This demonstrates a simple accessor for the [Google] API using the TclSOAP package. Try ''google spell "Larry Vriden"'' ;) Is SOAP::WSDL a part of [TclSOAP]? ''[lexfiend] 13 Feb 2006:'' It's in CVS on the dev branch, and is definitely ''not'' able to properly digest the more complex WSDL files at this time (for instance, it's unable to handle nested types that are prevalent in WSDL files from eBay and other major Web service providers). For a hack that ''does'' work, see my note in [WSDL]. ---- There is currently a bug in the TclDOM package. You might want to try package require dom::tclgeneric package require dom::tcl package provide dom 2.5 before you source this code. ---- # Google.tcl - Copyright (C) 2003 Pat Thoyts # # Provide a simple(ish) Tcl interface to the Google SOAP API. # # Try: google spell "Larry Vriden" # or google cache "" # or google search "TclSOAP" # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY # or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the accompanying file `LICENSE' # for more details. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # @(#)$Id: 8322,v 1.11 2006-12-20 19:00:09 jcw Exp $ package require SOAP package require uri package require base64 # You need to register to use the Google SOAP API. You should put your key # into $HOME/.googlekey using the line: # set Key {0000000000000000} source [file join $env(HOME) .googlekey] # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc google {cmd args} { global Key Toplevels switch -glob -- $cmd { se* { set r [eval [list googleQuery] $args] } sp* { set r [GoogleSearchService::doSpellingSuggestion \ $Key [lindex $args 0]] } c* { set url [lindex $args 0] set d [GoogleSearchService::doGetCachedPage $Key $url] set r [base64::decode $d] } default { usage } } return $r } proc googleQuery {args} { global Key array set opts {start 0 max 10 filter false restrict "" safe false lang ""} while {[string match -* [set option [lindex $args 0]]]} { switch -glob -- $option { -start {set opts(start) [Pop args 1]} -max {set opts(max) [Pop args 1]} -filter {set opts(filter) [Pop args 1]} -restrict {set opts(filter) [Pop args 1]} -safe {set opts(safe) [Pop args 1]} -lang* {set opts(lang) [Pop args 1]} -- { Pop args; break } default { set options [join [array names opts] ", -"] return -code error "invalid option \"$option\":\ should be one of -$options" } } Pop args } set r [GoogleSearchService::doGoogleSearch $Key $args \ $opts(start) $opts(max) $opts(filter) \ $opts(restrict) $opts(safe) $opts(lang) utf-8 utf-8] return $r } proc Pop {varname {nth 0}} { upvar $varname args set r [lindex $args $nth] set args [lreplace $args $nth $nth] return $r } proc usage {} { puts stderr "usage: google search query" puts stderr " google spell text" puts stderr " google cache url" exit 1 } proc set_useragent {{app {}}} { set ua "Mozilla/4.0 ([string totitle $::tcl_platform(platform)];\ $::tcl_platform(os)) http/[package provide http]" if {[string length $app] > 0} { append ua " " $app } else { append ua " Tcl/[package provide Tcl]" } http::config -useragent $ua } set_useragent "Google/1.0" # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Setup the SOAP accessor methods # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- if {[catch {package require SOAP::WSDL}]} { # User doesn't have the WSDL package, do it manually # The following code was generated by parsing the WSDL document namespace eval GoogleSearchService { set endpoint set schema SOAP::create doGetCachedPage \ -proxy $endpoint -params {key string url string} \ -action urn:GoogleSearchAction \ -encoding \ -schemas [list xsd $schema] \ -uri urn:GoogleSearch SOAP::create doSpellingSuggestion \ -proxy $endpoint -params {key string phrase string} \ -action urn:GoogleSearchAction \ -encoding \ -schemas [list xsd $schema] \ -uri urn:GoogleSearch SOAP::create doGoogleSearch -proxy $endpoint \ -params {key string q string start int maxResults int \ filter boolean restrict string safeSearch boolean \ lr string ie string oe string} \ -action urn:GoogleSearchAction \ -encoding \ -schemas [list xsd $schema] \ -uri urn:GoogleSearch }; # end of GoogleSearchService } else { # Get the WSDL document (local copy) # Also at set wsdl_url set wsdl_name [file tail $wsdl_url] if {[file exists [set fname [file join $::env(TEMP) $wsdl_name]]]} { set f [open $fname r] set wsdl [read $f] close $f } else { set tok [http::geturl $wsdl_url] if {[http::status $tok] eq "ok"} { set wsdl [http::data $tok] set f [open $fname w] puts $f $wsdl close $f } http::cleanup $tok } # Process the WSDL and generate Tcl script defining the SOAP accessors. # This is going to change in the near future. set doc [dom::DOMImplementation parse $wsdl] set impl [SOAP::WSDL::parse $doc] eval [set $impl] # Fixup the parameters (the rpcvar package needs to be enhanced for this # but this hasn't been done yet) set schema {} foreach cmd [info commands ::GoogleSearchService::*] { set fixed {} foreach {param type} [SOAP::cget $cmd -params] { set type [regsub "${schema}:" $type {}] lappend fixed $param $type } SOAP::configure $cmd -params $fixed -schemas [list xsd $schema] } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Make available as a command line script. if {!$::tcl_interactive} { if {[info command GoogleSearchService::doGoogleSearch] != {}} { if {[llength $argv] < 2} { usage } set r [eval [list google] $argv] puts $r } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Local variables: # mode: tcl # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: ---- [Bryan Oakley] 12-Nov-2006 for another way to solve the same problem see "Web Services and the Google API" []. ---- [MJ] - Unfortunately, as of December 5, 2006, it seems Google is ditching its SOAP API [] ---- [[ [Category Internet] | [Category Application] ]]