**Canvas Object Movement Example** This page is under development. Comments are welcome, but please load any comments in the comments section at the middle of the page. Please sign your user-name with the same courtesy that I will give you. Thanks,[gold] <> ** Description ** Examples of moving items on a canvas, by [gold] ---- test of offsite images under retrieve ***Screenshots Section*** ****figure 1.**** [Chinese Xianqi Chessboard test1.png%|% width=800 height=400] ****figure 2.**** [Chinese Xianqi Chessboard test2.png%|% width=800 height=400] ****figure 3.**** [Chinese Xianqi Chessboard test3.png%|% width=800 height=400] ****figure 4.**** [Chinese Xianqi Chessboard test4.png%|% width=800 height=400] ---- *** Drag a Circle*** [http://img7.imageshack.us/img7/5384/eggtclwiki.gif] ====== #! /bin/env tclsh # move the circle by dragging it #! /bin/env tclsh # program moving egg # pretty print from autoindent and ased editor # written on Windows XP on eTCL # working under TCL version 8.5.6 and eTCL 1.0.1 # gold on TCL WIKI , 17Jul2010 package require Tk proc moveobject {object x y} { variable radius .c coords $object [expr {$x-$radius}] [expr {$y-$radius}] [expr {$x+$radius}] [expr {$y+$radius}] } set width 400 set height 400 canvas .c -width $width -height $height set radius 25 set x [expr {$width / 2}] set y [expr {$height / 2}] set egg [.c create oval [expr {$x - $radius}] [expr {$y - $radius}] \ [expr {$x + $radius}] [expr {$y + $radius}] -fill bisque] .c bind $egg {moveobject $egg %x %y} grid .c -row 0 -column 0 ====== ** Example Two ** [http://img221.imageshack.us/img221/2011/textovaltclwikib.gif] ====== #! /bin/env tclsh # program moving with text tagged to object package require Tk proc grab { xx yy } { global currentx currenty set currentx $xx set currenty $yy } proc drag {w xx yy } { global currentx currenty set dx [expr {$xx - $currentx}] set dy [expr {$yy - $currenty}] .cv move first $dx $dy $w raise first set currentx $xx set currenty $yy } canvas .cv -width 200 -height 200 -bg bisque pack .cv .cv create oval 10 10 30 30 -fill red -tag first .cv create text 20 20 -text @ -fill blue -tag first .cv create rect 110 10 130 30 -fill green -tag second .cv create rect 10 110 30 130 -fill yellow -tag second .cv bind first {grab %x %y } .cv bind first {drag .cv %x %y } bind .cv {wm title . "Canvas Demo [ expr int( [%W canvasx %x])],[ expr int ([%W canvasy %y])]"} ====== *** Objects and a Trashcan *** [http://img835.imageshack.us/img835/972/trashcantclwiki.gif] Object movement and wastebasket/trashcan on a TCL canvas Trashcan Sticking a little ====== #! /bin/env tclsh package require Tk set grab 0 set filex "" set colorit red array set worth {king 0.1 queen 0.2 rook 0.5 bishop 1 knight 2 pawn 1} set font9 { Helvetica 20} #\u265A \u265B \u265C \u265C \u265D \u265D \u265E \u265E \u265F \u265F \u265F proc wastebasket {w} { set font9 { Helvetica 50} $w create rect 10 50 100 60 -fill blue $w create rect 50 10 60 100 -fill blue } proc tokenize_king {tag} { global font9 colorit .c create oval 335 10 380 55 -fill gold -tags $tag .c create text 355 35 -text "\u265A" -font $font9 -fill $colorit -tags $tag } proc tokenize_queen {tag} { global font9 colorit .c create oval 337 60 373 96 -fill gold -tags $tag .c create text 355 78 -text "\u265B" -font $font9 -fill $colorit -tags $tag } proc tokenize_rook {tag} { global font9 colorit .c create oval 334 106 376 148 -fill gold -tags $tag .c create text 355 127 -text "\u265C" -font $font9 -fill $colorit -tags $tag } proc tokenize_bishop {tag} { global font9 colorit .c create oval 338 160 374 204 -fill gold -tags $tag .c create text 355 182 -text "\u265D" -font $font9 -fill $colorit -tags $tag } proc tokenize_knight {tag} { global font9 colorit .c create oval 336 224 374 262 -fill gold -tags $tag .c create text 355 243 -text "\u265E" -font $font9 -fill $colorit -tags $tag } proc tokenize_pawn {tag} { global font9 colorit .c create oval 336 280 377 322 -fill gold -tags $tag .c create text 355 303 -text "\u265F" -font $font9 -fill $colorit -tags $tag } set state2 1 proc refreshgrid { w state2} { global oscwidth oschorizontal colorite global grid global ind indx set ind 0 set indx 0 set colorite blue set dx 40 ;# pixels between adjacent vertical grid lines set dy 40 ;# pixels between adjacent horizontal grid lines set x0 10 ;# pixels between left of canvas and left of grid set y0 150 ;# pixels between top of canvas and top of grid #set win $w ;# name of canvas widget foreach i {0 8} { $w create line [expr {$i * $dx + $x0}] $y0\ [expr {$i * $dx + $x0}] [expr {9 * $dy + $y0}] -width 2 -fill blue -tag grid } for {set i 1} {$i < 8} {incr i} { $w create line [expr {$i * $dx + $x0}] $y0\ [expr {$i * $dx + $x0}] [expr {4 * $dy + $y0}] -width 2 -fill blue -tag grid $w create line [expr {$i * $dx + $x0}] [expr {5 * $dy + $y0}]\ [expr {$i * $dx + $x0}] [expr {9 * $dy + $y0}] -width 2 -fill blue -tag grid } for {set i 0} {$i < 10} {incr i} { $w create line $x0 [expr {$i * $dy + $y0}]\ [expr {8 * $dx + $x0}] [expr {$i * $dy + $y0}] -width 2 -fill blue -tag grid } } proc take_token {tag x y} { global tokenx tokeny set tokenx $x set tokeny $y tokenize_$tag token .c raise token .c bind $tag {drag_token %x %y} .c bind $tag "drop_token $tag %x %y" } proc drag_token {x y} { global tokenx tokeny .c move token [expr {$x - $tokenx}] [expr {$y - $tokeny}] set tokenx $x set tokeny $y } proc drop_token {tag x y} { global grab worth numis #.c delete token set tilename [expr {int(rand()*1000000000.)}] .c itemconfigure token -tag [concat mv xdat_$x ydat_$y obj_$tilename] } wm withdraw . wm geometry . 400x600 wm resizable . 0 0 pack [canvas .c -width 400 -height 600 -bg bisque ] tokenize_king king .c bind king {take_token king %x %y} tokenize_queen queen .c bind queen {take_token queen %x %y} tokenize_rook rook .c bind rook {take_token rook %x %y} tokenize_bishop bishop .c bind bishop {take_token bishop %x %y} tokenize_knight knight .c bind knight {take_token knight %x %y} tokenize_pawn pawn .c bind pawn {take_token pawn %x %y} .c bind all <1> {set p(X) [.c canvasx %x]; set p(Y) [.c canvasy %y];set info " %x %y "} set haloo 50 .c bind mv {mv .c %x %y} .c bind mv { crasher .c } proc crasher {w} { foreach item [$w find overlapping 0 50 50 50 ] { if {[$w type $item]=="oval"} {$w delete $item} if {[$w type $item]=="text"} {$w delete $item} } } proc mv {w x y} { global p id set x [$w canvasx $x] set y [$w canvasy $y] set id [$w find withtag current] set numberx [$w gettags current] regexp {obj_(\d+)} $numberx -> tilex puts "1" puts $numberx puts $tilex puts " with tag [$w find withtag obj_$tilex ]" foreach item [$w find withtag obj_$tilex ] { $w move $item [expr {$x-$p(X)}] [expr {$y-$p(Y)}] } puts " x y $x $y" if { $y >= 20 && $y <= 70 } { if { $x >= 20 && $x <= 70 } {$w delete obj_$tilex } } foreach item [$w find overlapping 0 50 50 50 ] { if {[$w type $item]=="oval"} {$w delete $item} if {[$w type $item]=="text"} {$w delete $item} } set p(X) $x; set p(Y) $y } wastebasket .c refreshgrid .c state2 after idle wm deiconify . ====== ---- ** See Also ** * [Simple Canvas Demo] * [Chinese Xiangqi Chessboard] [gold] This page is copyrighted under the TCL/TK license terms, [http://tcl.tk/software/tcltk/license.html%|%this license]. Please place any comments here, Thanks. [gold] Changes. <> <> Toys | Example | Games | Canvas