'''''heffers] I made a small extension to remote control xmms: [xmmstcl] [http://pascal.scheffers.net/images/pascal_stonehenge.jpg] My gazilionth user page. Just go to http://pascal.scheffers.net ---- If someone stops by here looking for information on [PostScript], you need to go visit that page instead. ''You should know that the customary abbreviation for postscript is in lower case: '''ps''' not - '''[PS]''' :)'' However, since the wiki treats titles as case insensitive, the user searching for ''ps'' is going to find this page! ---- Some of the things I added: * [Block Cipher Modes] * The German [Enigma] machine can, of course, be simulated with Tcg snippets of code from the wiki involves editors, I just created [WikiRun] * [IP-to-country lookup] - how not to do it in Tcl. * [HL7] or 'Health Level Seven' - a medical data interchange standard. * [WikiDiff Notifications] * [file and directory change notifications] * [Printing DYMO Labels with Tcl and tcom] * [Simple TCP/IP to serial port gateway] * A new wiki front page? [http://wiki.tcl.tk/%|%The Tcl'ers Wiki.%|%] * [Discussion about a more concise wiki front page] * [A Pure Tcl self-extracting archive] * [Simple Tcl Archive Network] * [Slashdot MetaModeration]* [A Pregnancy Calculator] * [kitsplit] Split a running Starpack.exe into tclkit.exe and applicakit * [Using a zip file as a Tcl Module] files like a .kit file] hings''' * [EAN-13 generation] * [EAN-13 encode/decode functions] * [Scan an EAN-13 barcode from an image]- o get a better idea of exactly what has changed with the [http://wiki.tcl.tk/_/recent%|%Recent changes], I have created a [WikiDiff]. The actual diff can currently be found at http://pascal.scheffers.net/wikidiff/ For that to work nicely, highlighting word-by-word changes (as opposed to line-by-line) I hacked away at [WordDiff].In our network, we have one place that can access a database through a VPconnection. But I want everyone to be able to access that, so I wrote a [TCPProxy], which works very simi''` ** ***italic text*** ** `''lar to [sockspy] except it doesn't do any fancy logging. ---- ke [TkChat], but I guess I am not the only who would like to see some new entry and exit messages. So after some experimenting and without further ado: my tkchat now grabs [TkChat ssages]. The users of the web interface will still be bored to tears wie old messages, but I will just have to throw a [SEP Field] over that one, for now.