Version 21 of tclvfs gotchas

Updated 2004-09-14 19:29:29 by SEH

tclvfs is an excellent facility; however, there are some gotchas (as you'd expect for something that exposes the soft underbelly of tcl's file system).

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Also please file bug reports or feature requests for problems you run into where you believe there is a better or more correct behaviour.

Also please make sure you develop with the very latest cvs version of tclvfs. It's a continuously improving system. Old versions can crash on unusual cases, you can waste a lot of time if you don't track the CVS for development.

SEH -- The vfs api layer will catch all errors in the close callback procedure, so if the procedure aborts due to an error, the close command that invoked the callback will still return OK, giving no indication that the close procedure failed and thus possibly lost data.

SEH -- Although the w channel open mode is supported in theory, in practice when the channel is passed to the close callback to be handled no capability is provided to read what's been written to the channel. Thus the written data is inaccessible to the vfs programmer.

So unless you want to limit yourself to read-only filesystems, you must kludge things somehow, like silently switching the mode to w+ in the open procedure and hoping nobody using the vfs assumes a file opened for writing only will have reads blocked.

CMcC I had problems with an old version of memchan which aped this. I see this problem, at base, is that the implementor of a vfs wants to create a channel in one mode (to give to a user), and subsequently escalate that mode to perform more powerful operations.

It would be possible to achieve this escalation in the tclvfs C code which calls the close callback - automatically escalating mode to the maximum possible. There is currently a TIP to expose those mode bits to extensions to try to solve this problem.

I note that the problem hasn't been obvious to date because most of the distributed filesystems use memchan, and memchans are always maximally permissive.

SEH -- You can't use fcopy in the close callback, or otherwise pass data directly from one file channel to another. You have to read channel data into a variable, then write it from the variable to the target channel.

CMcC Once a channel is closed, the only file facilities which the i/o core will permit are read and write. Asynchronous operations ought to be possible, but are probably risky.

SEH -- My understanding was that the channel is not closed in the close callback, merely restricted to seek and read operations. Fcopy illustrates the problem I'm talking about, but you can try the following in the callback procedure:

 set newchannel [open newfile.txt w]
 seek $callbackchannel 0
 puts $newchannel [read $callbackchannel]

and you will notice that no data is transmitted to newchannel, and no error is generated. You will only notice that there was a problem when you find that the data you thought you'd backed up is gone forever.

CMcC I just tried that (with the addition of [close $newchannel] :) and it worked fine. I had an old version of memchan, though, which didn't support seek properly (I think that was the problem) and which indeed failed silently to allow me to read its contents back ... it just always returned "". I found I had both a /usr/lib/Memchan2.2 and a /usr/lib/Memchan2.2.0 which was more current, but which was never being found by the package mechanism.

I think we need to get to the bottom of the problem you observe.

SEH -- I'm not using Memchan at all. The above callbackchannel was created by opening an existing real file.

CMcC -- Ok, well this is puzzling and disturbing ... I'm getting the output in the output file. Can you add tests to discover whether the problem is (a) empty read, (b) failed write, (c) some other error? Can you write to stderr from the close callback?

SEH -- I tried a simple scenario here at work (Win2000) and it seems to work OK as you say. At home (WinXP) is where I have the problems. The problem may be OS-dependent, or it may stem from the rather more complicated arrangements (daisy-chained vfs's) I'm using.

[Category VFS]