On the Tcl chat, Johannes13 pastedbin'ed a [TWAPI] based provider for [tcllib]'s [SASL] module. Copied here for safekeeping. ====== package require SASL package require twapi namespace eval ::SASL::sspi { variable sspi_handles array set sspi_handles {} } proc ::SASL::sspi::Cleanup {ctx} { variable sspi_handles ::twapi::sspi_close_security_context $sspi_handles($ctx) unset sspi_handles($ctx) } proc ::SASL::sspi::clientproc {mech context challenge args} { upvar #0 $context ctx variable sspi_handles if {$ctx(count) == 1} { if {[info exists sspi_handles($context)]} { sspi_close_security_context $sspi_handles($context) } # Try to get some values from the callback set cred_opts {} foreach {type arg} {-user username -password password -domain realm} { if {![catch "$ctx(callback) [list $context $arg]" res] && $res ne ""} { dict set cred_opts $type $res } } if {![dict exists $cred_opts -user]} { dict unset cred_opts -password dict unset cred_opts -domain } set ctx_opts {} foreach {type arg} {-target target} { if {![catch "$ctx(callback) [list $context $arg]" res] && $res ne ""} { dict set ctx_opts $type $res } } set cred [::twapi::sspi_new_credentials -usage outbound -package $mech {*}$cred_opts] if {[catch { set sspi_handles($context) [twapi::sspi_client_new_context $cred {*}$ctx_opts] } res opt]} { ::twapi::sspi_free_credentials $cred return -options $opt $res } ::twapi::sspi_free_credentials $cred trace add variable $context unset [list ::SASL::sspi::Cleanup $context] } set res [twapi::sspi_security_context_next $sspi_handles($context) $challenge] lassign $res cont ctx(response) sspi_handles($context) switch -exact -- $cont { continue { return 1 } done { return 0 } } } proc ::SASL::sspi::serverproc {mech context challenge args} { upvar #0 $context ctx variable sspi_handles if {$ctx(count) == 1} { # allocate twapi stuff.. if {[info exists sspi_handles($context)]} { sspi_close_security_context $sspi_handles($context) } set cred_opts {} foreach {type arg} {-user username -password password -domain realm} { if {![catch "$ctx(callback) [list $context $arg]" res] && $res ne ""} { dict set cred_opts $type $res } } if {![dict exists $cred_opts -user]} { dict unset cred_opts -password dict unset cred_opts -domain } set ctx_opts {} foreach {type arg} {-target target} { if {![catch "$ctx(callback) [list $context $arg]" res] && $res ne ""} { dict set ctx_opts $type $res } } set cred [::twapi::sspi_new_credentials -usage inbound -package $mech {*}$cred_opts] if {[catch { set sspi_handles($context) [twapi::sspi_server_new_context $cred $challenge {*}$ctx_opts] } res opt]} { ::twapi::sspi_free_credentials $cred return -options $opt $res } ::twapi::sspi_free_credentials $cred trace add variable $context unset [list ::SASL::sspi::Cleanup $context] set res [twapi::sspi_security_context_next $sspi_handles($context) ""] } else { set res [twapi::sspi_security_context_next $sspi_handles($context) $challenge] } lassign $res cont ctx(response) sspi_handles($context) switch -exact -- $cont { continue { return 1 } done { return 0 } } } proc ::SASL::sspi::Init {} { foreach pkg [::twapi::sspi_enumerate_packages] { switch -exact -- $pkg { Negotiate {set prio 100} Kerberos {set prio 75} NTLM {set prio 50} default {set prio 49} } set ccmd [interp alias {} ::SASL::sspi::Client$pkg {} ::SASL::sspi::clientproc $pkg] set scmd [interp alias {} ::SASL::sspi::Server$pkg {} ::SASL::sspi::serverproc $pkg] ::SASL::register [string toupper $pkg] $prio $ccmd $scmd if {$pkg eq "Negotiate"} { # Register as GSS-SPNEGO too ::SASL::register GSS-SPNEGO 90 $ccmd $scmd } } rename ::SASL::sspi::Init {} } ::SASL::sspi::Init package provide SASL::sspi 1.0 ====== [JKU] Some notes: * It used the non-standard parameter "target" for the SPN (necessary for [Kerberos]) * Server part not tested. * It always invokes the callback, not only if it needs some info. Return an empty string to use the default. * Not sure if I mapped the arguments correctly. * It uses [trace]s to delete the [twapi] security context. * [tcllib]s [SASL] only supports uppercase mechanisms. You can register lowercase mechanisms, but you can not use them. * I guessed the priorities. Negotiate is IMHO the best, because it uses [Kerberos] and falls back to [NTLM]. Example use: ====== package require ldap package require SASL::sspi; # Imports twapi too. set l [ldap::connect [string range [::twapi::find_domain_controller -require directoryservice] 2 end]] ldap::bindSASL $l foreach {k v} [lindex [ldap::search $l [::twapi::get_current_user -fullyqualifieddn] objectClass=* {} -scope base] 0 1] {puts "$k\t$v"} ====== [schlenk] Looks pretty good. Thats surely the correct and secure way to connect tcllib LDAP to an AD domain. <>Security