'''string match''' ''?'''''-nocase'''''? pattern string'' See if ''pattern'' matches ''string''; return 1 if it does, 0 if it doesn't. If '''-nocase''' is specified, then the pattern attempts to match against the string in a case insensitive manner. Compare '''[string equal]''' which compares entire strings or parts of strings but NOT expressions. ---- [LV] Does '''string match''' use the same code as [glob] for this? No. ---- For the two strings to match, their contents must be identical except that the following special sequences may appear in ''pattern'': * '''*''' Matches any sequence of characters in ''string'', including a null string. * '''?''' Matches any single character in ''string''. * '''[['''''chars''''']]''' Matches any character in the set given by ''chars''. If a sequence of the form ''x-y'' appears in ''chars'', then any character between ''x'' and ''y'', inclusive, will match. When used with '''-nocase''', the end points of the range are converted to lower case first. Whereas {[[A-z]]} matches '_' when matching case-sensitively ('_' falls between the 'Z' and 'a'), with '''-nocase''' this is considered like {[[A-Za-z]]} (and probably what was meant in the first place). * '''\'''''x'' Matches the single character ''x''. This provides a way of avoiding the special interpretation of the characters '''*?[[]]\''' in ''pattern''. ---- ====== set hin [open "/tmp/sample.txt" "r"] set data [read $hin] close $hin if [ string match -nocase "*test*" $data ] { puts "Found test" } else { puts "Did not find test" } ====== ---- See also: * [string] ---- [Tcl syntax help] - [Category Command] - [Category String Processing]