What: uDraw(Graph) Where: http://www.informatik.uni-bremen.de/uDrawGraph/en/home.html Description: Drawing graphs without the right tool is simply difficult. uDraw(Graph) automates this task for you. uDraw(Graph) creates your flow charts, diagrams, hierarchies or structure visualizations using automatic layout - much faster than with any standard drawing program. With the API, uDraw(Graph) can even be embedded in your own programs as a visualization component. Version 3.1.1 of uDraw(Graph) is available for download! Versions for LINUX® (Intel®), Sun® Solaris® (SPARC®/Intel®), FreeBSD (Intel®), Windows® and for the first time Apple® Mac OS® X 10.3 Tcl/Tk is a programming language that is used by uDraw(Graph) for the realization of the user interface. uDraw(Graph) offers a Tcl/Tk interpreter that is accessible by the API. This interface can be used by application programmers to create their own application specific windows. The uDraw(Graph) Tcl/Tk interface is able to execute any Tcl/Tk 8.4 script in the same way as a "wish shell" (i.e. Tcl/Tk execution environment) can do. Updated: 3/29/2005 Contact: uDrawGraph@informatik.uni-bremen.de ---- [PWQ] This used to be known as daVinci. It is not open source. [SEH] According to the web site, this package is designed as an open source successor to daVinci. The license appears to be a hybrid of LGPL and Mozilla license. [http://www.informatik.uni-bremen.de/uDrawGraph/en/img/snap1.gif] [http://www.informatik.uni-bremen.de/uDrawGraph/en/img/snap5.gif]