[Keith Vetter] 2005-12-10 : After writing [The Classic 15 Puzzle] I decided to write a generalized version that could both play and solve any size board. In doing so I not only added some color visualization but also made the solving code much cleaner. The only tricky part was determining if a random board is solvable or not. The algorithm of counting inversions only seems to work for even sized boards. I never could figure that out, so instead I just take the solution position and move the tiles randomly 5000 times. ---- ##+########################################################################## # # N-puzzle.tcl -- Plays and solve the classic N-puzzle # by Keith Vetter, Dec 8 2005 # # Solution algorithm taken from # http://www.javaonthebrain.com/java/puzz15/technical.html # package require Tk set S(n) 4 set font Helvetica if {$tcl_platform(platform) eq "windows"} { set font {Comic Sans MS}} font create numfont -family $font -size 22 -weight bold ##+########################################################################## # # Init -- initializes everything to board size S(n) # proc Init {} { global S roundDisp roundDx set S(n1) [expr {$S(n) - 1}] ;# Handy constants set S(n2) [expr {$S(n) * $S(n)}] set S(sz) [font measure numfont "15 "] ;# Size of a cell set S(w) [expr {$S(n)*$S(sz) + 1}] ;# Size of board set S(title) "N-Puzzle" set S(state) playing set S(soln) {} for {set i 1} {$i <= $S(n2)} {incr i} { lappend S(soln) [expr {$i%$S(n2)}]} # roundDisp are the offsets walking around a given cell set t [list -$S(n) [expr {-$S(n)+1}] 1 [expr {$S(n)+1}] $S(n) \ [expr {$S(n)-1}] -1 [expr {-$S(n)-1}]] MakeArray roundDisp [concat $t $t $t $t] MakeArray roundDx {0 1 1 1 0 -1 -1 -1 0 1 1 1 0 -1 -1 -1 0 1 1 1 0 -1 -1 -1 0} } ##+########################################################################## # # Resize -- changes the size of the board # proc Resize {} { global S if {$S(state) eq "solving"} { ;# Are we currently solving??? set S(kill) 1 set S(next) resize return } Init DoDisplay NewBoard } ##+########################################################################## # # DoDisplay -- puts up our display # proc DoDisplay {} { global S if {[winfo exists .c]} { .c delete all .c config -width $S(w) -height $S(w) return } bind all {console show} wm title . $S(title) DoMenus canvas .c -width $S(w) -height $S(w) -highlightthickness 0 -bg gray75 label .msg -textvariable S(msg) -bd 2 -relief ridge .msg configure -font "[font actual [.msg cget -font]] -weight bold" pack .c -side top -padx 5 -pady 5 pack .msg -side top -fill x } ##+########################################################################## # # DoMenus -- aren't installing menus really verbose and clunky? # proc DoMenus {} { option add *Menu.tearOff 0 menu .menu . config -menu .menu menu .menu.game .menu add cascade -label "Game" -menu .menu.game .menu.game add command -label "New Board" -command NewBoard .menu.game add command -label "Solve" -command Solve .menu.game add separator set m .menu.game.size menu $m .menu.game add cascade -label "Board Size" -menu $m foreach n {2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10} { $m add radio -label "${n}x$n" -variable S(n) -value $n -command Resize } .menu.game add separator .menu.game add command -label "About" -command About .menu.game add command -label "Exit" -command exit } ##+########################################################################## # # Draws the board in array B # proc DrawNewBoard {} { global B .c delete all for {set row 0} {$row < $::S(n)} {incr row} { for {set col 0} {$col < $::S(n)} {incr col} { set r [TileRect $row $col] set xy [TileXY $row $col] set val $B($row,$col) set tag "tile$val" set tag2 "cell$val" if {$B($row,$col) == 0} { .c create rect $r -width 1 -fill gray75 -tag $tag continue } .c create rect $r -width 1 -fill white -tag [list tile $tag $tag2] .c create text $xy -text $val -font numfont -tag $tag .c bind $tag <1> [list Click $val] } } } ##+########################################################################## # # NewBoard -- creates a new board in B then draws it # proc NewBoard {} { global B S if {$S(state) eq "solving"} { set S(kill) 1 set S(next) "new" return } ;#while {1} { ;# set b [Shuffle $S(soln)] ;# Pick a random board ;# if {[Parity $b] == 0} break ;# Is it legal? ;#} set b [ScrambleBoard] set idx -1 for {set row 0} {$row < $S(n)} {incr row} { for {set col 0} {$col < $S(n)} {incr col} { set val [lindex $b [incr idx]] set B($row,$col) $val set B(r,$val) [list $row $col] } } DrawNewBoard set S(state) playing set S(msg) "" } ##+########################################################################## # # Creates a legal random board. To insure legality, it simulates # moving the tiles MAX times. # proc ScrambleBoard {{max 5000}} { array set DIRS {up {-1 0} down {1 0} left {0 -1} right {0 1}} set b $::S(soln) for {set i 0} {$i < $max} {incr i} { set idx0 [lsearch $b 0] ;# Find the hole set r0 [expr {$idx0 / $::S(n)}] set c0 [expr {$idx0 - $::S(n)*$r0}] while {1} { set dir [lindex {up down left right} [expr {int(rand()*4)}]] foreach {dr dc} $DIRS($dir) break set r1 [expr {$r0 + $dr}] set c1 [expr {$c0 + $dc}] if {$r1 >= 0 && $r1 < $::S(n) && $c1 >= 0 && $c1 < $::S(n)} break } set idx1 [expr {$r1*$::S(n) + $c1}] # Swap idx0 and idx1 in the board set temp [lindex $b $idx0] lset b $idx0 [lindex $b $idx1] lset b $idx1 $temp } return $b } ##+########################################################################## # # Parity -- returns the parity of the board. Parity is computed from the # sum of the number of inversions plus the row the hole is in (base 1) # Legal boards have parity of 0. # # Seems not to work for odd sized boards :( # proc Parity {{lboard {}}} { global B S if {$lboard eq {}} { ;# Turn board into a list set lboard {} for {set row 0} {$row < $S(n)} {incr row} { for {set col 0} {$col < $S(n)} {incr col} { lappend lboard $B($row,$col) } } } set hole [lsearch $lboard "0"] ;# Where the hole is set lboard [lreplace $lboard $hole $hole] ;# Ignore hole in inversions # Count inversions in this list set cnt 0 for {set i 1} {$i < [llength $lboard]} {incr i} { set elem [lindex $lboard $i] for {set j 0} {$j < $i} {incr j} { if {[lindex $lboard $j] > $elem} {incr cnt} } } # Add in row the hole is in (base ($S(n)-1)%2) set row [expr {$hole / $S(n)}] incr cnt [expr {($hole / $S(n)) + $S(n1) % 2}] set parity [expr {$cnt % 2}] return $parity } ##+########################################################################## # # Shuffle -- shuffles a list # proc Shuffle {llist} { set len [llength $llist] set len2 $len for {set i 0} {$i < $len-1} {incr i} { set n [expr {int($i + $len2 * rand())}] incr len2 -1 # Swap elements at i & n set temp [lindex $llist $i] lset llist $i [lindex $llist $n] lset llist $n $temp } return $llist } ##+########################################################################## # # Moves tiles in response to clicks on the board. # proc Click {val {force 0}} { global B if {! $force && $::S(state) ne "playing"} return foreach {row col} $B(r,$val) break foreach {hrow hcol} $B(r,0) break set dr [expr {$hrow-$row}] set dc [expr {$hcol-$col}] if {$dr != 0 && $dc != 0} return ;# Diagonal move attempt if {$dr == 0 && $dc == 0} return ;# NOP move attempt set adr [expr {$dr == 0 ? 0 : $dr/abs($dr)}];# Sign of dr set adc [expr {$dc == 0 ? 0 : $dc/abs($dc)}] set len [expr {abs($dr) + abs($dc)}] ;# How many tiles too move for {set i 1} {$i <= $len} {incr i} { set r1 [expr {$hrow - $i * $adr}] set c1 [expr {$hcol - $i * $adc}] set val $B($r1,$c1) MoveTile $r1 $c1 UpdateBoard $val 0 } if {[IsSolved]} Victory } ##+########################################################################## # # MoveTile -- updates data structures for moving a tile # proc MoveTile {row col} { global B set val $B($row,$col) foreach {hrow hcol} $B(r,0) break set B($hrow,$hcol) $B($row,$col) ;# Hole get tile's value set B($row,$col) 0 ;# Tile is now hole set B(r,$val) [list $hrow $hcol] ;# Reverse indices set B(r,0) [list $row $col] } ##+########################################################################## # # UpdateBoard -- updates board to reflect moved tile # proc UpdateBoard {val0 val1} { global B ;# NB. the tiles are ALREADY swapped in B foreach {x0 y0} [eval TileXY $B(r,$val0)] break foreach {x1 y1} [eval TileXY $B(r,$val1)] break set dx [expr {$x1 - $x0}] set dy [expr {$y1 - $y0}] .c move tile$val1 $dx $dy .c move tile$val0 [expr {-$dx}] [expr {-$dy}] } ##+########################################################################## # # Returns TRUE if B is solved # proc IsSolved {} { global B S set idx 0 for {set row 0} {$row < $S(n)} {incr row} { for {set col 0} {$col < $S(n)} {incr col} { if {[incr idx] != $B($row,$col)} { ;# Always fails for the hole return [expr {$idx == $S(n2)}] } } } return 0 ;# Should never get here } ##+########################################################################## # # Shows that you've won # proc Victory {} { .c itemconfig tile -fill magenta set ::S(state) solved } ##+########################################################################## # # Returns x,y of the center of tile at row,col # proc TileXY {row col} { set x [expr {$col * $::S(sz) + $::S(sz)/2}] set y [expr {$row * $::S(sz) + $::S(sz)/2}] return [list $x $y] } ##+########################################################################## # # Returns rectangle of tile at row,col # proc TileRect {row col} { set x0 [expr {$col * $::S(sz)}] set y0 [expr {$row * $::S(sz)}] set x1 [expr {$x0 + $::S(sz)}] set y1 [expr {$y0 + $::S(sz)}] return [list $x0 $y0 $x1 $y1] } proc About {} { set msg "N-Puzzle\nby Keith Vetter, December 2005\n\n" append msg "Lets you create and try to solve the\n" append msg "classic N-Puzzle. If you have trouble,\n" append msg "just press the Solve button to see it done." tk_messageBox -title "About N-Puzzle" -message $msg } ################################################################ ################################################################ # # Solution code below. Generalized from http://www.javaonthebrain.com # proc Solve {} { global S B MOVES HOLDER if {$S(state) eq "solving"} { ;# Are we currently solving set S(kill) 1 ;# Then stop set S(next) "" return } if {[IsSolved]} { ;# Already solved??? set S(msg) "Already solved" Victory return } set S(state) solving set MOVES {} unset -nocomplain HOLDER for {set i 0} {$i < $S(n2)} {incr i} { foreach {row col} $B(r,$i) break set HOLDER([expr {$row*$S(n) + $col}]) $i } for {set row 0} {$row < $S(n)-2} {incr row} { SolveRow $row } SolveLast2Rows DoMoves } ##+########################################################################## # # SolveRow -- solves any row but the bottom 2. Columns 0 - n-2 are easy, # the last tow first go vertical then slip right in. # proc SolveRow {row} { global S HOLDER for {set col 0} {$col < $S(n)-2} {incr col} { ;# The easy column set cell [expr {$row * $S(n) + $col}] set who [expr {$cell + 1}] AddMessage msg "Putting $who in place" AddMessage start $who MoveTo $who $cell AddMessage done $who } set who [expr {$row * $S(n) + $S(n) - 1}] set who2 [expr {$who + 1}] set cell00 [expr {$row*$S(n) + $S(n) - 2}] set cell01 [expr {$row*$S(n) + $S(n) - 1}] set cell10 [expr {$row*$S(n) + 2*$S(n) - 2}] set cell11 [expr {$row*$S(n) + 2*$S(n) - 1}] if {$HOLDER($cell00) == $who && $HOLDER($cell01) == $who2} { AddMessage done $who AddMessage done $who2 set HOLDER($cell00) -1 set HOLDER($cell01) -1 return } AddMessage msg "Putting $who,$who2 in place" AddMessage start $who AddMessage start $who2 MoveTo $who $cell01 set hpos [Locate 0] # Check where $who2 is if {$HOLDER($cell00) == $who2 && $hpos == $cell11} { AddMessage msg "Darn! $who2 needs a detour" MakeDetour {l u r d} MakeDetour {d l u r d l u r u l d r d} } elseif {$HOLDER($cell10) == $who2 && $hpos == $cell00} { AddMessage msg "Darn! $who2 needs a detour" MakeDetour {r d} MakeDetour {d l u r d l u r u l d r d} } elseif {$HOLDER($cell00) == $who2} { AddMessage msg "Darn! $who2 needs a detour" MoveTo $who2 $cell10 MakeDetour {r d} MakeDetour {d l u r d l u r u l d r d} } else { MoveTo $who2 $cell11 } # Now who is in cell01; who2 in cell11 set HOLDER($cell01) $who ;# Unlock this piece set HOLDER($cell11) -1 MoveTo $who $cell00 AddMessage done $who set HOLDER($cell11) $who2 ;# Unlock this piece MoveTo $who2 $cell01 AddMessage done $who2 } ##+########################################################################## # # SolveLast2Row -- like SolveRow but works horizontally # proc SolveLast2Rows {} { global S HOLDER set row [expr {$S(n) - 2}] for {set col 0} {$col < $S(n)-2} {incr col} { set who [expr {$row * $S(n) + $S(n) + $col + 1}] set who2 [expr {$row * $S(n) + $col + 1}] set cell00 [expr {$row * $S(n) + $col}] set cell01 [expr {$row * $S(n) + $col + 1}] set cell10 [expr {$row * $S(n) + $S(n) + $col}] set cell11 [expr {$row * $S(n) + $S(n) + $col + 1}] if {$HOLDER($cell10) == $who && $HOLDER($cell00) == $who2} { AddMessage done $who AddMessage done $who2 set HOLDER($cell10) -1 set HOLDER($cell00) -1 continue } AddMessage msg "Putting $who,$who2 in place" AddMessage start $who AddMessage start $who2 MoveTo $who $cell00 set hpos [Locate 0] # Check where $who2 is if {$HOLDER($cell10) == $who2 && $hpos == $cell01} { AddMessage msg "Darn! $who2 needs a detour" MakeDetour {d l u r} MakeDetour {r d l u r d l u l d r u r} } elseif {$HOLDER($cell11) == $who2 && $hpos == $cell10} { AddMessage msg "Darn! $who2 needs a detour" MakeDetour {u r} MakeDetour {r d l u r d l u l d r u r} } elseif {$HOLDER($cell10) == $who2} { AddMessage msg "Darn! $who2 needs a detour" MoveTo $who2 $cell11 MakeDetour {u r} MakeDetour {r d l u r d l u l d r u r} } else { MoveTo $who2 $cell01 } set HOLDER($cell00) $who set HOLDER($cell01) -1 MoveTo $who $cell10 AddMessage done $who set HOLDER($cell01) $who2 MoveTo $who2 $cell00 AddMessage done $who2 } # Spin the last 3 pieces into place set who00 [expr {$S(n2) - $S(n) - 1}] set cell00 [expr {$who00 - 1}] set who01 [expr {$S(n2) - $S(n)}] set cell01 [expr {$who01 - 1}] set who10 [expr {$S(n2) - 1}] set cell10 [expr {$who10 - 1}] AddMessage msg "Spinning last 3 pieces" AddMessage start $who00 AddMessage start $who01 AddMessage start $who10 MoveTo $who00 $cell00 MoveTo $who01 $cell01 MoveTo $who10 $cell10 } ##+########################################################################## # # MakeDetour -- follows a list of u,d,r&l # proc MakeDetour {dirs} { global S MOVES HOLDER array set DIRS [list "l" -1 "r" 1 "d" $S(n) "u" "-$S(n)"] set hpos [Locate 0] foreach dir $dirs { set to [expr {$hpos + $DIRS($dir)}] set HOLDER($hpos) $HOLDER($to) set HOLDER($to) 0 set hpos $to lappend MOVES $to } return $MOVES } ##+########################################################################## # # AddMessage -- puts a message into move list to be displayed # proc AddMessage {type what} { lappend ::MOVES [list $type $what] } ##+########################################################################## # # MoveTo -- Moves "piece" to position "to" # proc MoveTo {piece to} { global HOLDER MOVES set ppath [GetPath $piece $to] set ppos [Locate $piece] set HOLDER($ppos) -1 foreach tg $ppath { MoveHole $tg $ppos ;# Get the hole where we want it lappend MOVES $ppos ;# Move target into hole set HOLDER($ppos) 0 ;# Update data structures set HOLDER($tg) -1 set ppos $tg } return $MOVES } ##+########################################################################## # # GetPath -- gets path that "piece" will take to get to "to". How it completes # this path is somebody elses problem. # proc GetPath {piece to} { set ppath {} set hpos [Locate $piece] while {($hpos % $::S(n)) < ($to % $::S(n))} { ;# Go right if we need to lappend ppath [incr hpos] } while {($hpos % $::S(n)) > ($to % $::S(n))} { ;# Go left if we need to lappend ppath [incr hpos -1] } while {$hpos > $to} { ;# Get up if we need to lappend ppath [incr hpos -$::S(n)] } while {$hpos < $to} { ;# Get up if we need to lappend ppath [incr hpos $::S(n)] } return $ppath } ##+########################################################################## # # MoveHole -- the guts of the solution. Figures out how to get the hole to # the target position next to ppos without disturbing already solved tiles. # proc MoveHole {tg ppos} { global S HOLDER MOVES global roundDisp roundDx set hpos [Locate 0] ;# Find the hole foreach {hrow hcol} [list [expr {$hpos/$S(n)}] [expr {$hpos % $S(n)}]] break foreach {prow pcol} [list [expr {$ppos/$S(n)}] [expr {$ppos % $S(n)}]] break foreach {trow tcol} [list [expr {$tg / $S(n)}] [expr {$tg % $S(n)}]] break # Get in neighborhood of target while {abs($hcol - $pcol) > 1 || abs($hrow - $prow) > 1} { if {$hcol < $tcol && $HOLDER([expr {$hpos+1}]) > 0} { #puts "go right" set k [expr {$hpos + 1}] incr hcol } elseif {$hcol > $tcol && $HOLDER([expr {$hpos-1}]) > 0} { #puts "go left" set k [expr {$hpos - 1}] incr hcol -1 } elseif {$hrow < $trow && $HOLDER([expr {$hpos+$S(n)}]) > 0} { #puts "go down" set k [expr {$hpos + $S(n)}] incr hrow } else { #puts "go up" set k [expr {$hpos - $S(n)}] incr hrow -1 } lappend MOVES $k set HOLDER($hpos) $HOLDER($k) set HOLDER($k) 0 set hpos $k } # Now we're 1 away from target. Find shortest path to target if {$hpos == $tg} return ;# Did we get lucky? # Locate where hpos is on perimeter of ppos for {set j 8} {$hpos != $ppos + $roundDisp($j)} {incr j} {} # Try going clockwise set posCount 0 set k $j while {$ppos + $roundDisp($k) != $tg} { incr k set to [expr {$ppos + $roundDisp($k)}] if {$to >= 0 && $to < $S(n2) && $pcol+$roundDx($k) < $S(n) && $pcol+$roundDx($k) >= 0 && $HOLDER($to) > 0} { incr posCount } else { incr posCount 50 } } # Try going counter-clockwise set negCount 0 set k $j while {$ppos+$roundDisp($k) != $tg} { incr k -1 set to [expr {$ppos + $roundDisp($k)}] if {$to >= 0 && $to < $S(n2) && $pcol+$roundDx($k) < $S(n) && $pcol+$roundDx($k) >= 0 && $HOLDER($to) > 0} { incr negCount } else { incr negCount 50 } } # Pick optimal direction and do the moves set dir [expr {$posCount <= $negCount ? 1 : -1}] while {$hpos != $tg} { incr j $dir set k [expr {$ppos + $roundDisp($j)}] lappend MOVES $k set HOLDER($hpos) $HOLDER($k) set HOLDER($k) 0 set hpos $k } } ##+########################################################################## # # Locate -- returns cell in which a given piece is located # proc Locate {num} { for {set i 0} {$num != $::HOLDER($i)} {incr i} {} return $i } ##+########################################################################## # # DoMoves -- walks our move list and visually does each move # proc DoMoves {} { global S B MOVES set S(kill) 0 set S(next) "" set cnt 0 foreach move $MOVES { if {$S(kill)} break if {[llength $move] > 1} { ;# Not a move foreach {type what} $move break if {$type eq "done"} { .c itemconfig cell$what -fill green } elseif {$type eq "start"} { .c itemconfig cell$what -fill cyan } else { set S(msg) $what } continue } incr cnt foreach {row col} [list [expr {$move/$S(n)}] [expr {$move%$S(n)}]] break Click $B($row,$col) 1 update after 200 } set S(state) playing if {$S(kill)} { .c itemconfig tile -fill white set S(msg) "stopped" if {$S(next) eq "resize"} Resize if {$S(next) eq "new"} NewBoard } else { set MOVES {} set S(msg) "Done in $cnt move[expr {$cnt > 1 ? "s" : ""}]" } } ##+########################################################################## # # MakeArray -- turns a list into an array--easier access than lindex # proc MakeArray {_var values} { upvar $_var var set idx -1 foreach v $values { set var([incr idx]) $v } } ################################################################ ################################################################ Init DoDisplay NewBoard return ---- [Category Games]