TWiG - Tcl Wiki Getter Directions to find it at [Stu] [Stu] 2007-10-23 Created this page.<
> [Stu] 2008-10-23 Updated for TWiG 0.2. ---- '''NOTE''': for fetching code from the wiki, TWiG is no longer the best way: see [WubWikit] for why. Briefly, you can add .code to the end of a URL to grab the code blocks of that page only. This way is recommended as TWiG might not know about changes to the wiki's HTML generation in future. [Stu] 2008-10-23 TWiG has been updated to use the .code method via the default scheme ''wiki://''. Although adding ''.code'' to the URL does allow one to obtain the code blocks on a page it does nothing to split them up, combine or checksum them like TWiG does. TWiG's ability to extract data from HTML pages permits usage on other wikis, not only the English Tcl wiki (the French Tcl wiki, for example, does not have the .code functionality). TWiG can also retrieve data from other sources such as ftp or local files, and has the useful ''echo://'' scheme as well. TWiG can also be integrated into [TkChat] with [Herring]. Finally, although less probable than changes to the HTML output, it is possible for the output of .code to change in the future. <
> To think of TWiG as a ''scraper'' is to do it injustice; TWiG is a distributed/collaborative development tool. ---- **README** === TWiG - Tcl Wiki Getter Stuart Cassoff October 2008 Version 0.2 September/October 2007 Version 0.1 TWiG is a tool for extracting blocks of data from pages retrieved from the web. TWiG is designed mainly for retrieving blocks of code from the "Tcler's Wiki" and presenting them as output suitable for program input to a 'tclsh' or 'wish' shell. TWiG is easy to use for simple retrievals as well as having a flexible configuration for assembling more elaborate configurations, with tools to assist in the process. A 'more elaborate configuration' could result in a program being generated by combining bits of (usually) checksummed bits of code or other programs or data into a final program, in a way enabled a distributed development environment. TWiG will not generate any output until successful completion of processing, avoiding the possibility of partially-executed programs and their consequences. TWiG started off as a simple Wiki page retriever/scraper and grew a bit from there. Much thanks to the Tcl and Wiki people. TWiG can: * Retrieve pages via http:// or ftp:// or file://. * Retrieve pages via wiki:// (special method currently works only with * Retrieve one or more pages by using a config file. * Retrieve one or more blocks from a page. * Verify supplied checksums against retrieved blocks. * Generate its own config files. * Query a page, noting any blocks retrieved as an aid to the config file creator. * Override default options with config file options. * Override default and config file options with command-line options. * Generate code or data at runtime using the echo:// uri. TWiG uses the 'http' extension which is a part of the standard Tcl distribution and the 'uri', 'ftp', 'htmlparse', 'md5' and 'textutil' extensions which are part of the 'Tcllib' library. Note that even though the URLs, page numbers, names, checksums, etc. were fairly accurate at the time of writing, they should be considered as examples only. Play safe. As an added bonus, this document is extensively loquacious! SECURITY CONSIDERATIONS The act of downloading and running code from external sources is fraught with security hazards. TWiG attempts to mitigate these hazards by the use of checksums. Config file writers should carefully examine any code to be processed before including it in any project. NEW FOR VERSION 0.2 Since TWiG was originally developed, a new scheme for retrieving blocks from has been developed. By adding the text '.code' to the url of a wiki page, the Tcler's Wiki will return a text file containing all the blocks on the page, delimited with an identifying string. The new scheme 'wiki://' works almost identically to 'http://' in that the page will still be retrieved using the 'http' protocol but the special '.code' text will automatically be appended to the url and the resulting retrieved page will be processed using the parameters descibed above. The results of using 'http://' or 'wiki://' on a page from wiki.tcl should be identical. The scheme 'wiki://' is now the default. QUICK START Get and run 'Colliding Balls', page 8573: $ twig 8573 | wish Get and run clock #3 from 'An analog clock in Tk', page 1011: $ twig 1011 3 | wish Get and run 'bikegear.tcl' from $ twig | wish Get and run 'someprog.tcl' from the local filesystem: $ twig file://~/myprogs/someprog.tcl | tclsh Get the current date and time: $ twig echo://'The time is: [clock format [clock seconds]]' The time is: Mon Oct 22 16:28:37 EDT 2007 Generate and use a config file: $ twig -g 8573 > cballs.twig $ twig -c cballs.twig | wish Generate a config and pipe it to the config input of another TWiG. $ twig -g 8573 | twig -c - | wish COMMAND-LINE Arguments starting with '-' can be in any order. twig.tcl [-u url] [-t tag] [-s sum] page [blocks] twig.tcl [-u url] [-t tag] -c file twig.tcl [-u url] [-t tag] [-n] -g page [blocks] [name] twig.tcl [-u url] [-t tag] [-n] -q lines page [name] twig.tcl [-u url] [-t tag] -o [name] Defaults (if any) are in '[]': -u : Retrieve pages from . [] -o : Generate config globals. -g : Generate config line. -q : Query page, displaying at most lines of each block. -t : Use HTML tag to delimit blocks. [pre] -s : Verify with sum . -n : Retrieve the name from the '' block of the page. [] GLOBAL DEFAULTS url: 'wiki://' tag: 'pre' name: '' PAGES AND BLOCKS A 'page' is whatever 'valid' data is returned by whatever server the retrieval request is sent to. A 'page' retrieved via wiki:// is normally considered to be a specially delimited text file. A 'page' retrieved via http:// is normally considered to be an HTML document. A 'page' retrieved via ftp:// or file:// is normally considered to be a text file. A 'block' in an HTML document (page) is an HTML 'fragment', normally some text enclosed in '
' tags.
		The tag can be changed with the '-t' command-line option.
A 'block' in a text file is the declaration, arguments and body of a [proc].

A page to retrieve is specified on the command-line or in a config file.
One or more blocks to retrieve can be specified. Blocks are numbered
starting from 1. The default is 0 which will cause TWiG to retrieve all
the blocks on the specified page for http:// retrievals or the entire page
for ftp:// or file:// retrievals. Blocks can be specified by a number (37,4,0,12,etc.)
or by a list of numbers separated by spaces ("7 3 10","4 9",etc.). Multiple blocks
from the same page are received in one operation and checksummed as a unit.
Regardless of the order of the blocks in a block list, blocks are returned
in ascending numerical order.

A page specified as s simple string without any url specification
("8573", "index.html",etc.) will be appended to the server specification
(either the default or the default overridden by a config file or the -u
command-line option); the page "8573" will result in the url "wiki://".
Pages specified in this manner will be retrieved via wiki:// and processed
as html using the '
' tag. This is the default behavior.
Urls can be specified in full; ("",
"", "file://myprog.tcl", etc).
This will cause retrieval using the mentioned protocols and processing as described above.

When TWiG processes an echo:// uri it will take whatever text is after the '//',
checksum it, verify the checksum if necessary, then [subst] and return it.
Note that only this uri scheme will checksum the text before any processing (in this
case that means running the text through [subst]), the other uri schemes will checksum
after processing (usually the simple accumulation of data). This allows checksumming
Tcl scripts that have varying output (echo://'# Generated on [clock format [clock seconds]]',etc).

If a config file line has a url, it will override the page url.
If a url is specified on the command-line, it will override the page url.
The page url will be overriden this way whether it is specified on the
command-line or in a config file.
The last component of the page url will be added to the overridden url to
form the new url.

A page is retrieved from the server and using the 'scheme' specified by
(after some processing) the 'url', the blocks are extracted, their
checksum verified, then output.
TWiG will print an error message (or simply crash) and exit if there is
any problem at any point in this process.
Pages are retrieved using whatever happens to be the default encoding for
whichever method is used to retrieve pages. This should be ok most of the time.
Pages received via ftp:// use 'passive' ftp.

If a checksum is supplied on the command-line then it will be compared
against the retrieved data's checksum. The data will still be output as
with a regular retrieval. TWiG will stop and generate an error message
if the checksums don't match. If the checksum (from command-line or config file)
is the special value 'DO-NOT-VERIFY-SUM' then no checksumming or verification
will be done.

$ twig -g 8573
8573 0 6054C886923FBC509D3EBF58864FEABD

Test and discard retrieved output:
$ twig -s 6054C886923FBC509D3EBF58864FEABD 8573 >/dev/null

With a bad sum:
The output is: "url blocks supplied-sum retrieved-sum"
$ twig -s wrongsum 8573 >/dev/null
twig: Bad checksum!
wiki:// 8573 0 wrongsum 6054C886923FBC509D3EBF58864FEABD

TWiG will return appropriate success/failure codes to the shell:
$ twig -s wrongsum 8573 >/dev/null 2>&1 || echo badsum!

Don't checksum:
$ twig -g -s DO-NOT-VERIFY-SUM 8573

TWiG's -g (generate) option will cause TWiG to generate one line of output
suitable for inclusion in a TWiG config file.
A config line is a proper Tcl list containing at the minimum three elements.
If the default url is overriden, the supplied url will be included in the config line.
If a name is supplied (directly on the command-line or automatically retrieved
using the -n option), the name will be included in the config line. To supply
a name on the command-line requires also specifying a blocklist.

$ twig -g 8573
8573 0 6054C886923FBC509D3EBF58864FEABD

$ twig -g 1011 '5 2'
1011 {5 2} 09782D207920CD3477E4D974E18A10D1

With name supplied on the command-line:
$ twig -g 1011 '5 2' 'A couple of clocks'
1011 {5 2} 09782D207920CD3477E4D974E18A10D1 {} {A couple of clocks}

With name taken from the page's title:
$ twig -g -n 1011 '5 2'
1011 {5 2} 09782D207920CD3477E4D974E18A10D1 {} {An analog clock in Tk}

Override url:
$ twig -g -u -n 1011 '5 2'
1011 {5 2} 09782D207920CD3477E4D974E18A10D1 {An analog clock in Tk}

Configurable globals are output along with their values
in a format suitable for inclusion in a config file.

$ twig -o
url wiki://
name {}
tag pre

Override defaults, use -u and -t to overried the defaults
and put the name as the page parameter.
$ twig -o -u -t script 'Perl Place'
name {Perl Place}
tag script

A config file contains one or more 'config line' (-g) lines and
optional 'config globals' (-o) lines. The '-c' option is used to
specify the name of the config file; TWiG will read the config
from standard input if the file name is a '-' character.
From a config file,
TWiG will process:
* config global lines  (should be [list]s).
* config lines	 (should be [list]s).
TWiG will ignore:
* whitespace-only or zero-length lines.
* lines where the first non-whitespace character is a '#' character.
TWiG will cough up an error and die on:
* anything else.

Generate a config line and save it in a file:
$ twig -g 8573 > bballs.twig
$ cat bballs.twig
8573 0 6054C886923FBC509D3EBF58864FEABD

Use the config file:
$ twig -c bballs.twig | wish

Standard input can be specified instead of a regular file by using '-' for the file name:
$ twig -g 8573 | twig -c - | wish

If a different URL than the default is desired, use -o to
generate the necessary config globals lines.

Replace all defaults:
$ twig -t div -u -o 'Le wiki tcl francophone' > myconfig.twig
$ cat myconfig.twig
name {Le wiki tcl francophone}
tag div

TAG (-t)
Since the tag can be specified, it should be possible to extract other types of blocks.
This might be useful.

$ twig -t title 1011								       
An analog clock in Tk

$ twig -u -t title index.html  
Tcl Developer Site

To help make finding blocks easier, the -q (query) option will output
and label every block found in the page. Each block is labeled with
the page number, the block number and an optional name. The name may
be supplied on the command-line or taken from the title of the web page
by using the '-n' option. The 'lines' parameter to the '-q' option determines
how many lines of each block to display (use 0 to display the entire block).

Let's start off by checking the page title:
$ twig -t title 1011								       
An analog clock in Tk

Output the first line all blocks on the page:
$ twig -q 1 1011					 
1011:1  grid [canvas .c -width 200 -height 200]
1011:2  proc every {ms body} {
1011:3  set radius 35
1011:4  set radius 35
1011:5  set radius 10
1011:6  package require Tk
1011:7    set pi {}

That doesn't assist much in determining which block we'd like.
If the first line of the block would have been a comment describing
the block then this summary would be of greater use.
We can try looking at 2 lines per block, then 3 etc. until
we find what we want but let's simply look at all of it.

Browse all the blocks, showing entire blocks (output not shown):
$ twig -q 0 1011 | less

Browse all the blocks, showing the first five lines of each block (output not shown):
$ twig -q 5 1011 | less

It's nice to see all that code but without any comments we
still have to refer to the web page to understand everything.
It's probably a good idea to read the page first in any case.

We've decided on clock #6; let's try it out:
$ twig 1011 6 | wish

Ooh, that's pretty.

Now let's take a break and have a bit of fun:
$ twig -s 6D3E93EA90FF3F77736081A20976BA4E 8607 | wish

#! /bin/sh
# \
exec tclsh $0 ${1+"$@"}

# TWiG - Tcl Wiki Getter
# Stuart Cassoff
# License: ISC. See the LICENSE file for details.
# September/October 2007
# Version 0.1
# October 2008
# Version 0.2

package require Tcl

namespace eval [subst [string repeat {[format %c [expr {65 + int(rand() * 26)}]]} 10]] {

proc usage {cfg} {
	upvar 1 $cfg c
	puts $c(stderr) [join [list "$c(prog) $c(ver) usage:" \
		{[-s sum] page [blocks]} {-c file} \
		{[-n] -g page [blocks] [name]} {[-n] -q lines page [name]} \
		{-o [name]}] [append {} "\n$c(me)" { [-u url] [-t tag] }]]

proc errExit {cfg msg} {upvar 1 $cfg c; puts $c(stderr) "$c(me): $msg"; exit 1 }

proc setupPackages {} {
	foreach p [list uri http ftp htmlparse md5 textutil] { package require $p }
	uri::register echo {variable schemepart {//(.*)}}
	proc ::uri::SplitEcho {url} { return [list path [regsub {^//} $url {}]] }
	proc ::uri::JoinEcho {args} { array set a [list path {}]; array set a $args; return [append {} {echo://} $a(path)] }
	uri::register wiki {variable schemepart {//(.*)}}
	proc ::uri::SplitWiki {url} { return [::uri::SplitHttp $url] }
	proc ::uri::JoinWiki {args} { return [::uri::JoinHttp {*}$args] }

proc setup {cfg} {
	if {$::argc == 0} { usage $cfg; exit 1 }
	upvar 1 $cfg c
	set state {flag}; set elem {page}
	foreach arg $::argv {
		switch -exact -- $state {
		flag {
			switch -exact -- $arg {
			-g { set c(mode) {genpage} }
			-o { set c(mode) {genopts} }
			-n { set c(gettitle) 1 }
			-s - -t - -u - -c - -q { set state $arg }
			-h - -? - -help - --help { usage $cfg; exit 0 }
			default {
				set c($elem) $arg
				switch $elem {
				page   { set elem {blocks} }
				blocks { set elem {name} }
				name   { set elem {} }
				default { usage $cfg; exit 1 }
		-s { set state flag; set c(sum) $arg }
		-t { set state flag; set c(tag) $arg }
		-u { set state flag; set c(url) $arg; set c(urloverride) 1 }
		-c { set state flag; set c(configfile) $arg; set c(mode) {getconfig} }
		-q { set state flag; set c(query) $arg; set c(callback) {queryCallback} }
	return $cfg

proc randvar {} { return [namespace current]::[subst [string repeat {[format %c [expr {65 + int(rand() * 26)}]]} 10]] }
proc adjUrl {url scheme} { return [append {} [expr {($url ne {} && ![regexp {^.+://} $url]) ? "${scheme}://" : {}}] $url] }
proc twigOpen {fn} { return [expr {($fn eq {-} || $fn eq {stdin}) ? {stdin} : [open $fn r]}] }
proc twigClose {f} { return [expr {$f eq {stdin} ? {} : [close $f]}] }
proc twigReadfile {fn} { return [read [set f [twigOpen $fn]]][twigClose $f]] }
proc loadHuh? {cfg l} { errExit $cfg "Huh? I don't understand this:\n$l" }

proc loadConfig {cfg} {
	upvar 1 $cfg c
	set d [twigReadfile $c(configfile)]
	foreach l [split $d "\n"] {
		if {[set l [string trim $l]] eq {} || [string index $l 0] eq {#}} { continue }
		if {[catch {llength $l} ll]} { loadHuh? $cfg $l }
		if {$ll == 2} {
			foreach {opt val} $l { break }
			if {[lsearch $c(configfileopts) $opt] == -1} { loadHuh? $cfg $l }
			if {$opt eq {url} && $c(urloverride)} { continue }
			set c($opt) $val
		} elseif {$ll > 2 && $ll < 6} {
			lappend c(getlist) $l
		} else {
			loadHuh? $cfg $l

proc queryCallback {rc text} {
	upvar 1 $rc r; upvar 1 $r(cfg) c
	set sl [split $text "\n"]
	set lim [expr {$c(query) == 0 ? [llength $sl] : $c(query)}]
	set nl [expr {$lim == 1 ? {} : "\n"}]
	append r(data) $nl $r(page):[incr r(nblock)] [expr {$r(name) eq {} ? {} : " \"$r(name)\""}] { } $nl
	for {set i 0} {$i < $lim} {incr i} { append r(data) [lindex $sl $i] "\n" }
proc getCallback {rc text} {
	upvar 1 $rc r
	append r(data) $text "\n"

proc htmlParseCallback {rc tag slash parms text} {
	upvar 1 $rc r; upvar 1 $r(cfg) c
	if {$tag eq $c(tag) && $slash eq {}} {
		if {([llength $r(blocks)] == 1 && [lindex $r(blocks) 0] == 0) || [lsearch $r(blocks) [incr r(nblock)]] != -1} {
			$c(callback) $rc $text
	} elseif {$c(gettitle) && $tag eq {title} && $slash eq {}} {
		set r(name) [string trim $text]
proc parseHtml {rc} {
	upvar 1 $rc r
	htmlparse::parse -cmd [list [namespace which htmlParseCallback] $rc] $r(rawData)
	set r(data) [string map [list "\n " "\n"] [htmlparse::mapEscapes $r(data)]]
	set r(data) [string range $r(data) [expr {[string index $r(data) 0] eq { } ? 1 : 0}] end[expr {[string index $r(data) end] eq "\n" ? {-1} : {}}]]
proc parseWiki {rc} {
	upvar 1 $rc r; upvar 1 $r(cfg) c
	foreach b [lrange [textutil::splitx $r(rawData) {###  #+\n*}] 1 end] {
		if {([llength $r(blocks)] == 1 && [lindex $r(blocks) 0] == 0) || [lsearch $r(blocks) [incr r(nblock)]] != -1} {
			$c(callback) $rc [regsub -all -line {^ } [string trimright $b \n] {}]
	set r(data) [string range $r(data) [expr {[string index $r(data) 0] eq { } ? 1 : 0}] end[expr {[string index $r(data) end] eq "\n" ? {-1} : {}}]]
proc parseTcl {rc} {
	upvar 1 $rc r; upvar 1 $r(cfg) c
	if {($c(query) < 0) && ([llength $r(blocks)] == 1 && [lindex $r(blocks) 0] == 0)} { set r(data) $r(rawData); return }
	set inproc 0; set text {}
	foreach l [split $r(rawData) "\n"] {
		if {!$inproc} { if {[regexp {^( *proc *)(.*?)( .*)} $l]} { set inproc 1 } }
		if {!$inproc} { continue }
		if {[info complete [append text $l "\n"]]} {
			if {([llength $r(blocks)] == 1 && [lindex $r(blocks) 0] == 0) || [lsearch $r(blocks) [incr r(nblock)]] != -1} {
				$c(callback) $rc [string range $text 0 end]
			set inproc 0; set text {}
proc parseEcho {rc} {
	upvar 1 $rc r
	set r(data) [subst $r(rawData)]

proc reapHttp {rc} {
	upvar 1 $rc r
	set tok [http::geturl $r(url)]
	if {[http::ncode $tok] != 200} { errExit $r(cfg) "HTTP problem: ([http::code $tok])" }
	set r(rawData) [http::data $tok]
	http::cleanup $tok
proc reapFtp {rc} {
	upvar 1 $rc r
	if {[set f [ftp::Open $r(host) $r(user) $r(pwd) -port $r(port) -mode passive]] == -1} { errExit $r(cfg) "FTP problem: (Can't connect to $r(url))" }
	if {[ftp::Get $f $r(path) -variable r(rawData)] == 0} { ftp::Close $f; errExit $r(cfg) "FTP problem: (Can't retrieve $r(path))" }
	ftp::Close $f
proc reapFile {rc} {
	upvar 1 $rc r
	set r(rawData) [twigReadfile $r(path)]
proc reapEcho {rc} {
	upvar 1 $rc r
	set r(rawData) $r(path)
proc reap {rc} {
	upvar 1 $rc r
	foreach p $r(process) { $p $rc }
	return $rc

proc calcSum {rc} {
	upvar 1 $rc r
	set r(calc_sum) [md5::md5 -hex $r(data)]
proc verifySum {rc} {
	upvar 1 $rc r
	if {[string tolower $r(sum)] ne [string tolower $r(calc_sum)]} { errExit $r(cfg) "Bad checksum!\n$r(url) $r(blocks) $r(sum) $r(calc_sum)" }

proc setupReapContext {rc rcline} {
	upvar 1 $rc r; upvar 1 $r(cfg) c
	foreach {r(page) r(blocks) r(sum) r(url) r(name)} $rcline { break }
	array set a [list host {} port {} user {} pwd {}]
	array set a [uri::split $r(page) $c(scheme)]
	if {$c(urloverride) || $r(url) ne {}} {
		set u [expr {$c(urloverride) ? $c(url) : $r(url)}]
		set path [file tail $a(path)]
		array set a [uri::split [adjUrl $u $c(scheme)] $c(scheme)]
		append a(path) $path
	switch -exact -- $a(scheme) { echo {
		foreach e [list scheme path] { set r($e) $a($e) }
		set r(url) [::uri::join scheme $r(scheme) path $r(path)]
	} file {
		set a(path) [append a(host) $a(path)]
		foreach e [list scheme path] { set r($e) $a($e) }
		set r(url) [::uri::join scheme $r(scheme) path $r(path)]
	} ftp {
		if {$a(port) eq {}} { set a(port) {21} }
		if {$a(user) eq {}} { set a(user) {anonymous} }
		if {$a(pwd)  eq {}} { set a(pwd)  {twig@localhost.localdomain} }
		foreach e [list scheme host port path user pwd] { set r($e) $a($e) }
		set r(url) [::uri::join scheme $r(scheme) host $r(host) port $r(port) path $r(path) user $r(user) pwd $r(pwd)]
	} wiki - http {
		if {$a(host) eq {}} {
			array set aa [uri::split $c(url) $c(scheme)]
			foreach e [list scheme host] { set a($e) $aa($e) }
		foreach e [list scheme host port path] { set r($e) $a($e) }
		set r(url) [::uri::join scheme $r(scheme) host $r(host) port $r(port) path $r(path)]
		if {$a(scheme) eq {wiki}} { append r(url) .code }
	} default { errExit $r(cfg) "Huh? ($a(scheme))" } }
	if {$r(name) eq {}} { set r(name) $c(name) }
	if {$c(sum) ne {}} { set r(sum) $c(sum) }
	array set r [list calc_sum {} data {} nblock 0 process {} parse [string map $c(parsemap) $r(scheme)]]
	lappend r(process) reap[string totitle $r(scheme)] parse[string totitle $r(parse)]
	if {$r(sum) eq $c(noverifysum)} {
		set r(calc_sum) $r(sum)
	} else {
		set r(process) [linsert $r(process) end[expr {$r(scheme) eq {echo} ? {-1} : {}}] {calcSum}]
		if {$r(sum) ne {} || $c(configfile) ne {}} { lappend r(process) verifySum }
	return $rc
proc newReapContext {cfg} {
	upvar 1 $cfg c
	upvar 1 [set rc [randvar]] r
	array set r [list cfg $cfg page $c(page) blocks $c(blocks) sum {} url $c(url) name $c(name)]
	return [setupReapContext $rc [list $c(page) $c(blocks) {} {}]]

proc go {cfg} {
	upvar 1 $cfg c
	switch $c(mode) {
	getpage { puts $c(stdout) [set [reap [newReapContext $cfg]](data)]	}
	getconfig {
		loadConfig $cfg
		upvar 1 [set rc [newReapContext $cfg]] r
		foreach get $c(getlist) {
			reap [setupReapContext $rc $get]
			puts $c(stdout) $r(data)
	genpage {
		upvar 1 [reap [newReapContext $cfg]] r
		set l [list $r(page) $r(blocks) $r(calc_sum)]
		if {$c(urloverride)} { lappend l [adjUrl $r(host) $r(scheme)] } elseif {$r(name) ne {}} { lappend l {} }
		if {$r(name) ne {}} { lappend l $r(name) }
		puts $c(stdout) $l
	genopts { set c(name) $c(page); foreach opt $c(configfileopts) { puts $c(stdout) [list $opt $c($opt)] } }
	default { errExit $cfg "Huh? ($c(mode))" }

proc init {} {
	upvar 1 [set cfg [randvar]] c
	array set c [list \
		prog {TWiG} ver {0.2} me [file tail $::argv0]	 \
		name {} getlist {} page {} configfile {} sum {}       \
		gettitle 0 urloverride 0 query {-1} blocks [list 0]   \
		tag {pre} scheme {wiki} parse {wiki} mode {getpage}   \
		callback {getCallback} url {wiki://}      \
		configfileopts [list url name tag]		    \
		parsemap [list http html ftp tcl file tcl]	    \
		stdin stdin stdout stdout stderr stderr	       \
		noverifysum DO-NOT-VERIFY-SUM author {Stuart Cassoff} \
	interp alias {} [namespace current]::reapWiki {} [namespace current]::reapHttp
	return $cfg

go [setup [init]]

}; #End of namespace

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