Version 9 of FileRunner

Updated 2014-01-13 09:33:05 by dkf
 What: FileRunner
 Description: Tcl/Tk 8.0 and ANSI C based file manager, either
        local or via ftp.  Has a hotlist support for saving often visited
        locations, as well as a history feature.  Extendable.
        Should run on any Unix/X11 platform.
        Contact can add you to a FileRunner announcement mailing list.
        Free for non-commercial users.
        Currently at version 2.5.1.
 Updated: 03/1999
 Contact: mailto:[email protected]  (Henrik Harmsen)

o FileRunner

        Mailist for announcements of new releases of FileRunner,
        which combines a GUI local file manager with an GUI ftp
        browser and HTTP downloading.

        To subscribe to the FileRunner mailing list, send email to
        Henrik Harmsen at mailto:[email protected] .

Henrik Harmsen

filerunner - File manager for Unix; is easy to use and feature rich