andreas_kupries/repository/crimp/event?name=bf019a7fd5ef38540032b795df93571ea3fc39ee]|& ---- [AMG], 17 Oct 2010: Thanks [AK] for taking an interest in my humble code and turning it into a proper package, then going on to give a talk on it. I wish I could have been at the conference. Some weeks ago I read your code, and I quite like what you've done, but I haven't taken the time to contribute anything new. At least I can help to answer your questions; you embedded a few in the comments. For instance, my matrix routine does a bilinear interpolation; you were wondering about this. I just finished up some major work on [Wibble] (I should post it soon) and [critbit] (I think I'll be sharing my C implementation). That means it's time for me to revisit CRIMP! After all, the art project for which I developed the original CRIMP is still awaiting completion. ---- **Related** * [YawTcl] ***External Links*** * [http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Canny_edge_detector%|%Rosetta Code] (Tcl solution on page uses CRIMP to do edge detection) ---- '''[AK] - 2013-03-06 17:28:08''' Donal, thanks for the shout-out. <> Graphics | Image Processing