Version 5 of Sun, moon, and stars

Updated 2003-04-07 23:52:36

Richard Suchenwirth - In the weekend fun project for Describing and rendering flags in Tcl, some geometrical shapes were required: sun (Taiwan style: 12 triangles arranged around a circle), moon (crescent), and stars. Since these involve quite some arithmetics on coordinates, the tasks were delegated to a separate geom package, whose procedures give and take coordinates, but don't know about canvases or colors.

A five-point star is described as a polygon of ten points: five are the corners of a regular pentagon, the others are the crossing points of every pair of lines between the pentagon edges. Maybe this code can be reused in other ways, too - feel free to grab it!

 namespace eval geom {
    variable p360 [expr atan(1.)*8/360]

    proc crosspoint {xa ya xb yb xc yc xd yd} {
        # compute crossing between two straight lines ("" if parallel)
        if {$xa==$xb} {
            set xres $xa ;# vertical - couldn't divide by deltax
        } else {
            set a [expr double($yb-$ya)/($xb-$xa)]
            set b [expr $yb-($a*$xb)]
        if {$xc==$xd} {
            set xres $xc ;# vertical - couldn't divide by deltax
        } else {
            set c [expr double($yd-$yc)/($xd-$xc)]
            set d [expr $yd-($c*$xd)]
        if {[info exists a] && [info exists c] && $a==$c} {return ""}
        if {![info exists a] && ![info exists c]} {return ""}
        if ![info exists xres] {
            set xres [expr double($d-$b)/($a-$c)]
        if [info exists a] {
            set yres [expr $a*$xres+$b]
        } else {
            set yres [expr $c*$xres+$d]
        list $xres $yres

    proc star5 {x y r {skew 0}} {
        # compute coordinates for a five-point star
        variable p360
        foreach {p angle} {A 0 B 72 C 144 D 216 E 288} {
            set rad [expr ($angle-$skew)*$p360]
            set $p [list [expr $x+$r*sin($rad)] [expr $y-$r*cos($rad)]]
        set F [eval crosspoint $A $C $B $E]
        set G [eval crosspoint $B $D $A $C]
        set H [eval crosspoint $C $E $B $D]
        set I [eval crosspoint $D $A $C $E]
        set J [eval crosspoint $E $B $A $D]
        concat $A $F $B $G $C $H $D $I $E $J
    proc sunrays {x y r {n 12}} {
        # rotated triangles around a circle
        variable p360
        for {set i 0} {$i<$n} {incr i} {
            set rad [expr ($i*360./$n)*$p360]
            set rad1 [expr ($i*360./$n-170./$n)*$p360]
            set rad2 [expr ($i*360./$n+170./$n)*$p360]
            lappend res [list \
                [expr $x+$r*sin($rad)] [expr $y-$r*cos($rad)] \
                [expr $x+$r*0.67*sin($rad1)] [expr $y-$r*0.67*cos($rad1)] \
                [expr $x+$r*0.67*sin($rad2)] [expr $y-$r*0.67*cos($rad2)] \
        set res

NB. This code contains no "moon". It is supposed to come here, but in the hurry I was in I put it directly into Describing and rendering flags in Tcl - it's just the superimposition of two circles anyway.

MGS - Here's an additional routine to draw an n-pointed star. It uses the crosspoint proc above:

 # star --

 # compute coordinates for an n-point star

 proc geom::star {x y r n} {

   variable p360

   # Count how many nodes to skip
   set s [expr {($n - 1) / 2}]

   set n_even [string is integer [expr {$n / 2}]]
   set s_even [string is integer [expr {$s / 2}]]

   # Calculate all the nodes
   for {set node 0} {$node < $n} {incr node} {
     set angle [expr $node * 360.0 / $n]
     set rad [expr {$angle * $p360}]
     set nodex($node) [expr {$x+$r*sin($rad)}]
     set nodey($node) [expr {$y-$r*cos($rad)}]

   # Get intersection of lines
   if { $n > 4 } {
     for {set node1 0} {$node1 < $n} {incr node1} {
       set node2 [expr $node1 + $s]
       if { $node2 >= $n } { set node2 [expr $node2 - $n] }
       set node4 [expr $node1 + 1]
       if { $node4 >= $n } { set node4 [expr $node4 - $n] }
       set node3 [expr $node4 - $s + $n]
       if { $node3 >= $n } { set node3 [expr $node3 - $n] }
       foreach {X Y} [crosspoint \
         $nodex($node1) $nodey($node1) \
         $nodex($node2) $nodey($node2) \
         $nodex($node3) $nodey($node3) \
         $nodex($node4) $nodey($node4)] { break }
       set sectx($node1) $X
       set secty($node1) $Y

   set return {}
   if { $n > 4 } {
     for {set node 0} {$node < $n} {incr node} {
       lappend return \
         $nodex($node) $nodey($node) \
         $sectx($node) $secty($node)
   } else {
     for {set node 0} {$node < $n} {incr node} {
       lappend return \
         $nodex($node) $nodey($node)

   return $return


 # Demo code
   set W .test
   toplevel $W
   grid columnconfigure $W 1 -weight 1

   canvas    $W.c -width 200 -height 200 -xscrollcommand [list $W.x set]
   scrollbar $W.x -orient horizontal -command [list $W.c xview]

   grid $W.c -column 1 -row 1 -sticky nsew
   grid $W.x -column 1 -row 2 -sticky ew

   for {set n 3} {$n <= 20} {incr n} {
     set x [expr ($n - 2) * 100]
     set y 100
     $W.c create polygon [geom::star $x $y 50 $n] \
       -fill blue -outline red
     $W.c create text $x $y \
       -text $n \
       -fill yellow -anchor c \
       -font {Helvetica 20 bold}

   $W.c configure -scrollregion [$W.c bbox all]

I'm sure somebody can improve on this, though.

Here's a slicker routine for drawing a star (by Keith Vetter on c.l.t):

KPV - some explanation behind this code. My first version simply drew the five lines of a star which looked okay, but when I added a binding to it, it only "took" when clicking outside the central pentagon. It seems the code to determine what's inside (the winding rule) differs between the drawing code and the binding code.

The math behind this code is as follows: the angle to each of the 10 points is obvious, the distance to the outer points is given (delta), so we just need the distance of the inner points (delta2). My flash of insight came when I realized the Y value of the first inner point equals that of the next outer point. So to compute delta2, I just scaled the unit vector to that inner point until the Y value is what we know it should be, yielding the X value and then delta2.

KPV - I just reused this code recently and realized that I could simplify it.

 proc MakeStar {x y delta} {
    set pi [expr {atan(1) * 4}]

    # Compute distance to inner corner
    #set x1 [expr {$delta * cos(54 * $pi/180)}]  ;# Unit vector to inner point
    set y1 [expr {$delta * sin(54 * $pi/180)}]
    set y2 [expr {$delta * sin(18 * $pi/180)}]  ;# Y value to match
    set delta2 [expr {$y2 / $y1}]

    # Now get all coordinates of the 5 outer and 5 inner points
    for {set i 0} {$i < 10} {incr i} {
        set d [expr {($i % 2) == 0 ? $delta : $delta2}]
        set theta [expr {(90 + 36 * $i) * $pi / 180}]
        set x1 [expr {$x + $d * cos($theta)}]
        set y1 [expr {$y - $d * sin($theta)}]

        lappend coords $x1 $y1
    return $coords

Arts and Crafts of Tcl-Tk Programming