%|||Libraries containing an HTML widget or standalone HTML widgets|% %|Project Name|Latest release|Description|% &|[tkhtml]3|Alpha-release available, development halted as of 2009|Tkhtml3 as a Tk widget supports HTML, CSS and javascript |& &|[tkhtml]2|2002|Tkhtml2 is faster and more lightweight than Tkhtml3, supports HTML, no CSS or Javascript|& &|[Iwidgets]|2010|The library has [scrolledhtml] widget. Itself is part of [incrtcl] project.|& &|[TkWebView]|2009|A script-level widget for displaying HTML, either in a standalone window or embedded in another widget.|& &|http://www.msen.com/%7Eclif/RP_Updates.html%|%HTML_display%|%|04/1999|Supports all HTML/2.0 features, including forms.|& &|http://www.csua.berkeley.edu/%7Esls/woa/distrib/%|%SNTL%|%|1996|A general Tcl library of procedures containing code for HTML rendering|& %|||Applications that contain their own HTML widgets|% %|Project Name|Latest release|Description|% &|http://www.santafe.edu/~vince/Alphatk.html%|%Alphatk%|%|12/2004|Contains a text-only HTML widget which can be used for lynx-like web browsing (all implemented in Tcl).|& %|||Historical Software Projects no longer available on the Internet|% %|Project Name|Latest release|Description|% &|[TkGecko]|Never released, latest activity 2000|A project to embed gecko engine as a widget|& &|tkhtml|long time ago|written by [D. Richard Hipp]. The current tkhtml project is a new project under the same name.|& &|chtml of Georage P.S.|09/2004|An HTML widget that parses and renders basic HTML|& &|hush|10/1998|C++ API for Tcl/Tk. Offer many widgets including an HTML widget. Requires Tcl 7.[34], Tk 3.6, and TkPixmap extension.|& &|http://starship.python.net/crew/zack/ptui/%|%PTUI%|%||A [Tkinter]-based IDE for Python, not Tcl. It includes an HTML viewer based on text.|& ---- !!!!!! %| [Category HTML] | [Category GUI] | [Category Internet] |% !!!!!!