Version 2 of Fractal Mountains

Updated 2002-11-12 02:22:15

Keith Vetter 2002-11-11 - This program draws mountain landscapes using fractals. It is based on an article at [L1 ].

The fractal algorithm it uses is a fairly common one. It takes an equilateral triangle (actually two of them that together form a parallelogram for easier coding) and assigns heights to each vertex. For each iteration level, it subdivides every triangle into four similar, smaller triangles. The vertices of the new triangles are assigned height values based on the average height of the neighboring vertices with a random deviation added in. This random deviation is smaller for deeper iterations, thereby giving the fractal quality of scaled similar details.

Generating the fractal mountain is only the first step, you also have to display it. For hidden surface removal it uses a painter's algorithm (back-to-front drawing). The basic color is based on altitude: blue for below sea level, green up to the treeline, white above the snowline and some shade of green to brown in between treeline and snowline. The brightness of the color is determined by the angle of incidence from a fixed light source.

On my fairly fast Windows machine, iteration level 6 takes about 10 seconds and looks okay; level 7 takes about 1 minute and looks very good; level 8 and 9 take too long.

Wow... this is brilliant! davidw

 # Fractal Mountain
 # Builds and displays a fractal mountain. Based on code at
 # by Keith Vetter
 # Revisions:
 # KPV Nov 07, 2002 - initial revision
 package require Tk
 if {[catch {package require Tcl 8.4}]} {
    package require Tcl 8.3
    proc lset {_lvar idx value} {               ;# Need lset from 8.4
        upvar 1 $_lvar lvar
        set lvar [lreplace $lvar $idx $idx $value]
 interp alias {} = {} expr

 set S(maxIter) 9
 set S(v,nIters) 6                              ;# Number of iterations
 set S(v,contour) 1.00            ;# Power to raise heights to, to make contour
 set S(v,roughness) 2.75                  ;# Base to raise to get scale variance
 set S(v,nHeight) 7                             ;# Max height of mountain
 set S(v,profile) 1                             ;# Profile number (1-4)
 set S(v,xTh) 80                                ;# Tilt angle (in degrees)
 set S(normalHeightBase) 10000                  ;# Normalized height
 set S(seed) 0
 set S(nocolor) 0

 # Unit vector to our light source
 set S(lx) [= {-1 / sqrt(3)}]; set S(ly) [= {-$S(lx)}]; set S(lz) [= {-$S(lx)}]

 set MIN_INT 0x80000000
 set DEG2RAD [= {4*atan(1)*2/360}]

 proc LMAP  {a b v} { lset ::map [= {$a + $b*$::M(S)}] $v; return}
 proc LMAP1 {a v}   { lset ::map $a $v; return}
 proc RMAP  {a b}   { return [lindex $::map [= {$a + $b*$::M(S)}]]}
 proc RMAP1 {a}    { return [lindex $::map $a]}
 # Go
 # Starts or stops drawing of the mountain
 proc Go {how} {
    global S

    if {! $how} {                               ;# 0 means stop drawing
        set S(draw) 0
        ToggleButtons 0
        ProgressBar 1 0
    set seed $S(seed)                           ;# 2 means reuse old seed
    if {$how == 1} {set seed ""}                ;# 1 means new seed
    main $seed
 # main
 # Computes the new mountain and draws it.
 proc main {{seed ""}} {
    global S

    set start [clock click -milliseconds]
    set S(draw) 1
    ToggleButtons 1

    if {$seed == ""} { set seed [clock clicks] }
    set S(seed) $seed

    if {! $S(draw)} return
    set S(draw) 0
    set start [= {([clock click -milliseconds] - $start) / 1000}]

    set msg "Iterations: $S(nIters) Contour: $S(contour) "
    append msg "Smoothness: $S(roughness) Height: $S(nHeight) "
    append msg "Profile: $S(profile) Tilt: $S(xTh) ([Duration $start])"
    INFO $msg
    Go 0
 # ReadParameters
 # Copies GUI parameters into the working copy.
 proc ReadParameters {} {
    global S M

    foreach v [array names S v,*] {
        foreach {a b} [split $v ,] break
        set S($b) $S($v)

    set M(D) [= {1 << $S(nIters)}]
    set M(S) [= {$M(D) + 1}]                    ;# Points along side of triangle
    set M(N) [= {$M(S) * $M(S) - 1}]            ;# Last point in our grid
    set S(normalHeight) [= {$S(normalHeightBase) * $S(nHeight)}]
 # CalcMountains
 # Initializes our mountain grid for the profile and then does the
 # recursive iterations to build up our fractal. It then normalizes
 # all the data to be under a certain height.
 proc CalcMountains {} {
    global M S

    INFO "Calculating the [comma [= {1 + $M(N)}]] points in the display"

    # Generate each main triangle recursively
    IterCalc 0 $M(D) $M(N) [= {$S(maxIter)+1}]
    IterCalc [= {$M(S) * $M(D)}] $M(N) 0 [= {$S(maxIter)+1}]

 # InitMountains
 # Creates the initial grid for our mountain.
 proc InitMountains {} {
    global map M S MIN_INT

    = {srand($S(seed))}                         ;# Initial RNG
    set map [string repeat " $MIN_INT" [= {1+$M(N)}]] ;# Our mountain

    # Generate starting profile to build on

    set q [MaxDeviation [= {$S(maxIter)+1}]]
    set q [= {$q / 2}]
    set nq [= {-$q}]
    set d2 [= {$M(D) / 2}]
    if {$S(profile) == 1} {
        LMAP 0 0 $q
        LMAP $M(D) 0 0
        LMAP 0 $M(D) 0
        LMAP $M(D) $M(D) $nq
    } elseif {$S(profile) == 2} {
        LMAP 0 0 $q
        LMAP $M(D) 0 0
        LMAP 0 $M(D) 0
        LMAP $M(D) $M(D) 0
        if {$d2 > 0} {
            LMAP $d2 $d2 0
            LMAP $d2 $M(D) 0
            LMAP $M(D) $d2 0
    } elseif {$S(profile) == 3} {
        LMAP 0 0 0
        LMAP $M(D) 0 0
        LMAP 0 $M(D) 0
        LMAP $M(D) $M(D) $nq
    } elseif {$S(profile) == 4} {
        LMAP 0 0 0
        LMAP $M(D) 0 0
        LMAP 0 $M(D) 0
        LMAP $M(D) $M(D) 0
        if {$d2 > 0} {
            LMAP $d2 $d2 [= {$q/2}]
            LMAP $d2 0 $q
            LMAP 0 $d2 $q
    } else {
        error "profile out of range (1-4): $S(profile)"
 # MaxDeviation
 # Returns the maximum deviation allowed for a given recursion depth.
 # The function is strictly decreasing monotonic as depth increases.
 proc MaxDeviation {ic} {
    global S

    if {$S(roughness) == 0} { return 100000 }
    return [= {int(8.0 * pow ($S(roughness), $ic-1))}]
 # NormalizeMap
 # Scales all heights to be w/i normalHeight and applies contour transformation.
 proc NormalizeMap {} {
    global map S

    set max [lindex $map 0]                     ;# Get max height
    foreach v $map {
        if {$v > $max} { set max $v}
    if {$max <= 0} return                       ;# All water
    set z [= {pow($max, $S(contour))}]
    set z [= {$S(normalHeight) / $z}]

    set map2 {}
    foreach k $map {
        if {$k >= 0} {
            set i [= {pow($k, $S(contour)) * $z}]
            lappend map2 [= {int($i)}]
        } else {
            set i [= {pow(-$k, $S(contour)) * $z}]
            lappend map2 [= {int(-$i)}]
    set map $map2
 # IterCalc
 # Given three points of a triangle it calculates the midpoints of each
 # side and recurses. Parameter c is the depth.
 proc IterCalc {s1 s2 a c} {
    global map MIN_INT

    incr c -1                                   ;# Decrement iteration count
    set ns1 [= {($s1 + $a)  / 2}]               ;# Midpoints of sub-triangle
    set ns2 [= {($s2 + $a)  / 2}]
    set na  [= {($s1 + $s2) / 2}]

    set vs1 [RMAP1 $s1]
    set vs2 [RMAP1 $s2]
    set va  [RMAP1 $a]

    if {[RMAP1 $ns1] == $MIN_INT} {
        LMAP1 $ns1 [= {($vs1 + $va) / 2}]
        DeviatePoint $ns1 $c
    if {[RMAP1 $ns2] == $MIN_INT} {
        LMAP1 $ns2 [= {($vs2 + $va) / 2}]
        DeviatePoint $ns2 $c
    if {[RMAP1 $na] == $MIN_INT} {
        LMAP1 $na [= {($vs1 + $vs2) / 2}]
        DeviatePoint $na $c

    # Recurse on sub-triangles if we haven't bottomed out
    if {$ns1 + 1 >= $ns2} return
    IterCalc $s1 $na $ns1 $c
    IterCalc $na $s2 $ns2 $c
    IterCalc $ns1 $ns2 $na $c
    IterCalc $ns1 $ns2 $a $c
 # DeviatePoint
 #  Deviates a point up or down by a random amount between
 # -MaxDeviation to +MaxDeviation.
 proc DeviatePoint {o ic} {
    global map S
    if {$S(roughness) < 0} return
    set v [MaxDeviation $ic]
    set r [Rand [= {-$v}] $v]
    LMAP1 $o [= {[RMAP1 $o] + $r}]
 # Rand
 # Returns a random number between first and last.
 proc Rand {first last} {
    set delta [= {$last - $first + 1}]
    set r [= {$first + int(rand() * $delta)}]
    return $r

 proc PrintData {} {
    global map M

    set cnt 0
    foreach v $map {
        if {$v == 0x80000000} {
            puts -nonewline [format "%9s" --]
        } else {
            puts -nonewline [format "% 9ld" $v]
        if {([incr cnt] % $M(S)) == 0} { puts ""}
 # Drawing routines

 # DrawMountains
 # Sets up the transformation variables and then draws all the triangles.
 proc DrawMountains {{step 1}} {
    global tm M S xc sc wx wy

    INFO "Drawing the [comma [= {2*$M(D)*$M(D)}]] triangles in the display"
    set S(draw) 1
    set wx [winfo width .c]
    set wy [winfo height .c]

    set wd [expr {$wx > $wy ? $wy : $wx}]
    set xc [= {0.4073 * (1 << ($S(maxIter) - $S(nIters)))}]
    set sc [= {$wd / 630.0}]

    # Make transformation matrix
    set tm(0,0) 1
    set tm(1,0) 0
    set tm(2,0) 0
    set tm(0,1) 0
    set tm(1,1) [= {cos(-$S(xTh) * $::DEG2RAD)}]
    set tm(2,1) [= {sin(-$S(xTh) * $::DEG2RAD)}]
    set tm(0,2) 0
    set tm(1,2) [= {-sin(-$S(xTh) * $::DEG2RAD)}]
    set tm(2,2) [= {cos(-$S(xTh) * $::DEG2RAD)}]

    # Go back to front, left to right, and draw each triangle
    for {set y 0} {$y < $M(D)} {incr y $step} {
        set y1 [= {$y + $step}]
        for {set x 0} {$x < $M(D)} {incr x $step} {
            set x1 [= {$x + $step}]
            DrawTriangle $x $y $x $y1 $x1 $y1
            DrawTriangle $x $y $x1 $y1 $x1 $y
        ProgressBar $y $M(D)
        if {! $S(draw)} return
    ProgressBar 1 0
 # DrawTriangle
 # Draw a given triangle. This routine is mainly concerned with the
 # possibility that a triangle could span the waterline. If this
 # occurs, this procedure breaks it up into three smaller triangles,
 # each of which is either above or below water. All actual drawing or
 # coloration is delegated to _DrawTriangle.
 proc DrawTriangle {x0 y0 x1 y1 x2 y2} {
    set z0 [RMAP $x0 $y0]
    set z1 [RMAP $x1 $y1]
    set z2 [RMAP $x2 $y2]

    if {$z0 <= 0 && $z1 <= 0 && $z2 <= 0} { ;# All underwater
        _DrawTriangle $x0 $y0 0 $x1 $y1 0 $x2 $y2 0
    } elseif {$z0 >= 0 && $z1 >= 0 && $z2 >= 0} { ;# All above water
        _DrawTriangle $x0 $y0 $z0 $x1 $y1 $z1 $x2 $y2 $z2
    } else {                                    ;# Spans the water line
        set p0 [list $x0 $y0 $z0]
        set p1 [list $x1 $y1 $z1]
        set p2 [list $x2 $y2 $z2]
        set w(0) [= {$z0 < 0}]
        set w(1) [= {$z1 < 0}]
        set w(2) [= {$z2 < 0}]
        if {$w(0) != $w(1) && $w(0) != $w(2)} {
            set ap $p0
            set s0 $p1
            set s1 $p2
        } elseif {$w(1) != $w(0)} {
            set s1 $p0
            set ap $p1
            set s0 $p2
        } else {
            set s0 $p0
            set s1 $p1
            set ap $p2
        foreach {apx apy apz} $ap break
        foreach {s(0,x) s(0,y) s(0,z)} $s0 break
        foreach {s(1,x) s(1,y) s(1,z)} $s1 break

        # At this point, ap is the "odd man out" - either it is above
        # water and the other two are below, or it is below and the
        # other two are above. Which corner s[0] is and which s[1] is
        # *is* important - if we get the wrong order, the normal
        # vector used to find the shading coefficient is the wrong
        # sign. This is true whenever we are manipulating corners -
        # the ordering is always important.

        # Find the "midpoints" between ap and s[0]&s[1] - this is
        # where we split our big triangle into smaller triangles.
        # Actually it is not a normal midpoint, but a weighted
        # midpoint, such that the z component is 0 - waterline.

        foreach n {0 1} {
            set f [= {-1.0 * $apz / ($s($n,z) - $apz)}]
            set m($n,x) [= {$apx - ($apx - $s($n,x)) * $f}]
            set m($n,y) [= {$apy - ($apy - $s($n,y)) * $f}]
            set m($n,z) 0
        # Set whichever triangles are below water to 0 altitude
        if {$apz < 0} {set apz 0} else {set s(0,z) 0; set s(1,z) 0}

        # Draw our three triangles
        _DrawTriangle $apx $apy $apz $m(0,x) $m(0,y) $m(0,z) \
                                                    $m(1,x) $m(1,y) $m(1,z)
        _DrawTriangle $m(0,x) $m(0,y) $m(0,z) $s(0,x) $s(0,y) $s(0,z) \
                                                    $s(1,x) $s(1,y) $s(1,z)
        _DrawTriangle $m(0,x) $m(0,y) $m(0,z) $s(1,x) $s(1,y) $s(1,z) \
                                                    $m(1,x) $m(1,y) $m(1,z)
 # _DrawTriangle
 # This routine actually draws a triangle, given by a set of three
 # (x,y,z) triplets. It determines the color and shading according to
 # altitude and lighting, constructs a QuickDraw polygon for the
 # triangle, and draws it.
 proc _DrawTriangle {x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2 x3 y3 z3} {
    global S

    # Transform into viewing space
    foreach {X1 Y1 Z1} [CalcPoint3 $x1 $y1 $z1] break
    foreach {X2 Y2 Z2} [CalcPoint3 $x2 $y2 $z2] break
    foreach {X3 Y3 Z3} [CalcPoint3 $x3 $y3 $z3] break
    set coords [list $X1 $Y1 $X2 $Y2 $X3 $Y3]

    # Figure out what color we want: blue, green or gray
    if {$z1 == 0 && $z2 == 0 && $z3 == 0} {
        set color "#9fff9fffffff"               ;# Water
    } else {
        set treeline [= {.4 * $S(normalHeight) + 10000}]
        set snowcap [= {$treeline + 19000}]
        set az [= {($z1 + $z2 + $z3) / 3.0}]    ;# Average height
        if {$az > $snowcap} {
            set color 150                       ;# Gray
        } elseif {$az < $treeline} {
            set color 0                         ;# Green
        } else {
            set color [= {($az - $treeline) / (($snowcap - $treeline)/150)}]

        # Determine the normal to surface via the cross product
        set v1x [= {$X2-$X1}]; set v1y [= {$Y2-$Y1}]; set v1z [= {$Z2-$Z1}]
        set v2x [= {$X3-$X1}]; set v2y [= {$Y3-$Y1}]; set v2z [= {$Z3-$Z1}]
        set nx [= {$v1y*$v2z - $v1z*$v2y}]
        set ny [= {$v1z*$v2x - $v1x*$v2z}]
        set nz [= {$v1y*$v2x - $v1x*$v2y}]

        # Blend to brown and white over treeline (work in hsv color model)
        set C [= {(150-$color) / 150.0}]
        set h [= {$C * (120 - 45) + 45}]        ;# 120 -> 45
        set s $C                                ;# 1 -> 0
        set v [= {.94 - $C * (.94 - 2.0/3)}]    ;# .94 -> .667

        # Scale brightness according to the incidence of light
        set len [= {sqrt(double($nx)*$nx + $ny*$ny + $nz*$nz)}]
        if {$len == 0} return

        set i [= {(($S(lx)*$nx + $S(ly)*$ny + $S(lz)*$nz) / $len) / 2.0 + .5}]
        set v [= {$i * $v}]

        set color [hsv2rgb $h $s $v]
    if {$S(nocolor)} {
        .c create poly $coords -fill {} -tag triag2 -outline black
    } else {
        .c create poly $coords -fill $color -tag triag -outline $S(triag)
 # CalcPoint3
 # Transform from map coordinates to screen coordinates
 proc CalcPoint3 {x y z} {
    global M xc sc tm

    set xp [= {$xc * (2*$x - $y + $M(D))}]
    set yp [= {$xc * (2*$y)}]
    set zp [= {$z * 0.00217}]

    set x [= {round($sc * $xp)}]
    set y [= {round($sc * ($yp*$tm(1,1) + $zp*$tm(2,1) + 230))}]
    set z [= {round($sc * ($yp*$tm(1,2) + $zp*$tm(2,2)))}]

    return [list $x $y $z]
 # hsv2rgb
 # Convert from HSV color model to RGB model. h is 0.0 to 360.0, s and v
 # are 0.0 to 1.0.
 proc hsv2rgb {h s v} {
    set v [= {double($v)}]
    set r [set g [set b 0.0]]
    if {$h == 360 || $h == -1} { set h 0 }
    set h [= {$h/60}]
    set i [= {int(floor($h))}]
    set f [= {$h - $i}]
    set p1 [= {$v*(1-$s)}]
    set p2 [= {$v*(1-($s*$f))}]
    set p3 [= {$v*(1-($s*(1-$f)))}]
    switch -- $i {
        0 { set r $v  ; set g $p3 ; set b $p1 }
        1 { set r $p2 ; set g $v  ; set b $p1 }
        2 { set r $p1 ; set g $v  ; set b $p3 }
        3 { set r $p1 ; set g $p2 ; set b $v  }
        4 { set r $p3 ; set g $p1 ; set b $v  }
        5 { set r $v  ; set g $p1 ; set b $p2 }
    set color [format "#%04X%04X%04X" [= {int($r * 65535)}] \
                   [= {int($g * 65535)}] [= {int($b * 65535)}]]
    return $color
 # GUI stuff
 proc DoDisplay {} {
    wm title . "Fractal Mountains"

    frame .bottom -bd 2 -relief ridge
    canvas .c -width 600 -height 600 -bd 2 -relief raised -highlightthickness 0
    canvas .msg  -bd 1 -relief sunken -height 20 -highlightthickness 0
    .msg xview moveto 0 ; .msg yview moveto 0
    .msg create text 5 2 -tag txt -anchor nw
    pack .bottom -side right -fill y
    pack .msg -side bottom -fill x
    pack .c -side top -fill both -expand 1

    myOptMenu .f1 Iterations S(v,nIters) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
    myOptMenu .f2 Contour S(v,contour) \
        0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 3.00 5.00
    myOptMenu .f3 Smoothness S(v,roughness) \
        1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.75 3.50 5.00
    myOptMenu .f4 Height S(v,nHeight) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
    myOptMenu .f5 Profile S(v,profile) 1 2 3 4
    myOptMenu .f6 Tilt S(v,xTh) 0 10 20 30 45 50 60 70 80 90

    frame .spacer
    button .go -text "Draw Mountain" -command {Go 1} -bd 4
    button .redraw -text "Redraw Mountain" -command {Go 2} -bd 4 -state disabled
    button .stop -text "Stop Drawing"  -command {Go 0} -bd 4 -state disabled
    .go configure -font "[font actual [.go cget -font]] -weight bold"
    .redraw configure -font [.go cget -font]
    .stop configure -font [.go cget -font]

    button .fill -text "Clear Coloring" -command ClearColoring -bd 4 \
        -state disabled
    checkbutton .triag -text "Show Triangles" -command ShowTriangles \
        -variable S(triag) -relief raised -anchor w -bd 4 \
        -onvalue black -offvalue {}

    grid .f1 - - -in .bottom -sticky ew -row 0
    grid .f2 - - -in .bottom -sticky ew
    grid .f3 - - -in .bottom -sticky ew
    grid .f4 - - -in .bottom -sticky ew
    grid .f5 - - -in .bottom -sticky ew
    grid .f6 - - -in .bottom -sticky ew
    grid .spacer -in .bottom -pady 10
    grid x .go x -in .bottom -sticky ew
    grid x .redraw x -in .bottom -sticky ew
    grid x .stop x -in .bottom -sticky ew -pady 10
    grid rowconfigure .bottom 100 -weight 1
    grid x .fill x -in .bottom -sticky ew -row 101
    grid x .triag x -in .bottom -sticky ew

    bind all <Alt-c> {console show}
 proc DoMenus {} {
    . configure -menu [menu .m -tearoff 0]
    .m add cascade -menu [menu .m.file -tearoff 0] -label "File" -underline 0
    .m add cascade -menu [menu -tearoff 0] -label "Help" -underline 0

    .m.file add command -label "Draw Mountain" -under 0 -command {Go 1}
        .m.file add command -label "Redraw Mountain" -under 0 -command {Go 2}
        .m.file add command -label "Stop Drawing" -under 0 -command {Go 0}
    .m.file add separator
    .m.file add command -label Exit -under 0 -command exit add command -label Help  -under 0 -command Help add separator add command -label About -under 0 -command About

 set SplashData {
    {{ 56  35  93  50  74  32} E2E2E2} {{ 93  50 112  33  74  32} D8D8D8}
    {{ 93  50 130  56 112  33} CED19D} {{130  56 149  56 112  33} 97C35A}
    {{162  87 159  89 168  89} 9f9fff} {{149  56 130  56 162  87} 00A700}
    {{130  56 159  89 162  87} 00A700} {{174  86 162  87 168  89} 9f9fff}
    {{186  64 149  56 174  86} 00A200} {{149  56 162  87 174  86} 00A200}
    {{174  86 193  84 186  64} 00A700} {{168  89 205  89 174  86} 9f9fff}
    {{205  89 193  84 174  86} 9f9fff} {{223  82 193  84 205  89} 9f9fff}
    {{186  64 193  84 223  82} 00A500} {{ 37  57  74  66  56  35} D4D6A4}
    {{ 74  66  93  50  56  35} DCDCB0} {{ 74  66 112  59  93  50} 6FA13F}
    {{112  59 130  56  93  50} 88B251} {{144  93 140  95 149  95} 9f9fff}
    {{130  56 112  59 144  93} 00A800} {{112  59 140  95 144  93} 00A800}
    {{144  93 159  89 130  56} 00A900} {{149  95 168  89 144  93} 9f9fff}
    {{168  89 159  89 144  93} 9f9fff} {{149  95 186  95 168  89} 9f9fff}
    {{186  95 205  89 168  89} 9f9fff} {{ 19  81  56  82  37  57} 009B00}
    {{ 56  82  74  66  37  57} 00A100} {{ 56  82  93  90  74  66} 00A000}
    {{ 93  90 112  59  74  66} 009200} {{ 93  90 130 101 112  59} 00A400}
    {{140  95 132 101 149  95} 9f9fff} {{112  59 130 101 140  95} 00A500}
    {{130 101 132 101 140  95} 00A500} {{131 102 132 101 130 101} 00A500}
    {{168 102 149  95 131 102} 9f9fff} {{149  95 132 101 131 102} 9f9fff}
    {{168 102 186  95 149  95} 9f9fff} {{ 33 107   5 108  37 108} 9f9fff}
    {{ 19  81   5 108  33 107} 00A000} {{  5 108   5 108  33 107} 9f9fff}
    {{ 42 107  33 107  37 108} 9f9fff} {{ 56  82  19  81  42 107} 009C00}
    {{ 19  81  33 107  42 107} 009C00} {{ 55 108  42 107  37 108} 9f9fff}
    {{ 74 102  56  82  55 108} 008A00} {{ 56  82  42 107  55 108} 008A00}
    {{ 74 102  93  90  56  82} 009E00} {{100 104  83 108 112 108} 9f9fff}
    {{ 93  90  74 102 100 104} 00AA00} {{ 74 102  83 108 100 104} 00AA00}
    {{130 102 100 104 112 108} 9f9fff} {{130 101  93  90 130 102} 00A400}
    {{ 93  90 100 104 130 102} 00A400} {{130 102 131 102 130 101} 00A900}
    {{112 108 149 108 130 102} 9f9fff} {{149 108 131 102 130 102} 9f9fff}
    {{131 102 131 102 130 101} 00A900} {{149 108 168 102 131 102} 9f9fff}
    {{168 102 131 102 131 102} 9f9fff}}

 # Splash
 # Draws our startup screen
 proc Splash {{w .c}} {
    $w delete all
    font create myfont -family Times -size 72

    foreach cmd $::SplashData {
        $w create poly [lindex $cmd 0] -fill "\#[lindex $cmd 1]" \
            -tag [list triag [lindex $cmd 1]]
    foreach {l t r b} [$w bbox triag] break
    set x $r
    set y [= {($t + $b)/2}]
    $w create text $x $y -text "Fractal" -anchor w -font myfont -tag {L1 txt}

    set x [= {[winfo width $w] / 2}]
    if {$x == 0} { set x [= {[winfo reqwidth $w] / 2}]}
    foreach {l t r b} [$w bbox L1] break
    set y [= {$y + $b - $t}]
    $w create text $x $y -text "Mountains" -anchor c -font myfont -tag {L2 txt}

    foreach {l t r b} [$w bbox L2] break
    set y [= {$y + $b - $t}]
    $w create text $x $y -text "by" -font {Times 24} -tag by
    foreach {l t r b} [$w bbox by] break
    set y [= {$y + $b - $t}]
    $w create text $x $y -text "Keith Vetter" -font {Times 24}

    font delete myfont
 # About - simple about dialog
 proc About {} {
    catch {destroy .about}
    toplevel .about
    wm title .about "About Fractal Mountains"
    button .about.dismiss -text "Dismiss" -command {destroy .about}
    canvas .about.c -bd 2 -relief raised -width 600 -height 450
    pack .about.dismiss -side bottom -pady 10
    pack .about.c -side top -fill both -expand 1
    Splash .about.c
 # Help -- a simple help screen
 proc Help {} {
    catch {destroy .help}
    toplevel .help
    wm title .help "Fractal Mountains Help"
    wm geom .help "+[expr {[winfo x .] + [winfo width .] + 10}]+[winfo y .]"

    text .help.t -relief raised -wrap word -width 70 -height 23 \
        -padx 10 -pady 10 -cursor {} -yscrollcommand { set}
    scrollbar -orient vertical -command {.help.t yview}
    button .help.dismiss -text Dismiss -command {destroy .help}
    pack .help.dismiss -side bottom -pady 10
    pack -side right -fill y
    pack .help.t -side top -expand 1 -fill both

    set bold "[font actual [.help.t cget -font]] -weight bold"
    set italic "[font actual [.help.t cget -font]] -slant italic"
    .help.t tag config title -justify center -foregr red -font "Times 20 bold"
    .help.t tag configure title2 -justify center -font "Times 12 bold"
    .help.t tag configure bullet -font $bold
    .help.t tag configure ital -font $bold -lmargin1 15
    .help.t tag configure bn -lmargin1 15 -lmargin2 15
    .help.t tag configure bn2 -lmargin1 15 -lmargin2 40

    .help.t insert end "Fractal Mountains\n" title
    .help.t insert end "by Keith Vetter\n\n" title2

    set m "Fractal Mountains displays a landscape generated using fractals. "
    append m "It is based on code and article by Ben Haller at "
    append m " "
    append m "Vol.07/07.05/FractalMountains/.\n\n"
    .help.t insert end $m

    .help.t insert end "Display Parameters\n" bullet
    .help.t insert end "Iterations" ital
    .help.t insert end "how detailed the mountain will be.\n" bn2
    .help.t insert end "Contour" ital
    .help.t insert end "controls relative steepness at different " bn2
    .help.t insert end "heights, with higher numbers giving steep peaks " bn2
    .help.t insert end "and flatter lowlands.\n" bn2
    .help.t insert end "Smoothness" ital
    .help.t insert end "controls how jagged the sides of the mountains " bn2
    .help.t insert end "will be.\n"
    .help.t insert end "Height" ital
    .help.t insert end "controls the overall height of the mountain.\n" bn2
    .help.t insert end "Profile" ital
    .help.t insert end "selects from a number of initial shapes.\n" bn2
    .help.t insert end "Tilt" ital
    .help.t insert end " selects the viewing angle.\n\n" bn2

    set m "Fractal Mountains starts with two side-by-side equilateral "
    append m "triangles in the shape of a parallelogram and assigns an "
    append m "altitude to each vertex. Next, each triangle is subdivided "
    append m "into four similar smaller triangles by adding vertices at the "
    append m "midpoint of each side. These new vertices are given an altitude "
    append m "which is the average of the two vertices at the end of that side "
    append m "with a random deviation added in. Thus, each iteration "
    append m "quadruples the number of triangles, thereby increasing the "
    append m "details of the mountain.\n\n"
    .help.t insert end "Generating a Fractal Mountain\n" bullet $m bn

    set m "Each player alternate turns by clicking on either an empty cell or "
    append m "a cell already containing his pieces. Each click increases the "
    append m "number of pieces in the cell. When the number of pieces "
    append m "reaches four, the cell "
    .help.t insert end "How to Play\n" bullet $m n explodes.\n\n ital

    set m "When the number of pieces in the cell reaches four, it explodes, "
    append m "scattering the four pieces north, south, east and west. "
    append m "Those four cells immediately change ownership to the current "
    append m "player, and, if the addition of the piece causes a "
    append m "cell to have four pieces, it too will explode. "
    append m "Such chain reactions are a major part of the game, "
    append m "and can cause the momentum in the game to change quickly."
    .help.t insert end "Exploding Cells\n" bullet $m n
    .help.t config -state disabled

 # myOptMenu - creates a label and optionMenu combination
 proc myOptMenu {f lbl var args} {
    frame $f -bd 2 -relief raised
    label $f.lbl -text " $lbl" -bd 0 -anchor w
    eval tk_optionMenu $f.opt $var $args
    $f.opt config -bd 0 -highlightthickness 0
    pack $f.lbl -side left -fill x -expand 1
    pack $f.opt -side right
    return $f
 # ShowTriangles -- makes all triangles visible
 proc ShowTriangles {} {
    global S
    .c itemconfig triag -outline $S(triag)
 # ClearColoring -- removes fill from all the triangles
 proc ClearColoring {} {
    global S
    set S(triag) black
    .c itemconfig triag -fill {} -outline black
    .fill config -state disabled
 # ProgressBar -- draws colored progress bar the right length in .msg
 proc ProgressBar {num max} {
    global state

    set w .msg
    $w delete progress
    if {$max == 0} return

    set width  [winfo width $w]
    set height [winfo height $w]
    set x [= {$num * $width / double($max)}]
    $w create rect 0 0 $x $height -tag progress -fill cyan -outline cyan
    $w lower progress
 # ToggleButtons -- enables/disables command buttons
 proc ToggleButtons {onoff} {
    set offon [= {! $onoff}]
    array set state {0 disabled 1 normal}
    .go config -state $state($offon)
        .m.file entryconfig 0 -state $state($offon)
    .redraw config -state $state($offon)
        .m.file entryconfig 1 -state $state($offon)
    .stop config -state $state($onoff)
        .m.file entryconfig 2 -state $state($onoff)
    if {$onoff} {
                .fill config -state normal
 proc INFO {txt} {
    .msg itemconfig txt -text $txt
 proc clear {} {
    .c delete all
    ProgressBar 1 0
 # comma -- adds commas to a number
 proc comma {n} {
    while {[regsub {^([-+]?\d+)(\d{3})} $n {\1,\2} n]} {}
    return $n
 # Duration - Prints out seconds in a nice format
 proc Duration { int_time } {
    if {$int_time == 0} {return "0 secs"}
    set timeList [list]
    foreach div {86400 3600 60 1} mod {0 24 60 60} name {day hr min sec} {
        set n [expr {$int_time / $div}]
        if {$mod > 0} {set n [expr {$n % $mod}]}
        if {$n > 1} {
            lappend timeList "$n ${name}s"
        } elseif {$n == 1} {
            lappend timeList "$n $name"
    return [join $timeList]
 proc Dump {} {
    global map cmds
    set cmds {}
    foreach tag [.c find withtag triag] {
        set xy {}
        foreach x [lrange [.c coords $tag] 0 end-2] {
            lappend xy [expr {round($x)}]
        set fill [lindex [.c itemconfig $tag -fill] end]
        lappend cmds [list $xy $fill]
 proc SaveSettings {} {
    global S
    set txt "array set S { [array get S v,*] [array get S seed] }"
    clipboard clear
    clipboard append $txt

 INFO "Welcome to Fractal Mountain"

Category graphics