See the official documentation at . ---- lsort - Sort the elements of a [list] lsort ?options? list This command sorts the elements of list, returning a new list in sorted order. The implementation of the lsort command uses the merge-sort algorithm which is a stable sort that has O(n log n) performance characteristics. By default ASCII sorting is used with the result returned in increasing order. However, any of the following options may be specified before list to control the sorting process (unique abbreviations are accepted): '''-ascii''': Use string comparison with ASCII collation order. This is the default. '''-dictionary''': Use dictionary-style comparison. This is the same as -ascii except (a) case is ignored except as a tie-breaker and (b) if two strings contain embedded numbers, the numbers compare as integers, not characters. For example, in -dictionary mode, bigBoy sorts between bigbang and bigboy, and x10y sorts between x9y and x11y. '''-integer''': Convert list elements to integers and use integer comparison. '''-real''': Convert list elements to floating-point values and use floating comparison. '''-command''' ''command'': Use command as a comparison command. To compare two elements, evaluate a Tcl script consisting of command with the two elements appended as additional arguments. The script should return an integer less than, equal to, or greater than zero if the first element is to be considered less than, equal to, or greater than the second, respectively. '''-increasing''': Sort the list in increasing order ("smallest" items first). This is the default. '''-decreasing''': Sort the list in decreasing order ("largest" items first). '''-index''' ''index'': If this option is specified, each of the elements of list must itself be a proper Tcl sublist. Instead of sorting based on whole sublists, lsort will extract the index'th element from each sublist and sort based on the given element. The keyword end is allowed for the index to sort on the last sublist element. For example, lsort -integer -index 1 {{First 24} {Second 18} {Third 30}} returns {Second 18} {First 24} {Third 30}. This option is much more efficient than using -command to achieve the same effect. (From: [TclHelp]) ---- WARNING: ''lsort -dictionary'' can not be used for sensibly sorting signed integers. It returns first the negatives, then zero and the positives, but '''both in ascending absolute value order''' ([RS]): % lsort -dic {-5 -10 -1 0 3 1 2} -1 -5 -10 0 1 2 3 So for a numeric maximum function, use the numeric qualifiers -integer or -real (which does ''decimal'' integers as well, just might take some longer). Note that ''lsort -real'' cannot sort non-decimal (i.e. hex or octal) integers, and ''lsort -integer'' cannot sort any number containing a decimal point or exponent (which cannot in any case be mixed with a hex specifier.) ---- ''KBK (14 February 2001)'' -- One thing to remember when using [[lsort]] is that the performance of [[lsort -command]] is pretty awful. If you can pre-convert your list into something that can be sorted with another form of [[lsort]], it's almost always faster to do so. Example: Over in [Things British], [RS] posted code to sort a list of surnames according to the rules for a British telephone directory. The code worked something like: proc {x y} { regsub {Ma?c ?([A-Z])} $x {M_\1} x regsub {Ma?c ?([A-Z])} $y {M_\1} y string compare $x $y } proc { list } { return [lsort -command $list] } It's a good bit faster to sort the list by making a list of sort key and value, sorting this list with [[lsort -index]], and then extracting just the values, thus: proc { list } { foreach name $list { regsub {Ma?c ?([A-Z])} $name {M_\1} key lappend list2 [list $key $name] } foreach pair [lsort -index 0 -ascii $list2] { lappend list3 [lindex $pair 1] } return $list3 } OK, let's run the two methods head to head: set list {MacDonald McArthur McEwan Lyttle Mabbs Jones} set l 6 puts " Length | Method 1 | Method 2 | Ratio (m1 / m2)" puts " -------+----------+----------+----------------" while { $l <= 25000 } { if { $l > 100 } { set count 1 } else { set count 100 } set m1 [lindex [time { $list } $count] 0] set m2 [lindex [time { $list } $count] 0] set ratio [expr { double( $m1 ) / double( $m2 ) }] puts [format " %6d | %8d | %8d | %9.2f" $l $m1 $m2 $ratio] incr l $l eval lappend list $list } The results are shown below: Length | Method 1 | Method 2 | Ratio (m1 / m2) -------+----------+----------+---------------- 6 | 1410 | 500 | 2.82 12 | 4200 | 1000 | 4.20 24 | 10820 | 1900 | 5.69 48 | 27140 | 3710 | 7.32 96 | 65890 | 7310 | 9.01 192 | 160000 | 10000 | 16.00 384 | 361000 | 30000 | 12.03 768 | 771000 | 60000 | 12.85 1536 | 1783000 | 120000 | 14.86 3072 | 3805000 | 251000 | 15.16 6144 | 8352000 | 571000 | 14.63 12288 | 18166000 | 1061000 | 17.12 24576 | 39077000 | 2153000 | 18.15 ''DKF'' - This technique is (I believe) known as creating a collation key. Also note that this comparison is not entirely fair, as it is performing additional '''regsub'''s in the -command case, though it is easy to see from a comparison of '''lsort $someList''' with '''lsort -command {string compare} $someList''' that it is still painful to use -command when you don't have to. - See [Custom sorting] on a wrapper for collation key sorting. ---- '''Sorting on multiple indexes''': How does one sort a multi-index? By that is meant something like, "sort by last name, then first name, then age". lsort doesn't offer direct support for multi-indexes. The straightforward approach, therefore, is to use -command. However, [Bruce Hartweg] wisely observes that, as lsort sorts ''stably'', an efficient multi-index sort is achieved by cascading lsort applications--least significant first, of course. See [Additional list functions] for ''multisort'' which packages such cascaded sorts into one call. In the same vein, [Andreas Kupries] wrote on 2001-03-21 in [the comp.lang.tcl newsgroup]: The lsort command uses a 'stable' mergesort. This means that it is possible to sort something after more than one key and the later sorts will not destroy the order of the previous sorts/keys. Quicksort for example is not stable (''DKF:'' it also has some rotten worst-case behaviour, unlike mergesort.) So, just sort after the secondary key first and then after the primary key. like so: set f {{12 11} {12 13} {12 12} {11 14} {13 12}} puts [lsort -index 1 $f] puts [lsort -index 0 [lsort -index 1 $f]] => {12 11} {12 12} {13 12} {12 13} {11 14} !! {11 14} {12 11} {12 12} {12 13} {13 12} ''DKF'' - If you are doing this on a lot of data, it is far more efficient to convert the keys into an additional collation key (as described above in relation to performance-measuring) and sort on that, as this adds two ''O(n)'' (i.e. linear) operations to generate and strip the collation keys and removes an ''O(n log n)'' sort. [KBK] - [Custom sorting] has a worked example of doing what [DKF] recommends above. ---- One thing '''lsort -command''' is good for is to introspect how lsort works. Consider this silly sort function: proc foo {a b} {puts [list $a $b]; return 0} which constantly says its inputs are equal, but logs them to stdout: lsort -command foo {1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10} 1 2 3 4 1 3 2 3 5 6 7 8 5 7 6 7 1 5 2 5 3 5 4 5 9 10 1 9 2 9 3 9 4 9 5 9 6 9 7 9 8 9 Makes it pretty clear how a merge sort works, doesn't it? [RS] ---- Why is -command so slow, anyway? -[FW] ---- [LV] June 2, 2003 Does lsort support [l10n] considerations - such as sorting \u0063 equivalent to \u00e7 - at least in a French locale? - [RS]: No, sorry. One would have to introduce [custom sorting] explicitly depending on requirements (see e.g. [Things British] for British phone-book sorting). ---- See also [list], [lappend], [lindex], [linsert], [llength], [lrange], [lreplace], [lsearch] . ---- [Tcl syntax help] - [Arts and crafts of Tcl-Tk programming] - [Category Command]