Being ambiguous, the word "table" is not used in tcl/tk documents. Instead 1. "grid" is used when referring to layout widgets in table-look style 2. "dictionary" or "matrix" is used when referring to a data structure that can holds tabular data and look up by key value. 3. "multi-column list" is used when referring to layout multi-dimensional data in tabular way or tree style. Please be careful the software development around tcl/tk the word 'table' is overly used and largely inconsistant outside of official tcl/tk release. This wiki page deal with the last definition. Perhaps it is better to rename this page "multi-column list", or mclist, to keep consistance with official documents. Currently there are several implementations of a mclist widget: * [[ttk::treeview]], shipped with tk since 8.5, can do multi-column list and have an example in the package. * [tktable] creates a widget command called ''table'' and installs its doc as tkTable (even though to require the package, you use '''Tktable'''). * [tablelist] * [displaying tables] * [spreadsheet/table widget] * [table widget] * [table listbox widget] * [A minimal table example] * [Draw a table on a canvas] * [tables] * [tree table] * [MegaWidget for tabular data] * [table.tcl] [[Please update the above list to document other examples]] There are many ways of constructing simple table without using any specialized table widget. For example, packing a list of [listbox]es; layout many a [entry] / [label] using [grid] geometry manager of [tk] or the much older '''table''' geometry manager from [BLT]. ---- [RS] 2006-05-31: As data structures, tables (taken as rectangular matrices of strings) can be well represented as a list of lists. Here is code for pretty-printing such a list, the resulting string looking (in fixed-pitch font only) like a table again: proc fmtable table { set maxs {} foreach item [lindex $table 0] { lappend maxs [string length $item] } foreach row [lrange $table 1 end] { set i 0 foreach item $row max $maxs { if {[string length $item]>$max} { lset maxs $i [string length $item] } incr i } } set head + foreach max $maxs {append head -[string repeat - $max]-+} set res $head\n foreach row $table { append res | foreach item $row max $maxs {append res [format " %-${max}s |" $item]} append res \n } append res $head } #-- Testing: set data { {1 short "long field content"} {2 "another long one" short} {3 "" hello} } puts [fmtable $data] #-- shows +---+------------------+--------------------+ | 1 | short | long field content | | 2 | another long one | short | | 3 | | hello | +---+------------------+--------------------+ ---- Extended version, with the framing lines optional: proc fmtable {table {lines 0}} { set maxs {} foreach item [lindex $table 0] {lappend maxs [string length $item]} foreach row [lrange $table 1 end] { set i 0 foreach item $row max $maxs { if {[string length $item]>$max} { lset maxs $i [string length $item] } incr i } } if $lines { set head + foreach max $maxs {append head -[string repeat - $max]-+} set res $head\n set sep | } else {set sep ""} foreach row $table { append res $sep foreach item $row max $maxs {append res [format " %-${max}s $sep" $item]} append res \n } if $lines {append res $head} set res } #-- Testing the two modes: % fmtable {{hello world} {a longstring}} hello world a longstring % fmtable {{hello world} {a longstring}} 1 +-------+------------+ | hello | world | | a | longstring | +-------+------------+ ---- [LV] 2007-12018 I was looking at , which provides a JavaScript table with many useful features. One of the features that I particularly liked was how by default, if the user makes a change in a table ''cell'', the widget adds a ''tic mark'' indicating that it has been changed. That isn't the only nice feature - but certain one that I found appealing. Does anyone know of a Tk based table [widget] that provides that sort of functionality built in? <> Category Discussion | Category Widget