Forth is a computer programming language based on Reverse Polish Notation ([RPN]), e.g. in arithmetics like HP calculators: 1 2 + 3 * 4 / ( comments start with open paren and extend to close paren) compares to Tcl's [expr {(1+2)*3)/4}] ;# comments or, using [Math Operators as Commands], [/ [* [+ 1 2] 3] 4] FORTH in tcl anyone? * [A different FORTH] -- [JBR] * [Trying FORTH in Tcl] -- [jcw] * [RPN in Tcl], [RPN again] -- [RS] * [HP Calculator Simulations] * [GPS RPN] -- (Forth-like) [GPS] Chuck Moore created FORTH in 1970. An interesting article about FORTH appeared in Byte magazine [] . Related to this is [1% the code] a shocking paper by Chuck Moore. Tutorials * Brief Introduction [] * And so Forth (a primer)[] * Comprehensive (for 4tH)[] Leo Brodie's "Starting Forth" as a starkit for Windows/Linux/Solaris can be found here [], based on the web version of the book at []. [AK] This starkit seems to need a package 'scripdoc', which is not in the starkit. ---- Often over the years, FORTH and Tcl have been compared because of the mindset in both to write lots of procs/words to do one's work. ---- Several Forths have bound to [Tk] for their [GUI] toolkit needs. V6 [] is a commercial Forth based on Gforth available for [Linux]es (and *[BSD]? and [MacOS X]?). ---- [Zarutian] 24. september 2006: Does an Tcl interpreter in Forth exists? [Zarutian] 27. september 2006: Or do I have to write one? [wdb] Please yes! [Zarutian] 20. june 2007: Hmm... that would require Forth words for: * string manipulation (slicing and splicing) * string comparision and something more probably. [tb] 17. july 2007 - @wdb: Do you think of a string stack? How much of a FORTH system would be appropriate for emulation? A true 2stack machine with a "Dictionary space", an "Inner interpreter", an "Outer interpreter", compilers and defining words, complete with its own command loop? ''[escargo]'' - It might be interesting to have a PostScript[] system instead; PostScript is both a stack-based VM and has strings and dictionaries. ---- [[ [Category Language] ]]