** Summary ** '''tk_popup''' is a [Tk] command to post a popup menu. ** Documentation ** [http://www.tcl.tk/man/tcl/TkCmd/popup.htm%|%reference manual]: ** See Also ** [popup]: [Pragmatic use of Pernicious Popups]: how to deal with quirky behaviour on different platforms [menu]: [tk_optionMenu]: ** Synopsis ** '''tk_popup''' ''menu x y ?entry?'' ** DESCRIPTION ** This procedure posts a menu at a given position on the screen and configures Tk so that the menu and its cascaded children can be traversed with the mouse or the keyboard. ''Menu'' is the name of a menu widget and ''x'' and ''y'' are the root coordinates at which to display the menu. If ''entry'' is omitted or an empty string, the menu's upper left corner is positioned at the given point. Otherwise ''entry'' gives the index of an entry in ''menu'' and the menu will be positioned so that the entry is positioned over the given point. [MHo] 2015-06-29: I don't understand why the popup menu don't get keyboard focus if the popup is used "standalone", e.g.: ====== wm withdraw . menu .p -tearoff 0 .p add command -label "one" -command {puts cmd1} .p add command -label "two" -command {puts cmd2} tk_popup .p {*}[winfo pointerxy .] 0 tkwait window .p ====== This shows the menu, but the keyboard focus is elsewhere. Only after right clicking into the popup menu, the widget gains focus. What's the difference with this example? ====== # Create a menu set m [menu .popupMenu] $m add command -label "Example 1" -command bell $m add command -label "Example 2" -command bell # Create something to attach it to pack [label .l -text "Click me!"] # Arrange for the menu to pop up when the label is clicked bind .l <1> {tk_popup .popupMenu %X %Y} ====== [MHo] Meanwhile I found the solution by myself; this works as expected, although the first menu entry isn't always selected.......: ====== wm withdraw . menu .p -tearoff 0 update ; # <=========================================================== .p add command -label "one" -command {puts cmd1} .p add command -label "two" -command {puts cmd2} tk_popup .p {*}[winfo pointerxy .] 0 ====== <> Widget | Category Widget | Category Command | Tk syntax help | Arts and Crafts of Tcl-Tk Programming