Version 25 of clock scan

Updated 2017-05-04 13:24:13 by suchenwi

clock scan scans a string and extracts a time.

See Also

Tcl Chatroom, 2013-10-19
KBK dishes some of the details of [clock scan]
Time and date validator, sbron


official reference


clock scan inputString ?-option value...?


Parses the time described in inputString and returns the number of seconds (since the start of the Unix epoch) that that time corresponds to. Supported -options are:

-base time
-format format
-gmt boolean
-locale localeName
-timezone zoneName

Incomplete Times

[clock scan] does what it can to make sense of incomplete times, but the results can be surprising. If possible, make sure at least the year, month, and day are part of the string to scan. If the results of scanning an incomplete or impossible date like March 0 or April 34 are surprising, carefully re-read the seven rules that are applied, in order of preference, to make sense of a time.

Removing /etc/localtime

JMN 2007-11-14:

On FreeBSD - you can configure the timezone to UTC by removing /etc/localtime. I don't know if this is actually a legitimate way to set it to UTC, but it was the only way I knew of until now, and it does seem to cause a problem with Tcl's clock scan.

% clock scan "2007-11-01" -format "%Y-%m-%d"
time value too large/small to represent
% clock scan "2007-11-01" -format "%Y-%m-%d"

The call always fails the first time in each process, and seems to work for all calls thereafter. (including in other interps)

If you configure the timezone to UTC by instead making /etc/localtime a link to /usr/share/zoneinfo/Etc/UTC the problem doesn't occur. I have a number of systems configured with no /etc/localtime - but I guess I'll change that now in light of this.

This issue also shows up in the FAQ on .

Is a missing /etc/localtime something that clock scan should be able to handle - or is it would it be considered an OS configuration issue?

DKF: Ultimately, I'd consider this to be OS misconfiguration as it feels like stating that the system has no local timezone instead of that it is UTC.

TCV 2013-02-11: providing only a year (e.g. %Y) in the format string will not produce the time for the first day of that year. Similarly, providing only the year and month (e.g. %m/%Y) in the format string will not produce the time for the first day of that month. In both of these cases, you will instead get the time corresponding to midnight on the current day. Currently in clock scan, to avoid this behaviour, day level accuracy is required; this can be done by specifying:

  • year and day-of-year
  • week and day-of-week
  • month and day-of-month

So in the examples above, just adding to the input string 01 for each of the missing fields will give you the time you're interested in (first day of the year or month, respectively).


# Things you might think would behave differently.

% clock scan 2000 -format %Y
% clock scan 10/1900 -format %m/%Y

# They're actually midnight today!

% clock format [clock seconds] -format %Y-%m-%d
% clock format 1360558800 -format %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
2013-02-11 00:00:00

# A simple solution. That's what I really meant!

% clock scan "2000-01-01" -format "%Y-%m-%d"
% clock scan "1900-10-01" -format "%Y-%m-%d"

RCS timestamp problem

AMG: [clock scan] is behaving badly for me when processing RCS timestamps:

% clock format [clock scan "2000/11/01 06:37:54"]
Tue Aug 11 06:37:54 CST 2167

Why so far off? This date should be interpreted as 2000-Nov-01. Let's try that again:

% clock format [clock scan "2000/11/01 06:37:54" -format "%Y/%m/%d %T"]
Wed Nov 01 06:37:54 CST 2000

Incremental clock scan

dbohdan 2014-07-14: I wrote the following proc to deal with the surprising behavior of clock scan when given the date format of %Y or %Y-%m and the deprecation of free-format clock scan.

# Try several formats for clock scan.
proc incremental-clock-scan {date {debug 0}} {
    set date [regsub -all {[ :.T/]+} $date {-}]

    set result {}
    foreach {format padding} {
        {%Y} {-01-01-00-00-00}
        {%Y-%m} {-01-00-00-00}
        {%Y-%m-%d} {-00-00-00}
        {%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M} {-00}
        {%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S} {}
    } {
        if {$debug} {
            puts "$format $date"
        if {![catch {
                set scan [clock scan $date -format $format]
            }]} {
            # Work around unexpected treatment %Y and %Y-%m dates, see
            set result [
                clock scan [
                    join [
                        list $date $padding
                    ] ""
                ] -format {%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S}
            if {$debug} {
                puts "match"
                puts [clock format $scan]
    return $result

It assumes the unspecified month or day to be 01 and the unspecified time to be midnight and treats the delimiters :.T/ as equivalent, so

  • incremental-clock-scan {2014}
  • incremental-clock-scan {2014-01}
  • incremental-clock-scan {2014-01-01T00:00:00}
  • incremental-clock-scan {2014/01/01 00:00:00}

all return the same value as clock scan {2014-01-01-00-00-00} -format {%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S}.

RS 2017-05-04 - The limits of timestamps since Tcl 8.5 are less constrained than they used to be in earlier versions, where 2037 would be the last possible year...

Now we can go farther into the future (tested with a clock scan/clock format combo - OK if input day matches output day):

 % clock format [clock scan 2525-09-13] ;# Zager & Evans, iirc
 Thu Sep 13 00:00:00 CET 2525

The past works well until Sep. 14, 1752:

 % clock format [clock scan 1752-09-14]
 Thu Sep 14 00:00:00 CET 1752

but fails before that day:

 % clock format [clock scan 1752-09-13]
 Sun Sep 24 00:00:00 CET 1752

It just so happens that the Gregorian calendar was introduced in Scotland, England, and its colonies in 1752 - possibly just on September 14... ;^)