I just announced a running version of WebDAV-support for TclHttpd. ([Stefan Vogel] 28. July 2004) For further infos, downloads and instructions have a look at http://www.vogel-nest.de (follow the link to WebDAV). This page is provided for further discussion. At the moment this software is ''pre-alpha''-status. I did it as a fun-project. But when I have a look at it (especially how fast things develop ... at least when you have climbed the start-learning-curve) I see a lot of opportunities here. E.g. TclHttpd is often used as an embedded webserver in applications (because it is very small). So you can now easily provide WebDAV-support as well. With this you can integrate easily in Konquerer (using "webdav:"-protocol-support) or Windows-Explorer (with Net-Drives). BUT ... many features are still missing: * Currently only DAV 1 support (no LOCKing) * depth-header is silently ignored * No Versioning, ... * not tested with threading * what about Authorization? * handling of prefix-urls is not quite sufficient (for each module you have to define a "root"-folder) * ... What are you missing?