Version 44 of socket -async

Updated 2014-04-24 13:22:43 by oehhar


This page is dedicated to the asyncroneous socket connect, started by 'socket -async'. See the socket page for a general description.

It also serves as communication page for development and compares current TCL 8.5.15, TCL 8.6.1 and future versions.

Async connect got more complicated in TCL 8.6, as multiple destination IPs are internally supported (due to IPV6 or DNS lookup resulting in multiple IPs).

Use cases

Background connect and notification about connect

The typical use-case for background connect is to install a writable event to get notified about the connect. If there is an additional connect timeout, this is canceled by the writable connect.

Typical code:

proc Connected {aid h fromip toip} {
    # cancel timeout
    after cancel aid
    # check connect succes or fail
    set error [fconfigure $h -error]
    if {$error ne ""} {
        catch {close $h}
    # disable writable event as it will come again and again if nothing written here
    fileevent $h writable ""
    # do something with the socket
    puts $h "HELO"
    # install readable event to process reply
    fileevent $h readable Receive
proc Timeout {h} {
    # Connect timeout
    catch {close $h}
# Receive function is not shown here and may be derived from the example below
set h [socket -async $host $port]
set aid [after 10000 [namespace code [list Timeout $h]]]
fileevent $h writable [namespace code [list Connected $aid]]
vwait forever

Background connect and only readevent

If there is no need to get notified on a succesfull connect and no connect timeout needed, one may use a readable connect only.

Attention, this did not work in Windows before 8.5.16 due to bugs:

proc Receive {h fromip toip} {
    # check connect succes or fail
    set error [fconfigure $h -error]
    if {$error ne ""} {
        catch {close $h}
    # get read data and process it
    if {[catch {gets $h} data]} {
        # read error
        catch {close $h}
    if {[eof $h]} {
        # other side disconnected
        catch {close $h}
    # now do something with the data...
set h [socket -async $host $port]
fileevent $h readable Read
# if a message is needed by the server after the connect, send it now non-blocking
# It will be automatically sent when the connect succeeds
fconfigure $h -blocking 0
puts $h "HELO"
flush $h
vwait forever

async connect and blocking operation

A use case is to start multiple connect, do something else and then process the connect state, all in a linear program without event queue. An example is a test if multiple servers are alive.

Example program:

set h [socket -async $host $port]
# do something else which needs time
# check if failed. Start also next try of multiple IPs of $host
set error [fconfigure $h -error]
if {$error ne""} {
    # connect failed
    catch {close $h}
# do something else which needs time
# check if failed. Start also next try of multiple IPs of $host
set error [fconfigure $h -error]
if {$error ne""} {
    # connect failed
    catch {close $h}
# nothing to do, so do the rest syncroneously
# this blocks !
if {[catch {
    puts $h "HELO"
    set Data [gets $h]
    close $h
} error] {
    # connect failed
    catch {close $h}

async connect and no event queue

This example requires the command 'fconfigure -connecting' which is contained in the proposed TIP. It gives the state if the connection process is still running. This allows to do the upper example without blocking commands.

Example program:

set h [socket -async $host $port]
while {[fconfigure $h -connecting]} {
    # do something else which needs time
# connection process terminated - check if failed
set error [fconfigure $h -error]
if {$error ne ""} {
    # connect failed
    catch {close $h}
# do something with the connected socket

Command behaviour

socket -async

'socket -async' host first does a syncroneous DNS lookup.

Then the connect is started as background process.

  • In TCL8.5, this terminates without any interaction by background processes.
  • In TCL8.6, the event loop or command invocation is required to check multiple IPs.
8.6.1 unixok, requires event loop
8.6.1 winonly first IP (broken)
8.6.2+ok, requires event loop
ideasmay be moved in own thread to not require event loop and not to pause between connect tries


Starting the event loop allows in TCL8.6 to continue with the next try or to fail finally. It is not absolutely necessary, as all other socket commands also advance the connect process.

The event queue may also initiate a pending background flush when the socket is succesfully opened.

close on error

As a start point for all other commands: if a failed async connect socket is not closed after the first reported error, bad things like unreported errors etc. may happen.

Please close an async socket connect after the first reported error.

fileevent writable

Fires when async connect terminates with success or error.

'fconfigure -error' may be used in the event procedure to check if the connect was succesful.

8.5.15ok, see bugs
8.6.1 winonly first IP (broken)
8.6.1 unixok

fileevent readable

Fires when async connect terminates with error.

On a succesful connect, it fires only, if there is data received.

'fconfigure -error' may be used in the event procedure to check if the connect was succesful.

8.5.15 unixok
8.5.15 winonly works when also writable event installed, see bugs
8.6.1 winonly first IP and only with writable event (broken)
8.6.1 unixok

blocking gets,read,puts,flush

Remark: a puts may be delayed to a following flush.

The async connect is terminated syncroneously.

On success, the operation is performed.

On connect failure, the error "socket is not connected" is returned. The reason for the connect failure may be investigated using fconfigure -error.

8.5.15 unixok. Instead of "socket is not connected", "broken pipe" may be reported.
8.5.15 winok
8.5.16+ unixok
8.6.1 winonly first IP tested (broken).
8.6.1 unixok. Instead of "socket is not connected", "broken pipe" may be reported.

non blocking gets,read,puts,flush

Remark: a puts may be delayed to a following flush.

The async connect state is checked or continued (next IP) in a non-blocking way.

Eventual pending flush is executed in the background automatically when the connection is established and the event queue is running.

Possible results:

NB1async connect still in progresswrite operation is buffered and sheduled for background flush.
Read operation returns empty string
NB2async connect succeededoperation is directly executed
NB3async connect failedError "socket is not connected" is returned

Implementation status:

8.5.15 unixok. Instead of "socket is not connected", "broken pipe" may be reported.
8.5.15 winok
8.5.16+ unixok. Instead of "socket is not connected", "broken pipe" may be reported.
8.5.16+ winok
8.6.1 winonly first IP (broken)
8.6.1 unixok. Instead of "socket is not connected", "broken pipe" may be reported.
8.6.2+ winok
8.6.2+ unix?


A close while connection is in progress or after a succesful connection should succeed.

A close after a failed connection succeeds.

If a background flush is pending (or already resulted in an error), an error may be shown.

8.5.15ok. Empty error message may appear.
8.5.16+ unixok
8.5.16+ winok
8.6.1ok. Empty error message may appear.


eof should be active:

  • After a read on a socket closed from the other side.
  • never active with async sockets and may not be used to detect the connection status


Any fconfigure command on the socket continues the connect process.

8.6.1 winno
8.6.1 unixno

fconfigure -error

A final connect error should be returned by 'fconfigure -error'. No error should be flagged while connection is running.

Implementation status:

8.5.15 unixok.
8.5.15 winok. Small bug: Failed socket connect error is reported indefinitely
8.5.16+ unixok.
8.5.16+ winok. Small bug: Failed socket connect error is reported indefinitely
8.6.1 winresult of first tested IP (broken)
8.6.1 unixThe errors of all tested IPs show temporarely up

To fix the small bug, that a connect error is repeated indefinitively may introduce compatibility issues of programs which rely on that.

fconfigure -sockname

My own IP of the socket connection. Returns list of IP, Name, Port.

Since IPV6, this value may change within connect tries from "" to "::1". Also the port may change.

Implementation status:

8.5.15 winreturns " 51063"
8.6.1 winreturns ":: :: 51070" if first try is IPV6, otherwise an IP V4 address
8.6.1 unix?

Idea (see TIP): The connection process should not be reflected. A compatibility value or an error should returned while connecting.

If we reflect the connection process, we would have issues later, if we would push the connect process to an own thread.

fconfigure -peername

The destination IP. Returns list of IP, Name, Port.

Since IPV6, this value may change within connect tries. Also the port may change (if auto).

Implementation status:

8.5.15 winreturns information of tried IP while connecting. Error if connection failed
8.6.1 winreturns information of first tried IP. Error if first connect try failed
8.6.1 unixreflects connection process

Idea (see TIP): The connection process should not be reflected. A compatibility value or an error should returned while connecting.


Behaviour of fconfigure -peername, -sockname, -error, -connecting

A discussion tip on the behaviour of those commands while connecting was drafted.

A new option '-connecting' should return 1 if connection is still in process.

Reason for that: there are use cases for socket -async without event loop.

Example: Within Web-Server verify multiple servers for connectivity. Open many sockets in the background, do some other calculations, check if connect terminated by "-connecting".

fconfigure -errorno

A possibility to return the full POSIX information of a background error was drafted.

Two possible solutions:

  • fconfigure -errordict: returns a dict as 'catch {} e d'
  • fconfigure -invokeerror: throws the stored background error or does nothing if no error present


Win TCL8.6.1 only tries first IP

Bug 13d3af3ad5

TCL8.6.1 only tries the first of eventual multiple IP addresses to connect. This may cause serious connect issues, specially with IPV6.

This is fixed in branch bug-13d3af3ad5 which also serves as main branch to fix all bugs in TCL8.6.1 and to test enhancements too.

Win connect ignored

Bug 336441ed59

When a connect terminates to quick so the notifier is not ready yet, the connect is ignored and thus it waits forever for it.

8.5.15bug present
8.6.1bug present
8.6.2+fixed in branch bug-13d3af3ad5

Test is timing dependent and may ignore issue on some machines.

Empty error message on close on failed background flush

Bug 97069ea11a

8.5.15bug present
8.6.1bug present

  Test proposal

The test is difficult, as an async connect must fail after a puts is issued on the channel.

Idea: write a dummy channel driver, which may be set to an error state by fconfigure -seterror and where the readbale/writable state may be set. So one could:

set h [open dummy]
fconfigure $h -seterror EWOULDBLOCK
fileevent $h writable {set x writable}
fconfigure $h -blocking 0
puts $h abc
fconfigure $h -setwritable 1
vwait x
catch {close $h} e d

No readable event on async socket connect failure

Bug 581937ab1e

8.5.15 winbug present
8.5.16+ winFixed
8.6.1 winbug present
8.6.2+ winFixed in bug-13d3af3ad5


Test TCL 8.5 fix for spurious stalls

Andreas, the initiator of Bug 336441ed59 , proposed to test the fix when he has more time. This is still pending.

Clarify demanded functionality

  • What returns fconfigure -peername,-sockname ?

Test bug branch on different platforms

  • MAC: All tests passed (thanks to Kevin Waltzer)
  • BSD: 6 test failures

prioritize connect errors and return most appropriate

If a socket connect fails, the error in the latest connect stage should be returned. This would prioritize "access denied" (e.g. socket in use) before "network unreachable" (no route).

Project stage for Win and Unix.

This is already implemented for Unix server sockets.

TclWinGetSockOpt() stubs entry may return wrong state

The Win TCL stubs table contains an entry for TclWinGetSockOpt() which returns the info from getsockopt().

In TCL8.5, the result of fconfigure -error was always the return value of the system call getsockopt(). In TCL8.6, a connect failure is cached in a variable and returned by fconfigure -error. Eventually, this should also be done by the routine called by the TclWinGetSockOpt stubs entry.

The purpose of this stub entry seams to be from the times of Windows 98 where a WinSock2.dll may not be present. There are no known usage of this. Thus it was decided to leave it as depreciated and to remove it for Tcl9.0.

  send pending data when connected

Wehn one puts pending data while connecting:

set h [socket -async $host $port]
fconfigure $h -blocking 0
puts $h "HELO"
flush $h
vwait forever

this data is automatically sent when the connection is available.

I have no idea how this works, but it seam to work.

If there is a writable event, ok, I see the entry point for the framework, but without ?

This is a marker for me to investigate this.

A proposed test is a bit like that (sorry, in German from an E-Mail to rmax):

Wir brauchen:
- eine Maschine mit IPV4 und IPV6.
- info ob erst IPV4 oder erst IPV6 geprüft wird.
Im folgenden wird (wie bei mir) erst IPV6 geprüft.

Server und Prüfer:
proc accept {s m p} {
    set ::s $s
    set ::x [gets $s]
    # hier kein close, da es auch Prozesse auslösen kann
set server [socket -server accept -myaddr 30000]
vwait x
set x
# -> x muss "Hi" sein
close $server
close $s

Client in extra Prozess
set h [socket -async localhost 30000]
fconfigure $h -blocking 0
puts $h Hi
# stößt eventuell zweiten connectversuch an, aber gibt erstmal
EWOULDBLOCK an Framework zurück...
flush $h
# bis hierhin wird nichts gesendet, da noch der zweite Connectversuch läuft.
# Hier wird jetzt connected und im Hintergrund automatisch das flush
ausgeführt. Wie ? keine Ahnung aber bei mir gehts....
after 2000 {set w 1}
vwait w

# kein close, Daten müssen ohne close ankommen...
# auch kein fileevent, da das auch ein background flush auslöst.