Version 29 of wdb

Updated 2013-08-22 20:49:36 by Jorge

Hi, I'm Wolf-Dieter Busch, living in Germany, and an amateur programmer.

In 1998, I started as a SW project the external editor MTE for the CMS Schematext V.2.4; therefor I learned Tcl/Tk. (Nowadays, the editor is obsolete, but still nice nonetheless.)

Other Tcl-based SW is

AK: Regarding Pachisi see also A little Pachisi game.

JM 2013-8-22, Hi wdb, I tried your xhtml editor but it is showing an error about having Tcl8.3 but needing Tcl 8.4, could you help?

Also, when running the application from the source, it throws this error when I tried to move the cursor on the main text editor window:

 invalid command name "tkTextButton1"
 invalid command name "tkTextButton1"
     while executing
 "tkTextButton1 .window1.text.area 128 110"
     (command bound to event)