if 0 {[Richard Suchenwirth] 2005-03-16 - Here's a little experiment in [OO] using the [Jim] feature that procs and [lambda]s can have a "closure" (a set of static variables) associated. (Note that this code does not run on regular Tcl interpreters - use [Jim] instead!) This way, the only physical location of an object is its lambda - rename it away as destructor. No namespaces needed (or possible in Jim ;^)} #-- Here's a "constructor" the hard (bare-bones) way: proc Account args { lambda {method args} {{balance 0}} {eval Account'$method $args} } if 0 {Alternatively, if you want to use more than one class, here's factoring out the generic part. It also adds an introspection method for the names of instance vars:} proc class {name instvars} { proc $name args \ [list lambda {method args} $instvars "eval $name'\$method \$args"] proc $name'vars {} [list return [lmap i $instvars {lindex $i 0}]] } #-- Let's re-create a first class, the usual bank account, with one instance variable: class Account { {balance 0} } #-- Bare-bone methods ([proc]s) need to [upvar] the instance vars they need: proc Account'deposit amount { upvar 1 balance balance set balance [+ $balance $amount] } #-- Here's a wrapper to implicitly do those [upvar]s in methods: proc method {class name argl body} { proc $class'$name $argl "foreach i \[\[self\] vars\] {upvar 1 \$i \$i} \n$body" } #-- Methods can be written slicker now: method Account see {} {set balance} method Account withdraw amount { if {($balance-$amount)<0} {error "can only withdraw $balance"} set balance [- $balance $amount] puts now:[[self] see] } if 0 {"Who am I?" is a deep philosophical question. Inside methods, it's easily answered:} proc self {} {lindex [info level -2] 0} if 0 {Now testing: set a [Account] puts a:$a $a deposit 100 puts "deposit 100 -> [$a see]" $a withdraw 40 catch {$a withdraw 1000} res puts $res shows on stdout a:.00000000000000000000> deposit 100 -> 100 now: 60 can only withdraw 60 ---- [SS] Very nice! It seems to me a very natural hack to try to implement objects via closures. Also your way to do the dispatch is impressive ;) ---- [Arts and crafts of Tcl-Tk programming] | [Category Object Orientation] | [Category Jim] }