Version 2 of tcl-only datefield

Updated 2004-03-04 11:45:52

if { 0 } {

   NOTE: This code assumes that you are going to always use US style dates...
   It needs to be made more general to cope with UK/European dates i.e. DD/MM/YYYY not just MM/DD/YYYY
   I have made a start .... but I am going to bed now.


if {0} {

I recently needed a datefield widget but didn't want to include the whole iwidget package. So, I just took the iwidget datefield code and modified to work under tcl only.


 # The next line is executed by /bin/sh, but not tcl \
 exec tclsh $0 ${1+"$@"}

 package require Tk
 # datefield.tcl
 # Implements a datefield entry widget ala Iwidget::datefield
 # by Keith Vetter ([email protected])
 # Datefield creates an entry widget but with a special binding to KeyPress
 # (based on Iwidget::datefield) to ensure that the current value is always
 # a valid date. All normal entry commands and configurations still work.
 # Usage:
 #  ::datefield::datefield .df -background yellow -textvariable myDate
 #  pack .df
 # Bugs:
 #   o won't work if you programmatically put in an invalid date
 #     e.g. .df insert end "abc"    will cause it to behave erratically
 # Revisions:
 # KPV Feb 07, 2002 - initial revision

 namespace eval ::datefield {
        namespace export datefield
        namespace export datefield
        proc datefield {w args} {
                eval entry $w -width 10 -justify center $args
                $w insert end [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%m/%d/%Y"]
                $w icursor 0
                $w icursor 0
                bind $w <KeyPress> [list ::datefield::dfKeyPress $w %A %K %s]
                bind $w <Button1-Motion> break
                bind $w <Button2-Motion> break
                bind $w <Double-Button>  break
                bind $w <Triple-Button>  break
                bind $w <2>                              break
                bind $w <2>                              break
                return $w
        # internal routine for all key presses in the datefield entry widget
        proc dfKeyPress {w char sym state} {
                set icursor [$w index insert]
                set icursor [$w index insert]
                # Handle some non-number characters first
                if {$sym == "plus" || $sym == "Up" || \
                                $sym == "minus" || $sym == "Down"} {
                        set dir "1 day"
                        if {$sym == "minus" || $sym == "Down"} {
                                set dir "-1 day"
                        set base [clock scan [$w get]]
                        if {[catch {set new [clock scan $dir -base $base]}] != 0} {
                                return -code break
                        set date [clock format $new -format "%m/%d/%Y"]
                        if {[catch {clock scan $date}]} {
                                return -code break
                        $w delete 0 end
                        $w insert end $date
                        $w icursor $icursor
                        return -code break
                } elseif {$sym == "Right" || $sym == "Left" || $sym == "BackSpace" || \
                                $sym == "Delete"} {
                        set dir -1
                        if {$sym == "Right"} {set dir 1}
                        if {$sym == "Right"} {set dir 1}
                        set icursor [expr {($icursor + 10 + $dir) % 10}]
                        if {$icursor == 2 || $icursor == 5} {;# Don't land on a slash
                                set icursor [expr {($icursor + 10 + $dir) % 10}]
                        $w icursor $icursor
                        return -code break
                } elseif {($sym == "Control_L") || ($sym == "Shift_L") || \
                                ($sym == "Control_R") || ($sym == "Shift_R")} {
                        return -code break
                } elseif {$sym == "Tab" && $state == 0} {;# Tab key
                        if {$icursor < 3} {
                                $w icursor 3
                        } elseif {$icursor < 6} {
                                $w icursor 8
                        } else {
                                return -code continue
                        return -code break
                } elseif {$sym == "Tab" && ($state == 1 || $state == 4)} {
                        if {$icursor > 4} {
                                $w icursor 3
                        } elseif {$icursor > 1} {
                                $w icursor 0
                        } else {
                                return -code continue
                        return -code break

                if {! [regexp {[0-9]} $char]} {                 ;# Unknown character
                        return -code break

                if {$icursor >= 10} {                                   ;# Can't add beyond end 
                        return -code break
                foreach {month day year} [split [$w get] "/"] break

                # MONTH SECTION
                if {$icursor < 2} {
                        foreach {m1 m2} [split $month ""] break
                        set cursor 3                                            ;# Where to leave the cursor
                        if {$icursor == 0} {                            ;# 1st digit of month
                                if {$char < 2} {
                                        set month "$char$m2"
                                        set cursor 1
                                } else {
                                        set month "0$char"
                                if {$month > 12} {set month 10}
                                if {$month == "00"} {set month "01"}
                        } else {                                                        ;# 2nd digit of month
                                set month "$m1$char"
                                if {$month > 12} {set month "0$char"}
                                if {$month == "00"} {
                                        return -code break
                        $w delete 0 2
                        $w insert 0 $month
                        # Validate the day of the month
                        if {$day > [set endday [lastDay $month $year]]} {
                                $w delete 3 5
                                $w insert 3 $endday
                        $w icursor $cursor

                        return -code break
                # DAY SECTION
                if {$icursor < 5} {                                             ;# DAY
                        set endday [lastDay $month $year]
                        foreach {d1 d2} [split $day ""] break
                        set cursor 6                                            ;# Where to leave the cursor
                        if {$icursor <= 3} {                            ;# 1st digit of day
                                if {$char < 3 || ($char == 3 && $month != "02")} {
                                        set day "$char$d2"
                                        if {$day == "00"} { set day "01" }
                                        if {$day > $endday} {set day $endday}
                                        set cursor 4
                                } else {
                                        set day "0$char"
                        } else {                                                        ;# 2nd digit of day
                                set day "$d1$char"
                                if {$day > $endday || $day == "00"} {
                                        return -code break
                        $w delete 3 5
                        $w insert 3 $day
                        $w icursor $cursor
                        return -code break

                # YEAR SECTION
                set y1 [lindex [split $year ""] 0]
                if {$icursor < 7} {                                             ;# 1st digit of year
                        if {$char != "1" && $char != "2"} {
                                return -code break
                        if {$char != $y1} {                                     ;# Different century
                                set y 1999
                                if {$char == "2"} {set y 2000 }
                                $w delete 6 end
                                $w insert end $y
                        $w icursor 7
                        return -code break
                $w delete $icursor
                $w insert $icursor $char
                if {[catch {clock scan [$w get]}] != 0} {;# Validate the year
                        $w delete 6 end
                        $w insert end $year                                     ;# Put back in the old year
                        $w icursor $icursor
                        return -code break
                return -code break
        # internal routine that returns the last valid day of a given month and year
        proc lastDay {month year} {
                set days [clock format [clock scan "+1 month -1 day" \
                                          -base [clock scan "$month/01/$year"]] -format %d]

 ::datefield::datefield .e
 pack .e -padx 30 -pady 30 -fill x -expand 1
 focus .e

Category Package | Category GUI