Version 21 of nested list

Updated 2009-02-25 17:07:55 by LV

A nested list is simply a list that occurs as an element of another list (which may of course itself be an element of another list, etc.).

Common reasons nested lists arise are:

  1. They're matrices (a list of rows, where each row is itself a list, or a list of columns where each column is itself a list).
  2. Lists are being used for what in other languages is known as structs, records, or tuples -- collections of data with a fixed structure.
  3. A tree is encoded as a list where the subtrees occur as elements (hence lists are nested as deeply as the tree is high).

[Discuss when using a nested list is important or useful - what are cases where it is a good solution]

Before Tcl 8.4, nested lists were quite difficult to work with -- getting nested elements required nesting lindex commands, and the nightmare of setting elements in nested lists without the help of lset is better forgotten -- and as a result older code often uses arrays even in cases where the first-class data status (being possible to pass by value) of a list would have been very useful.

[Discuss which Tcl built in commands can be used to build, search, and maintain the list]

LISP-style lists

In LISP, lists are built by linking "cons cells", which is simply a pair of values (typically implemented close to the hardware, e.g. as a C-struct of two pointers; a Tcl_Obj is a higher level concept) where the first (the head) by convention is the first list element and the second (the tail) is the rest of the list; in the last cell of a list the tail pointer is NULL. The following is (yet another) implementation of this, with Tcl lists of length 2 serving as cons cells. It is probably not of any practical interest.

FM: Maybe an higher concept level has some higher conceptuals properties. Who knows ? A Tcl'ers is always dealing with such things, so why do not have some proc to experiment with it ?

Purely nested list (constant length of 2):

# ensemble of commands      #
set nl2 {
        {} {append {} {}}        
        {} {assign {} {}}
        {} {concat {} {}}
        {} {flat {} {}}
        {} {index {} {}}
        {} {insert {} {}}
        is {
                {} {left {} {}}
                {} {right {} {}}
                {} {mixed {} {}}
        {} {join {} {}}
        {} {left {} {}}
        {} {length {} {}}
        {} {merge {} {}}
        {} {merge-left {} {}}
        {} {merge-right {} {}}
        {} {merge-dict {} {}}
        {} {range {} {}}
        {} {repeat {} {}}
        {} {reverse {} {}}
        {} {right {} {}}
        {} {search {} {}}
        {} {sort {} {}}
        {} {set {} {}}
        {} {transpose {} {}}
        {} {type {} {}}
        {} {!{type} {} {}}

# extra tool
proc ::assemble {NS} {
    foreach ns [::concat [::namespace children $NS] $NS] {
        if {([::namespace children $ns] ne "") && ($ns ne $NS)} {
            ::assemble $ns
        } else {
            ::namespace eval "$ns" {
                ::set Map [list]
                foreach c [::info commands [namespace current]::*] {
                    ::lappend Map [namespace tail $c] $c
                ::namespace ensemble create -map $Map

namespace eval nl2 {
    proc append {L args} {
        # nl2 append ...
        ::upvar $L nl
        ::if {[nl2 is left $nl]} {
                ::for {::set i 0} {[::llength [::lindex $nl {*}$i]]!=0} {::lappend i 0} {}
                ::lset nl {*}$i [nl2 left {*}$args]
        } elseif {[nl2 is right $nl]} {
                ::for {::set i 1} {[::llength [::lindex $nl {*}$i]]!=0} {::lappend i 1} {}
                ::lset nl {*}$i [nl2 right {*}$args]
        } else {
            ::foreach e $args {
                ::lappend nl $e
    proc assign {L varname args} {
        # nl2 assign ...
        if {[nl2 is left $L]} {
            return [nl2 left {*}[uplevel [subst {lassign {[nl2 flat $L]} $varname $args}]]]
        } elseif {[nl2 is right $L]} {
            return [nl2 right {*}[uplevel [subst {lassign {[nl2 flat $L]} $varname $args}]]]
    proc concat {} {
        # nl2 concat ...
        # to do
    proc flat {L} {
        # nl2 flat ...
        ::if {[nl2 is left $L]} {
            ::for {::set i 1} {[::llength [::lindex $L {*}$i]]!=0} {::set i [::linsert $i 0 0]} {
                ::lappend Res {*}[::lindex $L {*}$i]
            return $Res
        } elseif {[nl2 is right $L]} {
            ::for {::set i 0} {[::llength [::lindex $L {*}$i]]!=0} {::set i [::linsert $i 0 1]} {
                ::lappend Res {*}[::lindex $L {*}$i]
            return $Res
    proc index {L args} {
        # nl2 index ...
        ::return [::lindex [nl2 flat $L] $args]     
    proc insert {L index element args} {
        # nl2 insert ...
        if {[nl2 is left $L]} {
                ::return [nl2 left {*}[linsert [nl2 flat $L] $index $element {*}$args]]
        } elseif {[nl2 is right $L]} {
                ::return [nl2 right {*}[linsert [nl2 flat $L] $index $element {*}$args]]
    namespace eval is {
        proc left {L} {
            # nl2 is left ...
            ::set res 1
            ::if {[::llength $L] == 2 && [::llength [::lindex $L 0]] == 0} {
                    ::set res 1
            } elseif {[::llength $L] == 2 && [::llength [::lindex $L 0]] == 2} {
                    ::set res [nl2 is left [::lindex $L 0]]
            } else {
                    ::set res 0
            ::set res               
        proc mixed {L} {
            # nl2 is mixed ...
            set res 0
            if {[set type [nl2 type $L]] eq ""} {return $res}
            set res 1
            foreach e [nl2 index $L] {
                expr {$res && ([nl2 !type $e] eq $type)}
            return $res
        proc right {L} {
            # nl2 is right ...
            ::set res 1
            ::if {[::llength $L] == 2 && [::llength [::lindex $L 1]] == 0} {
                    ::set res 1
            } elseif {[::llength $L] == 2 && [::llength [::lindex $L 1]] == 2} {
                    ::set res [nl2 is right [::lindex $L 1]]
            } else {
                    ::set res 0
            ::set res            
    proc join {L {sz { }}} {
        # nl2 join ...
        ::join [nl2 flat $L] $sz
    proc left {args} {
        # nl2 left ...
        ::set L [::list ""]
        ::set i 0
        ::foreach e $args {
            if {[llength $e] != 1} {
                ::lset L {*}$i [::list "" [list $e]]
            } else {
                ::lset L {*}$i [::list "" $e]
            ::lappend i 0
        ::return {*}$L  
    proc length {L} {
        # nl2 length ...
        ::set j 1
        ::if {[nl2 is left $L]} {
                ::for {::set i 0} {[::llength [::lindex $L {*}$i]]!=0} {::lappend i 0; incr j} {}
        } elseif {[nl2 is right $L]} {
                ::for {::set i 1} {[::llength [::lindex $L {*}$i]]!=0} {::lappend i 1; incr j} {}
        } else {
            ::set res 0
        ::return $j
    proc merge {L0 L1} {
        if {[nl2 is left $L0] && [nl2 is right $L1]} {
            ::set L [list {}]; ::set i {}
            foreach x [nl2 index $L0] y [nl2 index $L1] {
                lset L 0 {*}$i [list $x {} $y]
                ::set i [linsert $i 0 1]
            return $L
        } elseif {[nl2 is left $L1] && [nl2 is right $L0]} {
            ::set L [list {}]; ::set i {}
            foreach x [nl2 index $L1] y [nl2 index $L0] {
                lset L 0 {*}$i [list $x {} $y]
                ::set i [linsert $i 0 1]
            return $L
    proc merge-dict {L0 L1} {
        if {[nl2 is left $L0] && [nl2 is right $L1]} {
            foreach e0 [nl2 index $L0] e1 [nl2 index $L1] {
                ::lappend L $e0 $e1
            return $L
        } elseif {[nl2 is left $L1] && [nl2 is right $L0]} {
            foreach e0 [nl2 index $L0] e1 [nl2 index $L1] {
                ::lappend L $e0 $e1
            return $L
    proc merge-left {L0 L1} {
        if {[nl2 is left $L0] && [nl2 is right $L1]} {
            ::set L [list {}]; ::set i {}
            foreach x [nl2 index $L0] y [nl2 index $L1] {
                lset L 0 {*}$i [list {} $x $y]
                ::set i [linsert $i 0 0]
            return $L
        } elseif {[nl2 is left $L1] && [nl2 is right $L0]} {
            ::set L [list {}]; ::set i {}
            foreach x [nl2 index $L1] y [nl2 index $L0] {
                lset L 0 {*}$i [list {} $x $y]
                ::set i [linsert $i 0 0]
            return $L

    proc merge-right {L0 L1} {
        if {[nl2 is left $L0] && [nl2 is right $L1]} {
            ::set L [list {}]; ::set i {}
            foreach x [nl2 index $L0] y [nl2 index $L1] {
                lset L 0 {*}$i [list $x $y {}]
                ::set i [linsert $i 0 2]
            return $L
        } elseif {[nl2 is left $L1] && [nl2 is right $L0]} {
            ::set L [list {}]; ::set i {}
            foreach x [nl2 index $L1] y [nl2 index $L0] {
                lset L 0 {*}$i [list $x $y {}]
                ::set i [linsert $i 0 2]
            return $L

    proc range {L debut fin} {
        # nl2 range ...
        if {[nl2 is left $L]} {
                ::return [nl2 left {*}[::lrange [nl2 flat $L] $debut $fin]]
        } elseif {[nl2 is right $L]} {
                ::return [nl2 right {*}[::lrange [nl2 flat $L] $debut $fin]]
    namespace eval repeat {
        proc left {count element args} {
            # nl2 left repeat ...
            ::return [nl2 left {*}[lrepeat $count $element {*}$args]]
        proc right {count element args} {
            # nl2 left repeat ...
            ::return [nl2 right {*}[lrepeat $count $element {*}$args]]
    proc reverse {L} {
        # nl2 reverse ...
        if {[nl2 is left $L]} {
            return [nl2 left {*}[lreverse [nl2 flat $L]]]
        } elseif {[nl2 is right $L]} {
            return [nl2 right {*}[lreverse [nl2 flat $L]]]
    proc right {args} {
        # nl2 right ...
        ::set L [::list ""]
        ::set i 0
        ::foreach e $args {
            if {[llength $e] != 1} {
                ::lset L {*}$i [::list [::list $e] ""]
            } else {
                ::lset L {*}$i [::list $e ""]
            ::lappend i 1
        ::return {*}$L 
    proc search {args} {
        # nl2 search ...
        ::set options [lassign [lreverse $args] pattern L]
        if {"-inline" in $options} {
                if {[nl2 is left $L]} {
                        ::return [nl2 left {*}[::lsearch {*}$options [nl2 flat $L] $pattern]]
                } elseif {[nl2 is right $L]} {
                        ::return [nl2 right {*}[::lsearch {*}$options [nl2 flat $L] $pattern]]
        } else {
                ::return [::lsearch {*}$options [nl2 flat $L] $pattern]
    proc sort {args} {
        # nl2 sort ...
        ::set options [lassign [lreverse $args] L]
        if {[nl2 is left $L]} {
                ::return [nl2 left {*}[lsort {*}$options [nl2 flat $L]]]
        } elseif {[nl2 is right $L]} {
                ::return [nl2 right {*}[lsort {*}$options [nl2 flat $L]]]
    proc set {args} {
        # nl2 set ...
        ::set args [lassign $args L]
        upvar $L nl
        ::set index [lassign [lreverse $args] newValue]
        if {[nl2 is left $nl]} {
                ::set nl [nl2 flat $nl]
                ::return [::set nl [nl2 left {*}[lset nl {*}$index $newValue]]]
        } elseif {[nl2 is right $nl]} {
                ::set nl [nl2 flat $nl]
                ::return [::set nl [nl2 right {*}[lset nl {*}$index $newValue]]]
    proc transpose {L} {
        # nl2 transpose ...
        ::if {[nl2 is left $L]} {
            ::return [nl2 right {*}[nl2 flat $L]]
        } elseif {[nl2 is right $L]} {
            ::return [nl2 left {*}[nl2 flat $L]]
    proc type {L} {
        if {[nl2 is right $L]} {
            return "right"
        } elseif {[nl2 is left $L]} {
            return "left"
    proc !type {L} {
        if {[nl2 is right $L]} {
            return "left"
        } elseif {[nl2 is left $L]} {
            return "right"
    ::assemble [namespace current]

package provide nl2 0.1

The nl package has an interface that is close to that of list, making it so easy to remember, with some extra functionality added. There is indoubtly some bugs, please tell me.

Let's test it :

package require Tk
console show

puts [set Left [nl2 left 1 2 3]]
# {{{} 3} 2} 1
puts [nl2 is left $Left]
# 1
puts [nl2 type $Left]
# left
puts [nl2 !type $Left]
# right
puts "index 0 : [nl2 index $Left 0], index 1 : [nl2 index $Left 1], index 2 : [nl2 index $Left 2], index all : [nl2 index $Left]"
# index 0 : 1, index 1 : 2, index 2 : 3, index all : 1 2 3
puts [set Right [nl2 right A B C]]
# A {B {C {}}}
puts [expr {$Left eq $Right}]
# 0

The last command shows the more interesting property : even with the same data, even sorted, Left nested lists are always different from Right nested list and that can be tested. It's like a basic type, since extra information is encoded in the structure. Each kind of purely nested list could be seen as a different type, for instance

puts [nl2 merge $Left $Right]
# gives
# {1 {2 {3 {} C} B} A} 

i.e. a beautiful purely nested list of 3 constant length (look like a binary tree), which can be seen as another pseudo-type, different from 2-length-left-nested or 2-length-right-nested one. Let's imagine a proc which is use to configure a widget.

interp alias {} isOptions {} nl2 is left
interp alias {} isPack {} nl2 is right

proc confwidget {args} {
   foreach l $args {
      if {[isOptions $l]} {
         puts "widget configure {*}[nl2 index $l]"
      } elseif {[isPack $l]} {
         puts "pack configure widget {*}[nl2 index $l]"
      } else {  
         foreach {e0 e1} $l { 
            puts "bind widget $e0 $e1"

set Option [nl2 left -bg red -borderwidth 2 -relief flat -text hello]
# {{{{{{{{} hello} -text} flat} -relief} 2} -borderwidth} red} -bg
set Pack [nl2 right -after Other -side left -expand 1 -fill both]
# -after {Other {-side {left {-expand {1 {-fill {both {}}}}}}}}
set Bind [dict create <Button-1> {script1} <Button-2> {script2}]
# <Button-1> script1 <Button-2> script2

confwidget $Option

# widget configure {*}-bg red -borderwidth 2 -relief flat -text hello

confwidget $Pack

# pack configure widget {*}-after Other -side left -expand 1 -fill both

confwidget $Bind

# bind widget <Button-1> script1
# bind widget <Button-2> script2

# or, doing with all kind :

confwidget $Pack $Option $Bind

# pack configure widget {*}-after Other -side left -expand 1 -fill both
# widget configure {*}-bg red -borderwidth 2 -relief flat -text hello
# bind widget <Button-1> script1
# bind widget <Button-2> script2

# in another order :

confwidget $Option $Pack $Bind

# widget configure {*}-bg red -borderwidth 2 -relief flat -text hello
# pack configure widget {*}-after Other -side left -expand 1 -fill both
# bind widget <Button-1> script1
# bind widget <Button-2> script2

Temporary conclusion : purely nested lists can be used as a pseudo-type. That's not a big suprise. A C-struct can be easily indexed, and also verified, since its length in memory is constant. So should it be for purely-nested list, since their llength are constant (at least if they are constructed with a {} terminator). At each level of representation, high or low, this is the regularity of the structure which helps a programmer to deal with.