Version 21 of checkbutton

Updated 2008-03-25 13:12:27 by Geoffm

Tk's documentation can be found at while Ttk's documentation can be found at

The older (8.4) man page is at:

For these purposes, checkbox is a distinct widget.

Note the 8.5 checkbutton includes the new "tristate" options, implemented at the behest of Tip #110

Could someone provide some examples of how to use and manipulate this?

[email protected] wrote in the comp.lang.tcl newsgroup:

I would like to be able to control the location of the box in checkbutton and make it appear to the right of it's [sic] text (rather than to the left -- as is the default). Is this possible?

You can approximate it with a little wrapper that places a label left of a text-less checkbutton. Quick shot:

 proc lcheckbutton {w args} {
    array set opt {-text ""}
    array set opt $args
    frame $w -bg red
    label $w.1 -text $opt(-text)
    unset opt(-text)
    eval [list checkbutton $w.2 -text {}] [array get opt]
    pack $w.2 $w.1 -side right -fill x
    set w
 } ;# RS
 #--------------------------------------- testing:
 checkbutton .1 -text Right
 lcheckbutton .2 -text Left
 eval pack [winfo children .] -anchor w

To fully emulate the checkbutton protocol, some more work is of course needed...

Instead of work, here's more play: the vertical command places the text of a radio- or checkbutton below the clickable field:

 proc vertical {type w args} {
    frame $w
    set pos [lsearch $args -text]
    if {$pos == -1} {
 set text ""
    } else {
 set text [lindex $args [expr $pos+1]]
 set args [lreplace $args $pos [incr pos]]
    eval $type $w.r $args [list -text ""] -pady 0
    label $w.t -text $text -pady 0
    pack $w.r $w.t -side top -pady 0 -padx 0 -fill x -anchor e
    set w
 } ;# RS

 vertical radiobutton .io.ri$i -text "X$i" -variable Xary($i)

Here's a procedure which does all the nessecary stuff to bind label and checkbutton - when label is of left as separate control and checkbox is textless. All mouse interactions are taken care of - on_mouseover, etc:

   proc setWidgetsState { state widgets } {
        foreach widg $widgets { $widg configure -state $state }
   } ; # SetWidgetsState

   proc bindLabelToCheckbutton { lbl chkBtn } {
        foreach prop {-activebackground -activeforeground} {
            $lbl configure $prop [$chkBtn cget $prop]

        bind $lbl <Enter> [list setWidgetsState active [list $lbl $chkBtn]]
        bind $lbl <Leave> [list setWidgetsState normal [list $lbl $chkBtn]]

        bind $chkBtn <Enter> +[list setWidgetsState active $lbl]
        bind $chkBtn <Leave> +[list setWidgetsState normal $lbl]

        bind $lbl <1> [list $chkBtn invoke]
  } ; #bindLabelToCheckbutton

Just add the following call to /lcheckbutton/ (above) and you are all done:

   bindLabelToCheckbutton $w.1 $w.2

Lars H, 2007-06-06: Yesterday I needed a window that displayed a set of images and let the user select a subset of them. Noticing that checkbutton has an -image option, I thought "Great, I'll just create a grid of checkbuttons and display the images in these!" Slightly simplified, the code for setting this up looked like this:

   for {set n 1} {$n < $limit} {incr n} {
      grid [
         checkbutton $t.back.i${n} -compound top -text $Info($n)\
           -image $im($n) -variable $t.back.i${n}\
           -justify left -wraplength [image width $im($n)]
      ] -row $n -column 1

Unfortunately, this didn't look so well -- for some reason the checkbuttons ended up being twice as wide as the image, which occupied the right half of the widget. The left half was empty, except for the actual checkbox which was about its normal distance from the left edge of the widget; in other words the box was very far from the image and text.

For now, I'll try putting the image in a separate label widget instead, but the checkbutton behaviour seems baroque. Does anyone know why this happens? (Just so you know, this is with aqua as tk windowingsystem.)

WJP 2007-09-08: I'm not sure why the layout is as it is, but I tried this with -indicatoron 0, that is, without the checkbox, and thought it looked pretty nice (in X11/Linux). Do you really need the checkbox?

See also

  • Lightbutton a pure Tcl package mimicking the radio and the checkbuttons, with bright and pretty colors.

Here is a gotcha which might surprise:

 pack [checkbutton .cb -text "test button" -bg blue -fg white]

the checkmark seems to disappear whenever you release the mouse button (under Windows at least). This is because the text colour is the same as the background of the checkbox. Use:

 pack [checkbutton .cb2 -text "Good button" -bg blue -fg white  -selectcolor gray]

You should choose a suitable selectcolor to contrast with the textcolor.

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