XCircuit is a [UNIX]/[X11] (and now [Windows], if you have an Xserver running) program for drawing publishable-quality electrical circuit schematic diagrams and related figures, and produce circuit netlists through schematic capture. XCircuit regards circuits as inherently hierarchical, and writes both hierarchical [PostScript] output and hierarchical [SPICE] netlists. Circuit components are saved in and retrieved from libraries which are fully editable. XCircuit does not separate artistic expression from circuit drawing; it maintains flexiblity in style without compromising the power of schematic capture. XCircuit now makes extensive use of the [TCL] scripting language as a command-line interpreter. The use of TCL scripts to interpret and control xcircuit internal data structures makes it possible for the end-user to modify the behavior of xcircuit to suit his or her own needs. Current work on adding features to xcircuit (as opposed to the usual bug-fixing grunt work) attemps to retain the current interface more or less unchanged, and define new capabilities through TCL scripts. See the [http://opencircuitdesign.com/xcircuit/tcl_commands.html%|%XCircuit TCL Reference page] for details of the extended TCL interpreter interface to XCircuit. [http://opencircuitdesign.com/xcircuit/xcscreensmall.gif] Where: http://www.opencircuitdesign.com/xcircuit/index.html <> Electronics | Application