I'm a Tcl user since 1997, now retired. I used to work for Bloomberg LP in London - I am not authorised to give out any information about what tools they may or may not use. I previously worked for [COMPANY: Alcatel], mostly writing plain C, but squeezing in a little Tcl now and then. Before Alcatel I was at Intrasoft SA, Greece, before that at Dundee University, Scotland. I can be emailed at colin.macleod(at)mailbox.org . I use the id "CGM" on this wiki, on the Tcl chat and on reddit. I'm doing a little blogging at https://colin-macleod.blogspot.com ****Some programs wot I have wrote**** https://chiselapp.com/user/cmacleod/repository/tartaniser/home%|%Tartaniser%|% - Make your own Scottish tartan. [gush] - a Graphical User SHell. [Diskusage] - a little utility to help out when your disk gets full. [Flog] - log-follower utility. [AdvertSkipper for YouTube] - what it says, Windows-specific. ****Other stuff**** [coroutine-enabled event handling] https://colin-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/10/why-im-tcl-ish.html%|%Why I'm Tcl-ish%|% - Advocacy. <> Person