Version 54 of Category Development

Updated 2011-02-09 02:32:34 by Didier

Index to all pages on this Wiki related to programming, software development and software engineering.

In this category are all pages that refer to Icl-TK development in the making that is learning to code with Tcl-TK.

Since this whole wiki is about Tcl-Tk development, this category may seem redundant at first, but it is not if we consider this category more specifically as a category related to learning to code with Tcl-TK.

But then again, others may object.

See Comments below.

To get a list of all pages on this Wiki in this category, click on the category name at the top of this page.

To add a wiki page to this category, place a link to [Category Development] at the bottom of that page.

See also:


I have to admit that I'm confused by this page. Since the entire wiki is dedicated to programming, software development and software engineering , I am uncertain how this page differs from Category Category ...

Didier(2011-02-09)It seems to me this category is more specifically about coding, development per se. A lot of pages on this wiki are not specifically about development per se. But I do agree with you that since all pages on this wiki should ultimately belong to this category, this category is pretty redundant unless we consider it like development in the making as opposed to development that is complete (i.e. Software applications, etc.)

But at the end of the day, after careful consideration of the matter at hand, I have to agree with the previous writer's judicious comments: this category is totally redundant since I agree that as he justly points out the entire wiki is dedicated to programming, software development and software engineering.

In fact the huge numbers of related categories (See also) seem to prove the point.

Still, if one wants a list of pages that belong to development in the making, this is it.

Perhaps some brave soul will one day want to go through the arduous process of renaming this category to Category Development in the making Or Category Arts and crafts or Category Learning to code with TCL or Category Learning Tcl'' or some other name.

For now Development is fine if we consider it Development in the making.

In any case, it is clear that a lot of categories have no place here for they are much too broad, not specific enough. The Category called Category Discussion is not very apt either for the whole purpose of the wiki is to exchange, to discuss. Deployment is another bad name for a category. Internet also. Category Windows is not well thought of. As I said, category names should be more precise, more technical. We'd have Category Ubuntu, Category Cygwin, Category The switch function, Category The foreach function, Category Wish, Category Coding Directories Category Coding windows, and so on. Category so on :=)

A discussion on a subject related to the wiki should be categorized Category Meta.