Version 0 of ContexTcl: Playing with Context-oriented Programming

Updated 2008-12-26 13:02:51 by EKB

EKB This is an implementation of a "Context-oriented Programming" (COP) framework for Tcl.


The basic idea of COP is that there is a globally defined and dynamic context in which code is executed. The context is programmatically available through "layers", which may be either on or off. Layers are first-class objects. Other than that there appears to be a lot of flexibility in implementing COP. The approach here is to make a new class, called "layer". The constructor for the layer class allows them to either be defined with an optional linked variable.

Turning layers on and off

The base/default value for the layer can be set using the "base" method or by setting the value of the linked variable, if any. More complex behavior -- for example, setting the state depending on a set of values from external monitors -- can be added by creating a new class that inherits from the layer class.

Following the example of the Java implementation of COP, ContextJ, a temporary state for layers can be set using "with" and "without" statements. These turn on or off one or more layers, creating a programmatically set "mini-context".

Using layers

There are three ways to use layers. These are defined in a namespace that is separate from the layer class.

The "active" method, e.g.

    if [mylayer active] {
        ... do things ...

The "allactive" proc, e.g.

    if [allactive {layer1 layer2 layer3}] { things...

The "context" control construct, e.g.,

    context {
        {layer1 layer2} {
            do something
        {layer2 layer3 layer4} {
            do something else
        default {
            default action


==== package require TclOO

namespace eval ct {

    namespace export with without layer layers allactive context

    variable LayerList {}


proc ct::AddLayer {layer} {

    variable LayerList

    lappend LayerList $layer


proc ct::WrapEval {layers body state} {

    variable LayerList

    # First, check
    foreach layer $layers {
        if {[lsearch -glob $LayerList "*::$layer"] == -1} {
            error "Layer \"$layer\" does not exist"
    foreach layer $layers {
        $layer push $state
    uplevel $body
    foreach layer $layers {
        $layer pop


proc ct::layers {} {

    variable LayerList

    set LayerList


proc ct::with {layers body} {

    WrapEval $layers $body 1


proc ct::without {layers body} {

    WrapEval $layers $body 0


proc ct::allactive layers {

    variable LayerList

    # Check if exist & on
    set active true
    foreach layer $layers {
        if {[lsearch -glob $LayerList "*::$layer"] == -1} {
            error "Layer \"$layer\" does not exist"
        set active [expr {$active && [$layer active]}]
    return $active


proc ct::context cbset {

    foreach {layers body} $cbset {
        if {$layers == "default"} {
            uplevel $body
        if [allactive $layers] {
            uplevel $body


oo::class create ct::layer {

    constructor {{varname ""}} {
        my variable state
        ## This is awkward -- is there a better way to do it Like Snit's "class" variables
        ::ct::AddLayer [self]
        lappend state 0
        if {$varname ne ""} {
            uplevel trace add variable \
                $varname write "\{[self] evaltrace\}"
    method active {} {
        my variable state
        return [lindex $state end]
    method base {val} {
        my variable state
        lset state 0 $val
    method evaltrace {name args} {
        my base [uplevel set $name]
    method push newstate {
        my variable state
        lappend state $newstate
    method pop {} {
        my variable state
        set retval [lindex $state end]
        if {[llength $state] > 1} {
            set state [lrange $state 0 end-1]
        return $retval

} ====


==== namespace import ct::*

console show

# Define a standard layer layer create remote-access # Define a layer linked to a variable layer create text-mode nographics

# Create a context-sensitive test proc proc test {} {

    if [remote-access active] {
        set a "In a remote location"
    } else {
        set a "Local"
    if [text-mode active] {
        set b "Accepting text-only output"
    } else {
        set b "Can display graphics"
    puts "$a & $b"


# Tests 1 & 2 try out the linked variable puts "Test 1..." set nographics 1 with text-mode {


} test

puts "\nTest 2..." set nographics 0 with text-mode {


} test

# Test 3 tries out identifying more than one layer puts "\nTest 3..." with {remote-access text-mode} {


} test

# Test 4 tries out nested with/without, combined with setting the # "base" value within a with/without clause puts "\nTest 4..." with {remote-access text-mode} {

    without {remote-access} {
        remote-access base 1

} test

# Test 5 checks that an error is generated for a non-existent # layer puts "\nTest 5..." if catch {with {have-graphics text-mode} {test}} err {

    puts "Generated an error: $err"


# Test 6 tries out the "layers" command to get a list of layers puts "\nTest 6..." puts layers

# Test 7 checks whether the test for grouped context variables works puts "\nTest 7..." proc test2 {} {

    if [allactive {remote-access text-mode}] {
        puts "All are active!"
    } else {
        puts "Not all are active..."

} test2 with {remote-access text-mode} {



# Test 8 tries out the "context" control construct puts "\nTest 8..." proc test3 {} {

    context {
        {remote-access text-mode}   {
            puts "Connecting remotely, no graphics"
        remote-access   {
            puts "Connecting remotely, in whatever way"
        default {
            puts "Must be local"

} test3 without remote-access {test3} with text-mode {test3} ====

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