Vlerq is a research project for data structures. It ignores conventional wisdom and introduces another way of representing and manipulating data in software. The implications are quite far-reaching, and exciting as well as frustrating. Vlerq is an acronym which describes the idea: * Take Vectors * Add a Language * Make it Embeddable * Use the Relational model * Include a Query mechanism Whether the result is worth leaving everything behind for is something only time will tell. ---- Speaking of relations, what is the relation between Tcl and Vlerq? ''Vlerq is the basis of [Ratcl] & Rasql, two work-in-progress extensions for Tcl -[jcw]'' [Tclkit Lite] is another development based on Vlerq. [MHo] 2021-02-27: Where can one find some documentation about vlerq? Seems everyone is knowing about and using it, but nearly every link I found was a dead link or not leading to usable infos. The same is true for Mk4tcl - does it mean it isn't popular any more? <> Data Structure