Version 5 of odmon

Updated 2018-03-31 22:14:21 by LEG
What odmon - onedrive monitor
Description Frontend for onedrive. onedrive synchronizes one or more Microsoft cloud storage "drives" with your computer.
Contact: LEG
Updated 03/2018
Status experimental

See the README file .

Microsoft OneDrive is a "cloud" file hosting service. Current Microsoft Windows operating systems include a OneDrive client program for syncing local files to the cloud, on older version the client can be installed for free.

The current (2018) incarnation offers a REST API to access and manage the stored content. This allows integration of OneDrive in third party applications.

One of the open source implementation of a OneDrive client for Linux/(*nix?) is onedrive , written in D. Some simple patches by LEG allow to synchronize also OneDrive for Business (and Education) "drives". For each shared "drive", a onedrive process must be started.

The purpose of odmon is to start all configured drives, give some visual clues during synchronization and in the future to allow to find and configure new drives as well as configure selective synchronization.