I wrote the [Tcl Tutor] package, the [BOOK Tcl/Tk for Real Programmers] , and [BOOK: Tcl/Tk: A Developer's Guide] which is really the second edition of Tcl/Tk fRP. I wrote a bi-monthly Tcl/Tk column (The Tclsh Spot) for ;login: magazine [http://www.usenix.org/publications/login/login.html] for a few years. Summaries and code from "Tclsh Spot" articles are online at: [http://noucorp.com/cgi-bin/noucorp/generic.tcl?dir=/home/httpd/html/tcl/login] I provide Tcl/Tk consulting and training through Noumena Corporation [http://www.noucorp.com/], and specialize in web and manufacturing/test applications. In July 2003, I chaired [Tcl'2003], the 10th Tcl/Tk Conference. Not being clever enough to get out while I could, I've continued to help organize the 2004, 2005, 2006 and 2007 conferences. [Clif Flynt Articles] ---- [Category Person]