[dbohdan] 2015-03-14: `ssd-info` is meant to be a lightweight replacement for the Windows utility [http://ssd-life.com/eng/screenshots.html%|%SSD Life]. It reports the remaining write resource of your computer's solid state drive using either a [Tk] GUI or plain text. `ssd-info` requires [http://www.smartmontools.org/%|%smartctl] to be installed and must be run as root. **Linux usage** `sudo tclsh ssd-info.tcl /dev/sdX ?-nogui?` **Installation** Using [wiki-reaper]: `wiki-reaper -x 41244 0 | tee ssd-info.tcl && chmod +x ssd-info.tcl` or `wiki-reaper -x 41244 0 | sudo tee /usr/local/bin/ssd-info && sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/ssd-info` '''Warning:''' because `wiki-reaper` works over insecure HTTP make sure to review the code before running it as root. **Screenshot** [ssd-info-0.1-screenshot] **Code** ====== #!/usr/bin/env tclsh namespace eval ssd-info { namespace import ::tcl::mathop::* variable version 0.1.1 variable message {%1$s has %2$s%% of its write resource remaining.} } # Get the value of the SMART vendor attribute $name for $device. proc ::ssd-info::get-attribute {device name} { set value [string trimleft \ [exec smartctl -A $device | awk "/$name/ { print \$4 }"] 0] if {![string is integer -strict $value]} { error "$device has no attribute $name" } return $value } # Get SSD wearout value using one of the two common vendor attributes. proc ::ssd-info::get-wearout {device} { set result {} set error [catch { set result [get-attribute $device Remaining_Lifetime_Perc] }] if {$error} { # Intel SSD. set result [get-attribute $device Media_Wearout_Indicator] } } # Linear interpolation. proc ::ssd-info::interpolate-color {color1 color2 {x 0.5}} { set result {} foreach v1 $color1 v2 $color2 { lappend result [expr { round($v1 * (1 - $x) + $v2 * $x) }] } return $result } # Draw a progress bar-like gradient with text ${value}% over it. proc ::ssd-info::draw-bar {canvas value color {steps 10} {font barFont}} { set width [$canvas cget -width] set height [$canvas cget -height] set barWidth [/ [* $value $width] 100.0] set stepSize [/ $barWidth $steps] set color1 {} foreach x $color { lappend color1 [/ $x 2.0] } set color2 $color # Create a gradient out of rectangles. for {set step 0} {$step < $steps} {incr step} { set color [interpolate-color \ $color1 \ $color2 \ [expr { (1.0 * $step) / ($steps - 1) }]] $canvas create rectangle \ [* $step $stepSize] 0 [* [+ 1 $step] $stepSize] $height \ -width 0 \ -fill [format "#%02x%02x%02x" {*}$color] } $canvas create text \ [/ $barWidth 2] \ [/ $height 2] \ -text "[expr {round($value)}]%" \ -font $font \ -fill white } # Display a GUI showing device wear. proc ::ssd-info::gui {device wear} { variable message package require Tk wm title . "ssd-info" canvas .canvas -width 800 -height 50 ::ttk::label .status \ -text [format $message $device $wear] set font [font actual .canvas] dict set font \ -size [* 2 [dict get $font -size]] font create barFont {*}$font ::ssd-info::draw-bar \ .canvas \ $wear \ [interpolate-color {128 0 0} {0 128 0} [/ $wear 100.0]] \ 100 pack .canvas pack .status } # Produce text output reporting device wear. proc ::ssd-info::report {device wear} { variable message puts [format $message $device $wear] } # From http://wiki.tcl.tk/40097. proc ::ssd-info::main-script? {} { global argv0 if {[info exists argv0] && [file exists [info script]] && [file exists $argv0]} { file stat $argv0 argv0Info file stat [info script] scriptInfo expr {$argv0Info(dev) == $scriptInfo(dev) && $argv0Info(ino) == $scriptInfo(ino)} } else { return 0 } } proc ::ssd-info::main {argv0 argv} { lassign $argv device if {![file exists $device]} { puts "usage: $argv0 device ?-nogui?" exit 0 } set wear [::ssd-info::get-wearout $device] if {[string trimleft [lindex $argv 1] -] ne "nogui"} { gui $device $wear } else { report $device $wear } } if {[::ssd-info::main-script?]} { ::ssd-info::main $argv0 $argv } ====== ---- [AMG]: Rather than [exec]'ing [awk] in the pipeline, I suggest using Tcl's built-in string manipulations. ====== proc ::ssd-info::get-attribute {device name} { set name [regsub -all {[][*+?{}()<>|.^$\\]} $name {\\&}] if {![regsub [format {.*\n\s*\S+\s+%s\s+\S+\s+(\S+).*} $name]\ [exec smartctl -A $device] {\1} result]} { error "$device has no attribute $name" } return $result } ====== Feel free to delete the second line (`set name ...`). I only threw that in there to give a more complete example of building a regular expression that (in part) matches a literal string, even if that literal string contains what would normally be interpreted as metacharacters. **See also** * [A Tachometer-style Meter --- for CPU Usage] * [A Tachometer-style Meter --- for File System Usage] <>Application | Desktop | System Administration | GUI