[dgp] wrote a proc to support parsing of class bodies in an itcl-like, pure Tcl, OO framework into Tcl commands. It handles the "semicolon in a comment" problem. It returns a list of the commands in a script. The original post is here: [http://groups.google.com/group/comp.lang.tcl/msg/cfe2d00fc7b291be] proc cmdSplit {body} { set commands {} set chunk "" foreach line [split $body "\n"] { append chunk $line if {[info complete "$chunk\n"]} { # $chunk ends in a complete Tcl command, and none of the # newlines within it end a complete Tcl command. If there # are multiple Tcl commands in $chunk, they must be # separated by semi-colons. set cmd "" foreach part [split $chunk ";"] { append cmd $part if {[info complete "$cmd\n"]} { set cmd [string trimleft $cmd] # Drop empty commands and comments if {![string match {} $cmd] \ && ![string match \#* $cmd]} { lappend commands $cmd } if {[string match \#* $cmd]} { set cmd "\#;" } else { set cmd "" } } else { # No complete command yet. # Replace semicolon and continue append cmd ";" } } set chunk "" } else { # No end of command yet. Put the newline back and continue append chunk "\n" } } if {![string match {} [string trimright $chunk]]} { return -code error "Can't parse body into a\ sequence of commands.\n\tIncomplete\ command:\n-----\n$chunk\n-----" } return $commands } ---- [AMG]: See also [Config file using slave interp] for more-or-less the same thing, implemented using a slave [interp]reter. ---- [Sarnold] Here is wordSplit which takes a command and returns its arguments as a list. ====== proc wordSplit {command} { if {![info complete $command]} {error "non complete command"} set res ""; # the list of words set chunk "" foreach word [split $command " \t"] { # testing each word until the word being tested makes the # command up to it complete # example: # set "a b" # set -> complete, 1 word # set "a -> not complete # set "a b" -> complete, 2 words append chunk $word if {[info complete "$res $chunk"]} { lappend res $chunk set chunk "" } else { append chunk " " } } set res } ====== ---- [fut] Tabs are word separators also, so perhaps `foreach word [[split $command " \t"]]`. [Sarnold] Fixed. ---- !!!!!! %| [category object orientation] |% !!!!!!