Version 24 of Slot_Calculator_Demo

Updated 2009-02-02 15:09:44 by gold


       This page is under development. Comments are
       welcome, but please load any comments 
       at the bottom of the page. Thanks,[gold]

This page uses Tcl8/Expect 5.2 for windows to develop Slot_Calculator_Demo. (note: file is working in Expect5.2, but i did not put in statement "require Expect5.2" since lock with report error on some ports.)

In developing a computer program or application, it is helpful to develop analogs for the individual tasks of the application.

In the process of designing the basic subroutine tasks, we could throw in some error checks. Such rule breaking helps keep the finished program more flexible.

Program Listing

       #!/usr/bin/env wish
        #start of deck
        #start of deck
        #start of deck
        #start of deck

        # Slot_Calculator_Demo
        # 5Jan2009, [gold]

set w .form
catch {destroy $w}
toplevel $w
wm title $w "Slot Calculator Demo"
wm iconname $w "form"
set colorgrd seashell4
set colorback bisque
set colorwarning tomato1
set reportcard "ready"
set reportcard2 "zero entry detected !!! "
set reportcard3 "stinker null entered !!! "
set side1 3
set side2 50
proc testcasexxxx { w side1 side2 answer } {
  # testcase is side of 5 units and 30 units
  # result or product is 150 units
     foreach i {f1 f2 f3 f4 f5} {

    $w.$i.entry delete 0 end
    $w.f2.entry insert end $side1
    $w.f3.entry insert end $side2
    $w.f4.entry insert end ""
    $w.f5.entry insert end "testcase entered, ans=$answer"

  proc clearall { w } {
    global colorwarning
    global colorback
    foreach i {f1 f2 f3 f4 f5} {
    $w.$i.entry configure -background $colorback
    $w.$i.entry delete 0 end

proc calculate { w side1 side2  } {
    global colorwarning
    global colorback
    global answer2
    global reportcard3 
    $w.f4.entry delete 0 end 
    $w.f5.entry delete 0 end
     set side1  [ $w.f2.entry get ] 
     set side2  [ $w.f3.entry get ] 
    if {[ $w.f2.entry get]==""} {  $w.f2.entry configure -background $colorwarning } 
    if {[ $w.f3.entry get]==""} {  $w.f3.entry configure -background $colorwarning  }

    if {[ $w.f2.entry get]==0} {  $w.f2.entry configure -background $colorwarning } 
    if {[ $w.f3.entry get]==0} {  $w.f3.entry configure -background $colorwarning  }
     set side1  [ $w.f2.entry get ] 
     set side2  [ $w.f3.entry get ] 
      if {  $side1 == ""   } { set side1 0 } 
      if {   $side2 == ""   } { set side2 0 }  

    $w.f5.entry configure -background $colorback 
   set answer2 [ expr { $side1  *  $side2 } ]
        $w.f4.entry insert end $answer2
     if {$answer2 <= 0.0000001} {
      $w.f5.entry delete 0 end
      $w.f5.entry configure -background $colorwarning 
      $w.f5.entry insert end "warning, negative or near zero detected in answer"  
    if {$side1 <= 0.0000001} {
        $w.f5.entry delete 0 end
      $w.f5.entry configure -background $colorwarning
      $w.f5.entry insert end "warning, negative or near zero detected in entry"  
   if {$side2 <= 0.0000001} {
      $w.f5.entry delete 0 end
      $w.f5.entry configure -background $colorwarning 
      $w.f5.entry insert end "warning, negative or near zero detected in entry"  
    if {$answer2 <= 0.0000001} {
      $w.f5.entry configure -background $colorwarning 
      $w.f5.entry insert end " !!! extra warning, negative or near zero detected in answer"  
       if {[ $w.f5.entry get]==""}  { 

    foreach i {f1 f2 f3 f4 f5} {
    $w.$i.entry configure -background $colorback
 proc lpick L {lindex $L [expr int(rand()*[llength $L])]; \
  proc colorpicker jill {
  set jill [lpick { seashell1 seashell2 seashell3}]
  return $jill;
label $w.msg -wraplength 4i -justify left -text "Slot Calculator Demo."
pack $w.msg -side top

#frame $w.buttons
#pack $w.buttons -side bottom -fill x -pady 2m
#button $w.buttons.dismiss -background $colorgrd -text exit -command "destroy $w"
#button $w.buttons.clear -background $colorgrd -text "clear" -command { clearall $w }
#button $w.buttons.testcase2 -background $colorgrd -text "testcase" -command { testcasexxxx $w 3 50 150}
#button $w.buttons.calculate -text calculate -background $colorgrd -command {calculate $w $side1 $side2}

#pack $w.buttons.calculate  $w.buttons.clear $w.buttons.dismiss $w.buttons.testcase2 -side left -expand 1
frame $w.buttons
pack $w.buttons -side bottom -fill x -pady 2m

foreach i {x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7} {
    frame $w.$i -bd 5
    button $w.$i.button -background $colorgrd -width 15 -text exit -command "destroy $w"

    pack $w.$i.button -side left

pack  $w.x1 $w.x2 $w.x3 $w.x4 $w.x5 $w.x6 $w.x7 -side bottom -fill x  -expand 1
$w.x5.button config -text "testcase3" -command { clearall $w; testcasexxxx $w 4 3 12}
$w.x3.button config -text "clear" -command { clearall $w }
$w.x7.button config -text calculate -background $colorgrd -command {calculate $w $side1 $side2}
$w.x1.button config -text "testcase2" -command { clearall $w;testcasexxxx $w 3 50 150}
$w.x2.button config -text "testcase1" -command { clearall $w; testcasexxxx $w 5 6 30}

$w.x4.button config -text "exit"
$w.x6.button config -text "testcase4" -command { clearall $w;testcasexxxx $w 4 "" 12;  }

foreach i {f1 f2 f3 f4 f5} {
    frame $w.$i -bd 2
    entry $w.$i.entry -relief sunken -width 20 -background $colorback
    label $w.$i.label -background [ colorpicker $colorback]
    pack $w.$i.entry -side right
    pack $w.$i.label -side left
$w.f1.label config -text factor1:
$w.f2.label config -text side1:

$w.f3.label config -text side2:
$w.f4.label config -text answer:

$w.f5.label config -text report:

pack $w.msg $w.f1 $w.f2 $w.f3 $w.f4 $w.f5 -side top -fill x
console hide
bind $w <Return> "destroy $w"
focus $w.f1.entry

      #end of deck
      #end of deck      
      #end of deck
    #end of deck
      #end of deck
      #end of deck      
      #end of deck
    #end of deck


WikiDbImage Slot_Calculator_Demo.PNG


Please place any comments here, Thanks.

gold Change:Redundant procedure ? deleted.


   *Programming References ( TCL & C# )***



Auxiliary Programs

       #!/usr/bin/env wish
        #start of deck
        #start of deck
        #start of deck
        #start of deck

        # Slot_Calculator_Demo
        # 5Jan2009, [gold]

set w .form catch {destroy $w} toplevel $w wm title $w "Slot Calculator Demo" wm iconname $w "form" set colorgrd seashell4 set colorback bisque set colorwarning tomato1 set reportcard "ready" set reportcard2 "zero entry detected !!! " set reportcard3 "stinker null entered !!! " set side1 3 set side2 50 proc testcasexxxx { w side1 side2 answer } {

  # testcase is side of 5 units and 30 units
  # result or product is 150 units
     foreach i {f1 f2 f3 f4 f5} {

    $w.$i.entry delete 0 end
    $w.f2.entry insert end $side1
    $w.f3.entry insert end $side2
    $w.f4.entry insert end ""
    $w.f5.entry insert end "testcase entered, ans=$answer"


  proc clearall { w } {
    global colorwarning
    global colorback
    foreach i {f1 f2 f3 f4 f5} {
    $w.$i.entry configure -background $colorback
    $w.$i.entry delete 0 end

}} proc calculate { w side1 side2 } {

    global colorwarning
    global colorback
    global answer2
    global reportcard3 
    $w.f4.entry delete 0 end 
    $w.f5.entry delete 0 end
     set side1  [ $w.f2.entry get ] 
     set side2  [ $w.f3.entry get ] 

    if {[ $w.f2.entry get]==""} {  $w.f2.entry configure -background $colorwarning } 
    if {[ $w.f3.entry get]==""} {  $w.f3.entry configure -background $colorwarning  }

    if {[ $w.f2.entry get]==0} {  $w.f2.entry configure -background $colorwarning } 
    if {[ $w.f3.entry get]==0} {  $w.f3.entry configure -background $colorwarning  }
     set side1  [ $w.f2.entry get ] 
     set side2  [ $w.f3.entry get ] 

      if {  $side1 == ""   } { set side1 0 } 
      if {   $side2 == ""   } { set side2 0 }  

    $w.f5.entry configure -background $colorback 

   set answer2 [ expr { $side1  *  $side2 } ]
        $w.f4.entry insert end $answer2
     if {$answer2 <= 0.0000001} {
      $w.f5.entry delete 0 end
      $w.f5.entry configure -background $colorwarning 
      $w.f5.entry insert end "warning, negative or near zero detected in answer"  
    if {$side1 <= 0.0000001} {
        $w.f5.entry delete 0 end
      $w.f5.entry configure -background $colorwarning
      $w.f5.entry insert end "warning, negative or near zero detected in entry"  
   if {$side2 <= 0.0000001} {
      $w.f5.entry delete 0 end
      $w.f5.entry configure -background $colorwarning 
      $w.f5.entry insert end "warning, negative or near zero detected in entry"  

    if {$answer2 <= 0.0000001} {

      $w.f5.entry configure -background $colorwarning 
      $w.f5.entry insert end " !!! extra warning, negative or near zero detected in answer"  


       if {[ $w.f5.entry get]==""}  { 

    foreach i {f1 f2 f3 f4 f5} {
    $w.$i.entry configure -background $colorback

} }

 proc lpick L {lindex $L [expr int(rand()*[llength $L])]; \
  proc colorpicker jill {
  set jill [lpick { seashell1 seashell2 seashell3}]

  return $jill;

label $w.msg -wraplength 4i -justify left -text "Slot Calculator Demo." pack $w.msg -side top

#frame $w.buttons #pack $w.buttons -side bottom -fill x -pady 2m #button $w.buttons.dismiss -background $colorgrd -text exit -command "destroy $w" #button $w.buttons.clear -background $colorgrd -text "clear" -command { clearall $w } #button $w.buttons.testcase2 -background $colorgrd -text "testcase" -command { testcasexxxx $w 3 50 150} #button $w.buttons.calculate -text calculate -background $colorgrd -command {calculate $w $side1 $side2}

#pack $w.buttons.calculate $w.buttons.clear $w.buttons.dismiss $w.buttons.testcase2 -side left -expand 1 frame $w.buttons pack $w.buttons -side bottom -fill x -pady 2m

foreach i {x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7} {

    frame $w.$i -bd 5

    button $w.$i.button -background $colorgrd -width 15 -text exit -command "destroy $w"

    pack $w.$i.button -side left


pack $w.x1 $w.x2 $w.x3 $w.x4 $w.x5 $w.x6 $w.x7 -side bottom -fill x -expand 1 $w.x5.button config -text "testcase3" -command { clearall $w; testcasexxxx $w 4 3 12} $w.x3.button config -text "clear" -command { clearall $w } $w.x7.button config -text calculate -background $colorgrd -command {calculate $w $side1 $side2} $w.x1.button config -text "testcase2" -command { clearall $w;testcasexxxx $w 3 50 150} $w.x2.button config -text "testcase1" -command { clearall $w; testcasexxxx $w 5 6 30}

$w.x4.button config -text "exit" $w.x6.button config -text "testcase4" -command { clearall $w;testcasexxxx $w 4 "" 12; }

foreach i {f1 f2 f3 f4 f5} {

    frame $w.$i -bd 2
    entry $w.$i.entry -relief sunken -width 20 -background $colorback
    label $w.$i.label -background [ colorpicker $colorback]
    pack $w.$i.entry -side right
    pack $w.$i.label -side left

} $w.f1.label config -text factor1: $w.f2.label config -text side1:

$w.f3.label config -text side2: $w.f4.label config -text answer:

$w.f5.label config -text report:

pack $w.msg $w.f1 $w.f2 $w.f3 $w.f4 $w.f5 -side top -fill x console hide bind $w <Return> "destroy $w" focus $w.f1.entry

      #end of deck
      #end of deck      
      #end of deck
    #end of deck
      #end of deck
      #end of deck      
      #end of deck
    #end of deck

    Auxilary Program
  ***early Program Listing***
       #!/usr/bin/env wish
        #start of deck
        #start of deck
        #start of deck
        #start of deck

        # Slot_Calculator_Demo
        # 5Jan2009, [gold]

set w .form
catch {destroy $w}
toplevel $w
wm title $w "Slot Calculator Demo"
wm iconname $w "form"
set colorgrd seashell4
set colorback bisque
set colorwarning tomato1
set reportcard "ready"
set reportcard2 "zero entry detected !!! "
set side1 3
set side2 50
proc testcasexxxx { w side1 side2 answer } {
  # testcase is side of 5 units and 30 units
  # result or product is 150 units
     foreach i {f1 f2 f3 f4 f5} {

    $w.$i.entry delete 0 end }
    $w.f2.entry insert end $side1
    $w.f3.entry insert end $side2
    $w.f4.entry insert end ""
    $w.f5.entry insert end "testcase entered, ans=$answer"
  proc clearall { w } {
    global colorwarning
    global colorback
    foreach i {f1 f2 f3 f4 f5} {

    $w.$i.entry delete 0 end
proc calculate { w side1 side2  } {
    global colorwarning
    global colorback
    global answer2
    $w.f4.entry delete 0 end 
    $w.f5.entry delete 0 end
     set side1  [ $w.f2.entry get ] 
     set side2  [ $w.f3.entry get ]  
      $w.f5.entry configure -background $colorback 
   set answer2 [ expr { $side1  *  $side2 } ]
        $w.f4.entry insert end $answer2
     if {$answer2 <= 0.0000001} {
      $w.f5.entry delete 0 end
      $w.f5.entry configure -background $colorwarning 
      $w.f5.entry insert end "warning, negative or near zero detected in answer"  
    if {$side1 <= 0.0000001} {
        $w.f5.entry delete 0 end
      $w.f5.entry configure -background $colorwarning
      $w.f5.entry insert end "warning, negative or near zero detected in entry"  
   if {$side2 <= 0.0000001} {
      $w.f5.entry delete 0 end
      $w.f5.entry configure -background $colorwarning 
      $w.f5.entry insert end "warning, negative or near zero detected in entry"  
    if {$answer2 <= 0.0000001} {
      $w.f5.entry configure -background $colorwarning 
      $w.f5.entry insert end " !!! extra warning, negative or near zero detected in answer"  
 proc lpick L {lindex $L [expr int(rand()*[llength $L])]; \
  proc colorpicker jill {
  set jill [lpick { seashell1 seashell2 seashell3}]
  return $jill;
label $w.msg -wraplength 4i -justify left -text "Slot Calculator Demo."
pack $w.msg -side top

#frame $w.buttons
#pack $w.buttons -side bottom -fill x -pady 2m
#button $w.buttons.dismiss -background $colorgrd -text exit -command "destroy $w"
#button $w.buttons.clear -background $colorgrd -text "clear" -command { clearall $w }
#button $w.buttons.testcase2 -background $colorgrd -text "testcase" -command { testcasexxxx $w 3 50 150}
#button $w.buttons.calculate -text calculate -background $colorgrd -command {calculate $w $side1 $side2}

#pack $w.buttons.calculate  $w.buttons.clear $w.buttons.dismiss $w.buttons.testcase2 -side left -expand 1
frame $w.buttons
pack $w.buttons -side bottom -fill x -pady 2m

foreach i {x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6} {
    frame $w.$i -bd 5
    button $w.$i.button -background $colorgrd -width 15 -text exit -command "destroy $w"

    pack $w.$i.button -side left

pack  $w.x1 $w.x2 $w.x3 $w.x4 $w.x5 $w.x6 -side bottom -fill x  -expand 1
$w.x5.button config -text "testcase3" -command { testcasexxxx $w 4 3 12}
$w.x3.button config -text "clear" -command { clearall $w }
$w.x6.button config -text calculate -background $colorgrd -command {calculate $w $side1 $side2}
$w.x1.button config -text "testcase2" -command { testcasexxxx $w 3 50 150}
$w.x2.button config -text "testcase1" -command { testcasexxxx $w 5 6 30}

$w.x4.button config -text "exit"

foreach i {f1 f2 f3 f4 f5} {
    frame $w.$i -bd 2
    entry $w.$i.entry -relief sunken -width 20 -background $colorback
    label $w.$i.label -background [ colorpicker $colorback]
    pack $w.$i.entry -side right
    pack $w.$i.label -side left
$w.f1.label config -text factor1:
$w.f2.label config -text side1:

$w.f3.label config -text side2:
$w.f4.label config -text answer:

$w.f5.label config -text report:

pack $w.msg $w.f1 $w.f2 $w.f3 $w.f4 $w.f5 -side top -fill x
console hide
bind $w <Return> "destroy $w"
focus $w.f1.entry

Category Toys Category Calculator

There is no "[Category Demos]"; demos are covered by Category Toys.