=== What: angela Where: http://www.forteresse.net/angela/ http://www.mpi-sb.mpg.de/%7Epabst/angela/ (both URLs are 404 on Aug 28, 2011) http://sourceforge.net/projects/angela/?source=directory Description: angela stands for Angela is a Natural Graph Editor with Layout Algorithms. Use angela to create, edit and delete graph nodes and edges as well as save and load graphs. It can also generate Tcl/Tk applets so that the graph can be viewed as a stand alone application. There are input formats for PLING and GML and output formats for PLING, GML, and PostScript. LaTeX code can also be created. It is covered by the GPL. Updated: 03/1998 Contact: mailto:pabst@mpi-sb.mpg.de (Oliver Pabst) === <> Graph Theory