Version 9 of panedwindow

Updated 2004-07-30 16:07:06 by cl

There are many paned window implementations, including a core one that was released in 8.4. See also paned window.

Here is information on Iwidgets implementation:

Docs can be found at (the example provided may be outdated and fail to work with the latest Tcl/Tk) and

Prompted by an observation by BO that, whereas

    [winfo manager $w] forget $w

does what one want for $w-s managed by pack, place, and grid, but not for panedwindow, Joe English offered this "interesting solution":

    set scratch [winfo parent $w].__temp__
    pack $w in $scratch
    pack forget $w
    destroy $scratch 

Category Widget - Category Command, a part of Tk and incr Widgets